By Dan L. Mosier and W. David Menzie

COMMENTS Some of the data represent districts. See figs. 66-67.

Figure 66. Tonnages of Fe skarn deposits. Individual digits represent number of deposits. [Because of limitations on the reproduction of the original figure, these numbers cannot be distinguished in the figure.]

fig 66

Figure 67. Iron grades of Fe skarn deposits. Individual digits represent number of deposits. [Because of limitations on the reproduction of the original figure, these numbers cannot be distinguished in the figure.]

fig 67


Name Country

Adaevka central URRS

Adaevka north URRS

Adaevka south URRS

Agalteca HNDR

Ain Mokra ALGR

Ain Oudrer ALGR

Akatani JAPN

Alagada PORT

Aleshinka URRS

Argonaut CNBC

Asvan TRKY

Auerbach URUR

Ayazmant TRKY

Baghain IRAN

Baisoara RMNA


Beni Douala ALGR

Benkala URRS

Bessemer CNON

Bizmisen-Akusagi TRKY

Blairton CNON

Bolsherechensk URRS

Bulacan PLPN

Brynor CNBC

Calabogie CNON

Camiglia ITLY

Capacmarca PERU

Capitan USNM

Carmen CILE

Cave Canyon USCA

Cehegin SPAN

Chichibu JAPN

Childs Mine CNON

Colquemarca PERU

Copper Flat USNM

Cuchillo-Negro USNM

Daiquiri CUBA

Dammer Nissar PKTN

Dannemora SWDN

Dayton USNV

Divrigi TRKY

Dungun MDGS

Dzama URRS

Eagle Mountain USCA

El Pedroso SPAN

El Sol y La Luna MXCO

El Volcan-Piedra Iman MXCO

Eltay URRS

Estyunin URRS

Fierro-Hannover USNM

Gallinas USNM

Giresun TRKY

Gora Magnitnaya URRS

Gora Vysokaya URRS

Hatillo DMRP

Hierro Indio AGTN

Huacravilca PERU

Hualpai CNBC

Huancabamba PERU


Imanccasa PERU


Iron Duke CNBC

Iron Hat USCA

Iron Mike CNBC

Iron Mountain (Colfax Co.) USNM

Iron Mountain (Sierra Co.) USNM

Iron Springs USUT

Jedway CNBC

Jerez de los Caballeros SPAN


Jicarilla USNM

Jones Camp USNM

Juncos CNBC

Kachar URRS

Kalkan TRKY

Kambaikhin central URRS

Kambaikhin east URRS

Kambaikhin north URRS

Karamadazi TRKY

Kaunisvaara-Masugnsbyn SWDN

Kesikkopru TRKY

Kozyrevka URRS

Kroumovo URRS

Kruglogorsk URRS

Kurzhunkul URRS

La Carmen MXCO

La Laguna DMRP

La Paloma MXCO

La Piedra Iman MXCO

Las Animas Cerro Prieto MXCO

Las Truchas MXCO

Larap-Calambayungan PLPN

Lava Bed USCA

Lebyazhka URRS

Livitaca-Velille PERU

Lomonosov URRS

Maanshan HONG


Marbella SPAN

Marmoraton CNON

Martinovo BULG

Maslovo URRS


Mogpog PLPN

Monte Carmelo NCRG

Munesada JAPN

Nimpkish CNBC

Novo Maslovo URRS

Novo Peschansk URRS

Ocna de Fier RMNA

Old Dad Mountains USCA

Orogrande USNM

Osokino-Aleksandrovsk URRS

Pambuhan Sur PLPN

Pampachiri PERU

Paracale PLPN

Pena Colorada MXCO

Perda Niedda ITLY

Persberg SWDN

Peschansk URRS

Picila MXCO

Piddig PLPN

Plagia GREC

Pokrovsk URRS

Rankin CNON

Recibimiento MXCO

Rondoni PERU


Rudna Glava YUGO

Sabana Grande DMRP

Samli TRKY

San Carlos MXCO

San Juan de Chacna PERU

San Leone ITLY

Sankyo JAPN

Santa Lucia PERU

Santa Rita USNM

Sarbay URRS

Senor de Huarquisa PERU

Severnoe I URRS

Severnoe II URRS

Severnoe III URRS

Shagyrkul URRS

Shasta-California USCA

Shinyama JAPN

Silver Lakes USCA

Sorka URRS

Sosva URRS

South Sarbay URRS

Takanokura JAPN

Tapairihua PERU

Techa URRS

Tecolote USNM

Tepustete MXCO

Texada CNBC

Tovarnica YUGO

Tsaitsukou CINA

Val Di Peio ITLY

Valuev URRS

Vorontsovka URRS

Vulcan USCA

Vyhne CZCL

Wagasennin JAPN

Yellow Jacket USNM

Zanitza MXCO

Zarikan IRAN

Zeballos CNBC