U.S. Geological Circular 1247
By Devin L. Galloway, William M. Alley, Paul M. Barlow, Thomas E. Reilly and Patrick Tucci
The report is available in PDF format.
Hydrologic stresses throughout the 20th century and presently (2003) have caused the depletion and degradation of our Nation’s vital ground-water resources in many areas. Management strategies have been and are being implemented to optimize use of our ground-water resources with respect to achieving sustainability while mitigating the consequences of future withdrawals. The seven case studies presented herein show how the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with local, State and other Federal agencies, as well as the private sector, have addressed some of the complexities of ground-water management using scientifically-based hydrologic studies and hydrologic monitoring. It is clear that the managed conjunctive use of our combined ground-water and surface-water supplies, and the artificial recharge of our ground-water systems present both challenges and opportunities. How well we manage these options depends upon best science practices, improved understanding of the resources, and the informed consensus of all stakeholders.
Evaluation of ground-water management alternatives,
Owens Valley, California
Conjunctive management of ground-water and surface-water
resources, Hunt-Annaquatucket-Pettaquamscutt Basin, Rhode Island
Ground-water recharge processes,
Rillito Creek, Tucson, Arizona
Bank filtration,
Nebraska and Ohio
Equus beds ground-water recharge demonstration project,
Wichita, Kansas
Ground-water depletion and aquifer storage and recovery,
Antelope Valley (Mojave Desert), California
Management responses to saltwater intrusion,
City of Cape May, New Jersey
Challenges and opportunities
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