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Coal Resource Classification System of the U.S. Geological Survey

By Gordon H. Wood, Jr., Thomas M. Kehn, M. Devereux Carter, and William C. Culbertson


Table 3. - Summary of coal resource criteria

Feet (Meters)
Inches (Centimeters)
Identified and undiscovered resources:        
Anthracite and bituminous coal £ 6,000 (1,800) ³ 14 (35)
Subbituminous coal and lignite £ 6,000 (1,800) ³ 30 (75)
Reserve base and inferred reserve base:        
Anthracite and bituminous coal £ 1,000 (300) ³ 28 (70)
Subbituminous coal £ 1,000 (300) ³ 60 (150)
Lignite £ 500 (150) ³ 60 (150)
Reserves2, marginal reserves, and inferred reserves2:        
(Criteria same as reserve base and inferred reserved base but with factors based on engineering and economic analysis applied.)        
Subeconomic resources:        
Anthracite and bituminous coal 0-1,000 (300) 14 (35) -28 (70)
  1,000(300)-6,000 (1,800) ³ 14(35)  
Subbituminous coal 0-1,000 (300) 30 (75) -60(150)
  1,000 (300)-6,000 (1,800) ³ 30(75)  
Lignite 0-500 (150) 30 (75) -60 (150)
  500 (150)-6,000 (1,800) ³ 30(75)  

1The metric thicknesses shown in parentheses are not exact equivalents of the thicknesses shown in feet; for convenience, they have been rounded to the amounts shown.
2Includes some beds that are thinner and (or) deeper than the general criteria permit, but that are being mined currently.


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