Water Quality in the Hudson River Basin, New York and Adjacent States, 1992-95

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Location map of the study unit

STREAM-BOTTOM SEDIMENT - Stream-bottom sediments in some urban streams and at some sites on large rivers in the Hudson River Basin have elevated concentrations of metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) compared to results from sites in other NAWQA Study Units; some of these concentrations exceed federal or state water-quality standards.

FISH TISSUE - Although banned for more than 20 years, PCBs, DDT and (or) its breakdown products were detected in composites of whole fish from many sites, and were most frequently detected in samples from sites on large rivers and in small urban watersheds.

STREAM ECOLOGY - Most agricultural and urban streams studied supported a smaller number of intolerant fish and macroinvertebrate species than that expected in streams with undisturbed chemistry and (or) habitat.

SURFACE-WATER AND GROUND-WATER CHEMISTRY - The concentrations of dissolved pesticides and nutrients in samples from most sites in the Hudson River Basin were below the national median concentrations. In some samples, however, water-quality standards or guidelines for these and other constituents were exceeded.

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1165

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Suggested citation:
Wall, G.R., Riva-Murray, K., and Phillips, P.J., 1998, Water Quality in the Hudson River Basin, New York and Adjacent States, 1992-95: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1165, on line at <URL:>, updated May 1, 1998 .

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