Water Quality in the Las Vegas Valley Area and Carson and Truckee River Basins, Nevada and California, 1992-96

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Urban Activities Have Been Sources of Nutrients, Synthetic Organic Compounds, and Trace Elements

Surface-Water Quality

Urban activities may create conditions that result in higher-than-normal concentrations of the nutrients, ammonia, nitrite plus nitrate (hereafter referred to as nitrate), and phosphate, trace elements, and synthetic organic compounds including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalate esters, phenols, organochlorine pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in water bodies downstream from urban areas. The degree to which downstream water bodies are affected by urban activities depends on many factors such as the size of the urban area, the types of residential, commercial, and industrial activities, and the hydrologic setting.

Nutrients Increased Downstream From Discharges of Sewage

Between 1974 and 1988, the annual total nitrogen load in Las Vegas Wash downstream from sewage discharge increased more than threefold from 750 to 2,400 tons and closely paralleled the population growth during that time. This nitrogen load consisted almost entirely of ammonia. Except for infrequent rainstorms, streamflow upstream from the sewage discharges (fig. 5) was almost entirely urban drainage (site 1, fig. 7). Downstream from sewage discharges (site 2, fig. 7), streamflow in Las Vegas Wash was mostly sewage effluent (86 percent of streamflow in 1990) [28].

nutrient map
(click for full size image; 52K)

Figure 7. Median concentrations of nutrients during 1993-95 were highest downstream from the discharge of tertiary-treated sewage.

The median ammonia concentration was 2 times higher than the NAWQA national median downstream from Las Vegas urban area, but nearly 300 times higher downstream from the discharge of tertiary-treated sewage. Surface-water samples collected from Las Vegas Wash between April 1993 and April 1995 contained high nutrient concentrations (fig. 7). Ammonia was still a large proportion of the total nitrogen load downstream from the points of sewage discharge (fig. 5). All NAWQA samples collected in Las Vegas Wash downstream from the sewage discharges between April 1993 and April 1995 exceeded the aquatic-life criterion for un-ionized ammonia (0.07 to 2.1 mg/L as N, depending on water temperature and pH [29]). Based on data provided by Steven W. Miller (City of Las Vegas, written commun., 1998), concentrations of ammonia had decreased fivefold in samples collected from Las Vegas Wash during 1996 and 1997, following full implementation of tertiary treatment. These greatly reduced concentrations of ammonia indicate that the aquatic-life criterion for un-ionized ammonia probably is no longer being exceeded.

Nitrate and total-phosphorus concentrations were much higher at the sites on Las Vegas Wash (fig. 7), as compared to sites in the Carson and Truckee River Basins (fig. 7). The median concentration of nitrate for Las Vegas Wash did not exceed the MCL of 10 mg/L as N [7].

Truckee River nutrient concentrations were much lower than those in Las Vegas Wash but were greater downstream from the Reno-Sparks urban area and the discharge of tertiary-treated sewage. Between April 1993 and April 1995, ammonia, nitrate, and total phosphorus were much greater (3 to 10 times) in the river at site 5 (fig. 7) downstream from the discharge of tertiary-treated sewage (fig. 5), as compared to sites 3 and 4. However, Steamboat Creek and other tributaries enter the Truckee River between Reno-Sparks (site 4) and site 5. Just upstream from Pyramid Lake (site 6, fig. 7), ammonia and nitrate had decreased to concentrations close to those measured in the forested headwater area (site 3), but total phosphorus remained elevated (fig. 7). A similar pattern of nitrate and dissolved-phosphorus concentrations was documented in the Truckee River from October 1969 to April 1990 [28]. Nine percent of the NAWQA samples at site 5 (fig. 7) exceeded the aquatic-life criterion for un-ionized ammonia. Nitrate concentrations in NAWQA samples from the Truckee River were low compared to other NAWQA Study Units and did not exceed the MCL. Sewage from Reno-Sparks undergoes tertiary treatment prior to discharge. Although concentrations of nutrients in NAWQA samples were low, the State of Nevada has identified elevated levels of total phosphorus, ammonia, and nitrate as special concerns [30].


Numbers of Pesticides Were Greatest Downstream From Las Vegas and Reno-Sparks

In samples from Las Vegas Wash and the tertiary-treated sewage, 27 pesticides were detected [31]. During 1993-95, twenty-four of these compounds were detected in samples from Las Vegas Wash downstream from the urban area but upstream from the discharge of sewage. The source of these compounds was urban drainage from the Las Vegas area. At least one pesticide was detected in each of the samples collected at this site. The most commonly detected pesticides were the herbicides simazine (98 percent of the samples), prometon (94 percent), diuron (76 percent), and DCPA (69 percent), and the insecticides diazinon (100 percent) and malathion (52 percent). Only one pesticide in one sample from Las Vegas Wash upstream from the discharge of sewage exceeded an MCL. Simazine, a herbicide, exceeded the MCL of 4 µg/L [7]. The aquatic-life criterion for diazinon (0.08 µg/L [32]) was exceeded in 47 percent of the samples and malathion exceeded the criterion (0.1 µg/L [33]) in 25 percent of the samples.

The sewage effluent had detections of 9 compounds and Las Vegas Wash downstream from the discharge of sewage had detections of 12 compounds, during May-August 1994. Las Vegas Wash transports these pesticides to Las Vegas Bay of Lake Mead.

Fourteen pesticides were detected in surface-water samples from the Truckee River and its tributaries downstream from Reno-Sparks urban area, during May-August 1994. Upstream from the Reno-Sparks urban area, the Truckee River had only one pesticide detected in water samples, but downstream 10 compounds were detected. All detections of pesticides had concentrations less than 0.2 µg/L. The most commonly detected pesticides, present at two or more sites on the Truckee River downstream from the Reno-Sparks area, were atrazine, DCPA, deethyl atrazine (a degradation product of atrazine), diazinon, prometon, and simazine. None of these pesticide detections exceeded available MCLs or aquatic-life criteria.

VOCs (THMs and MTBE) Were Detected Downstream From Las Vegas

VOCs were detected in all four samples collected at Las Vegas Wash downstream from the discharge of treated sewage during 1995. All samples contained trihalomethanes (THMs) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE). Of the THMs detected, two were detected in all samples; chloroform ranged from 0.6 to 1.4 µg/L and bromodichloromethane ranged from 0.2 to 0.4 µg/L. Two other THMs detected were bromoform (one sample) and chlorodibromomethane (two samples). THMs are known to form when water is chlorinated. MTBE, a gasoline oxygenate, was detected at concentrations that ranged from 0.7 to 1.3 µg/L. The source of these VOCs may be urban drainage from Las Vegas or treated sewage discharged into Las Vegas Wash. The combined concentrations of THMs did not exceed the proposed MCL of 80 µg/L [7] and MTBE did not exceed the drinking water advisory at 20-40 µg/L [34].

Bottom Sediment Was Enriched with Trace Elements Downstream From Las Vegas and Reno-Sparks

Between 1992 and 1996, a large suite of trace elements and synthetic organic compounds were measured in bottom sediment collected from seven sites in Las Vegas Valley and six sites in the Truckee River Basin. Trace elements were analyzed for the silt- and clay-sized particles smaller than 0.063 millimeter (mm) [35]. Elevated concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, and zinc are common in water and bottom sediment within urban areas [36,37,38]. Because these five elements may be indicative of an urban influence, they were used to compute an urban trace-element index (UTEI) for each site in Las Vegas Valley and the Truckee River Basin. This index was calculated by computing the ratio of the concentration of each element at each site to the corresponding element concentration at a background (unaffected by urban activities) site [39], then summing these ratios to get one value for each site.

The background site for Las Vegas Valley (site 3, fig. 8A) drains an area east of Las Vegas Wash. Although a U.S. Air Force base is upstream from this site, the trace-element concentrations were the lowest measured in Las Vegas Valley during the NAWQA study. The background site in the Truckee River Basin (site 2, fig. 9A) is upstream from Reno-Sparks [39]. Both sites appear to be minimally affected by urban activity.

Bottom sediment in water bodies downstream from the Las Vegas and Reno-Sparks urban areas were enriched with trace elements. The UTEIs for the lower part of Las Vegas Wash (site 6, fig. 8A) and Las Vegas Bay (fig. 3) near the mouth of Las Vegas Wash (site 7) were about 1.5 to 2 times higher than the background site, respectively. This indicates that drainage and sewage effluent from the Las Vegas urban area has enriched the bottom sediment in water bodies downstream with cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, or zinc. 

In the Truckee River Basin, the highest UTEI in bottom sediment was measured at a site within Reno (site 3, fig. 9A). The UTEI is three times higher at the Reno site than upstream at the background site (site 2). Several miles downstream from the Reno-Sparks urban area (site 4), the UTEI drops markedly but still is about 50 percent higher than background. The UTEI remains at this level downstream at site 5. 

index of trace elements 
(click for full size image; 35K) 

Figure 8. An index of trace elements (A) commonly associated with urban activities (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, and zinc) and numbers of synthetic organic compounds (B) detected in bottom sediment were high downstream from the Las Vegas urban area.

Synthetic Organic Compounds Were Found in Bottom Sediment Downstream From Las Vegas and Reno-Sparks

Four classes of synthetic organic compounds were detected in bottom sediment collected from sites in Las Vegas Valley and three classes were detected in Truckee River bottom sediments. Twelve compounds--six PAHs, four phthalate esters, and two phenols--were detected in clay-, silt-, and sand-sized particles smaller than 2.0 mm [35] at the background site in the Las Vegas Valley (site 3, fig. 8B). PAHs can be produced by human activities and natural processes, including incineration of wastes or forest fires [40]. Phthalate esters are used as plasticizers in manufacturing processes, and phenols are used in the production of pesticides, pharmaceuticals, dyes, plastics, and explosives [40]. Only 9 organic compounds were detected in Las Vegas Bay (site 7), the lowest number detected in the Las Vegas Valley area, but 16 compounds were detected at site 6, upstream from Las Vegas Bay. Twenty-one compounds were detected in Flamingo Wash (site 2). Bottom-sediment samples from those streams that drain the most urbanized parts of Las Vegas Valley contained the greatest number of organic compounds (fig 8B). The most commonly detected organochlorine compounds were chlordane and degradation products of DDT such as DDD. These compounds did not exceed sediment-quality guidelines proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [41]. index of trace elements
(click for full size image; 54K)

Figure 9. An index of trace elements (A) commonly associated with urban activities (cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, and zinc) and numbers of synthetic organic compounds (B) detected in bottom sediment were high downstream from the Reno-Sparks urban area.

Photo showing electrofishing 

Electrofishing for carp on Lake Mead, May 1995. Photograph by Kenneth J. Covay, U.S. Geological Survey.

The NVBR NAWQA, National Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service studied the occurrence of synthetic organic compounds and their potential effects on endocrine systems of carp in Las Vegas Wash and Las Vegas and Callville Bays of Lake Mead [42]. Las Vegas Wash transports urban drainage and sewage effluent from Las Vegas Valley to Las Vegas Bay. Callville Bay, in a part of Lake Mead that is upstream from Las Vegas Bay, was used as a background site. 

Synthetic organic compounds including organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, dioxins and furans, phthalate esters, and phenols were detected at higher concentrations in the water column, bottom sediments, or carp tissues from Las Vegas Wash and Bay than from Callville Bay [42]. The authors concluded that Las Vegas Wash was contributing the compounds to Lake Mead. 

PCBs have been used as plasticizers, as hydraulic lubricants in heat-transfer systems, and as dielectric fluids in electrical capacitors and transformers [40]. Dioxins and furans were produced inadvertently during the manufacture of pesticides and PCBs; they are commonly found in effluent from sewage-treatment plants [40].

As a result of findings by this study and other water-quality issues, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection instituted the Lake Mead Water Quality Forum. Forum members, including representatives of Federal, State, and local agencies and Las Vegas area communities, meet to discuss and exchange information on water-quality issues.

Synthetic organic compounds were detected at all sites in the Truckee River Basin, including the background site (two phthalate esters and two phenols; site 2, fig. 9B). Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs were not detected in bottom-sediment samples from the Truckee River. The bottom sediment at site 5 contained the largest number of compounds (18) detected in the basin, representing PAH, phthalate ester, and phenol classes (fig. 9B). Bottom sediment at site 1 contained the second largest number of compounds (14), site 4 had 13 compounds, and site 3 had 10 compounds. These sites are affected by urban activities. The farthest downstream sampling site (site 6) had only two compounds, both in the phenol class.

photo showing NPS divers

National Park Service divers retrieve semipermeable membrane devices from Lake Mead, July 1995. Photograph by Kenneth J. Covay, U.S. Geological Survey.


Ground-Water Quality

Shallow monitoring wells near the water table and deeper supply wells in principal aquifers in urban areas were sampled to determine the effect of urban activities on ground-water quality [12]. The effects of urban land use can be indicated by detections of nitrate (from sewage or fertilizers) and synthetic organic compounds (pesticides and VOCs). In Las Vegas Valley, 32 shallow monitoring wells and 22 supply wells in underlying, deeper principal aquifers were sampled. In the Reno-Sparks area, 28 shallow monitoring wells and 18 supply wells in underlying, deeper principal aquifers were sampled.

NAWQA samples from principal aquifers in urban areas generally did not contain nitrate or synthetic organic compounds at levels that pose a risk to human health. Other parts of principal aquifers not sampled during this study, however, are contaminated [1]. Small concentrations of synthetic organic compounds were present in many water-supply wells, which indicates that some water from the shallow water-table aquifers is moving into the principal aquifers. Because the shallow water-table aquifers were contaminated in urban areas of the Study Unit, the potential exists for water and accompanying contaminants to make their way into principal aquifers [12].

 Contamination of principal aquifers may be enhanced by certain natural and human-induced factors. Areas where ground water moves downward due to natural conditions or ground-water withdrawals, and where no confining layers separate the shallow water-table and deeper principal aquifers, are susceptible to contamination. Even in areas with a protective confining layer, several mechanisms exist that could compromise the integrity of the confining layers and allow migration of contaminants into the principal aquifers used for water supply. Among these mechanisms are overpumping of an aquifer, causing subsidence and disturbance of a confining layer; breaking of a well casing due to subsidence; improper well construction; and downward movement of water in abandoned or nonpumping wells. Artificial recharge is another mechanism that can move contaminants into ground-water supplies.

bottom-sediment samples photo 

Bottom-sediment samples are collected from Lake Mead, July 1995. Photograph by Kenneth J. Covay, U.S. Geological Survey.

Nitrate Was High in the Shallow Aquifers Beneath the Las Vegas Urban Area

Nitrate contamination of ground water in urban areas can be caused by excess fertilizer application and by sewage from septic systems or leaky sewer pipes. These sources of contamination commonly affect shallow water-table aquifers [43]. Once the shallow water-table aquifer is contaminated, it becomes a source of contaminants to the deeper principal aquifer. 

Shallow water-table aquifers in urban areas within the NVBR Study Unit had a wide range of nitrate concentrations. In Las Vegas, the median nitrate concentration (4.4 mg/L as N) for 32 monitoring wells tapping the shallow aquifer was more than double the national NAWQA median. Twelve percent of the samples equaled or exceeded the nitrate MCL [44] of 10 mg/L as N [7]. In the Reno-Sparks area, nitrate concentrations (median, 0.9 mg/L as N) were about equal to the national median.

NAWQA samples from principal aquifers in urban areas within the NVBR Study Unit had nitrate concentrations that were less than the national NAWQA median. No NAWQA water sample from deeper principal aquifers in urban areas of the NVBR Study Unit exceeded the MCL for nitrate.

Pesticides Were Commonly Detected in Aquifers Beneath the Reno-Sparks Urban Area

Forty-seven percent of the water samples from shallow monitoring wells in urban areas (Reno-Sparks and Las Vegas areas) had pesticide detections. Triazine herbicides were the most commonly detected compounds and included atrazine, deethyl atrazine (a degradation product of atrazine), prometon, and simazine. The Reno-Sparks area had a higher frequency of pesticide detections (68 percent) than the Las Vegas area (28 percent). Two or more pesticides were detected in 39 percent of the samples from the Reno-Sparks area [45] and in 9 percent of the samples from the Las Vegas area. All detections of pesticides were at concentrations that did not exceed available MCLs. Pesticide occurrences in samples from wells in shallow water-table aquifers were more prevalent in urban areas than in agricultural areas within the NVBR Study Unit. As a result of the pesticide detections by the NVBR NAWQA study, the Nevada Division of Agriculture is cooperating with the U.S. Geological Survey to develop a network for monitoring pesticides in shallow ground water [46]. The Nevada Division of Agriculture also is reviewing NVBR NAWQA data to evaluate pesticide registrations for Nevada.

In urban land-use areas, 44 percent of the samples from supply wells in the principal aquifer in the Reno-Sparks area and 14 percent from the Las Vegas area contained pesticides at low concentrations (less than 0.1 µg/L). Six different compounds, mostly triazine herbicides, were detected. Two or more pesticides were detected in 22 percent of the supply wells sampled in the Reno-Sparks area. Effects of multiple pesticides at low levels are not known.

VOCs Were Detected in About 50 Percent of the Sampled Wells

More than 50 percent of the samples taken from shallow monitoring wells had detections of one or more VOCs [12]. Three general types of VOCs commonly were detected in shallow ground water: solvents, THMs, and MTBE. Chloroform, a THM, was detected in samples from the Las Vegas (68 percent) and Reno-Sparks (21 percent) urban areas. Samples exceeded MCLs [7] for the chlorinated solvents tetrachloroethylene (three samples) and trichloroethylene (one sample), and two samples exceeded the USEPA drinking water advisory (20-40 µg/L) for MTBE [34].

VOCs were detected in 45 percent of the samples taken from supply wells in principal aquifers in urban areas. Among the 12 compounds detected, chloroform was the most common (39 percent of the samples). Chloroform was detected more commonly in Las Vegas (50 percent of the samples) than in the Reno-Sparks area (28 percent). Other VOCs detected in samples from principal aquifers in urban areas were tetrachloroethylene (13 percent), trichlorofluoromethane (8 percent), and a few other THMs in one or two samples each. Individual THM concentrations ranged from 0.2 to 23 µg/L, and combined concentrations did not exceed the MCL of 80 µg/L [7]. One sample from the principal aquifer beneath the Las Vegas urban area had a tetrachloroethylene concentration (21 µg/L) greater than the MCL of 5 µg/L [7].

well photo 

Shallow monitoring well in Reno-Sparks urban area, October 1995. Photograph by Michael S. Lico, U.S. Geological Survey.

U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1170

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Suggested citation:
Bevans, H.E., Lico, M.S., and Lawrence, S.J., 1998, Water Quality in the Las Vegas Valley Area and the Carson and Truckee River Basins, Nevada and California, 1992-96, on line at <URL:>, updated 19 March 1998

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