Notes on the contents of the folders created by extracting data from the correlation zip files (like gc_correlations.ZIP). The correlation zip files contain a directory that holds the data. Each directory and data file has a prefix that represents the 1 by 2 degree region covered by the data. These prefixes are: "f" or "fg" for Flagstaff "gc" for Grand Canyon "h" or "hb" for Holbrook "mc" for Marble Canyon "p" or "pr" for Prescott "w" or "wl" for Williams "fa" for the focus area The unzipped correlations folder the Grand Canyon sheet is therefore named "gc_cor". It contains 3 tiff files: GC_CBA_1-15.tif: Keyed correlations between the complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map and surface lineaments (see report) with values of 1-15 GC_IGA_1-15.tif: Keyed correlations between the isostatic gravity anomaly map and surface lineaments (see report) with values of 1-15 GC_MAG_1-15.tif: Keyed correlations between the complete magnetic anomaly map and surface lineaments (see report) with values of 1-15 (These files are not available in the focus area.) These directory (folder) is also an ARC/INFO workspace and includes the following ARC/INFO grids (again, for the Grand Canyon 1 by 2 degree sheet) gc_cba_cor: Keyed correlations between the complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map and surface lineaments (see report) with values of 1-15 gc_iga_cor: Keyed correlations between the isostatic gravity anomaly map and surface lineaments (see report) with values of 1-15 gc_mag_cor: Keyed correlations between the complete magnetic anomaly map and surface lineaments (see report) with values of 1-15 In addition, a stack of the 3 ARC/INFO grids was made as follows: MAKESTACK gc_corr list gc_cba_cor gc_iga_cor gc_mag_cor (some stacks, like Flagstaff, might use "f_cor" instead or "f_corr" for the name) The grids can be viewed as one image with the ARC/INFO gridcomposite command: gridcomposite rgb gc_cba_cor gc_iga_cor gc_mag_cor equalarea Then, use the ARC/INFO cellvalue command on the stack to view the value of each cell for each grid: cellvalue gc_corr *