2-7. Kohala-Laupahoehoe landslide [P. Lipman]
Dives on the deep ridges and elongate basins
of the Laupahoehoe slump area (Smith et al.,
in press), newly identified by the JAMSTEC
SeaBeam surveys (Fig. 2-7-1), would provide
especially intructive counterparts to the
Hilina and South Kona benches, as well as
potential samples of ancestral Kohala volcano.
The Hilo Ridge, previously interpreted as
the submarine extension of an east rift zone
of Mauna Kea, may alternatively be the east
rift zone of a highly elongate large Kohala
edifice (Holcomb et al, 2000; Kauahikaua
et al., 2000); as such it could also provide
important samples of early Kohala growth.
The Laupahoehoe slump appears to be overridden
by the Pololu debris avalanche, located farther
NW and previously interpreted to have its
headwall in the large subaerial valleys on
NE Kohala (Moore et al., 1989. Characterized
by an ENE failure direction and hummocky
terrain containing blocks and/or cones 2-5
km in diameter of 50-200 m relief, the Pololu
slide impinges upon structures at ~3000 m
water depth (wd) that are proposed to constitute
the Laupahoehoe slump or compressional bench.
These structures are NE-oriented scarp-and-bench
topographic features analogous to the Hilina
bench on the mobile SE flank of Kilauea;
they may have formed similarly by mechanisms
of volcano spreading at the toe of a slump
structure initiated higher on the island.
Six enclosed basins (100-400 m deep, 4-10
km long, 1-5 km wide) lie at 3000-5000 m
wd, fronted by 50-200 m high ridges on their
seaward sides. The basins may result from
local rotational slumps or from uplift above
discontinuous thrust faults in the bench.
Prominent slope breaks at ~1100 and ~400
m wd mark the end of tholeiitic shield building
at Kohala and Mauna Kea respectively; the
Laupahoehoe benches are overlain by both
shield margins and most likely were derived
from an elongate Kohala edifice. The smoothly
dipping slope of northeastern Mauna Kea at
1200-3000 m wd appears to have grown over
the older slide terrane; it resembles the
upper Kilauea flank of the Hilina slump,
which is known to be well-sedimented and
composed of primary volcanics. The two-slide
complex is 90 km wide and abuts the distal
Haleakala east rift zone. An outer debris
apron continues 95 km from the base of the
island, as recorded by GLORIA side-scan sonar
A puzzling feature for a feature related
to the growth of Kohala (probably at ~0.4-1
Ma), however is the presence of closed basins,
incompletely filled with sediment, behind
the Laupahoehoe benches. Alternatively to
a purely Kohala-related origin, could the
closed basins record continued volcano spreading
due to proximity to the high Mauna Kea edifice,
but without development of upslope extension
and slump structures? Critical observations
would be presence or absence of recent deformation
structures and/or fresh talus on the deep
scarps below the Laupahoehoe benches.
Another important problem is the degree of
similarity/differences among tholeiites from
the successive Kea-trend volcanoes on Hawaii
Island (Kilauea, Mauna Kea, Kohala) that
have been potential sources of volcaniclastic
deposits sampled in the Hilina bench, Hawaii
Scientific drill hole, and the distal turbidites.
Reliable compositional data are now available
for Kilauea (young lavas, marine samples)
and Mauna Kea (drill hole), but not from
Kohala because of the ubiquitous weathering
of its subaerial tholeiite. Basalt samples
from the deep-water lower slope of the Laupahoehoe
benches and/or the Hilo Ridge will have far
better quality for petrologic study than
subaerial tholeiite material from Kohala,
and should provide some of the first reliable
materials to characterize this large Kea-trend
volcano. These sites also offer the possibility
of recovering transitional or alkalic basalt
from early growth stages of Kohala, analogous
to those recently found along the lower scarp
of the Hilina bench offshore of Kilauea volcano.
Year 2001 dive targets: The attached map (Fig. 2-7-1) show two recommended
dive sites on the Laupahoehoe slump targeting
steep slopes along the lower benches, based
mainly on the available JAMSTEC bathymetry,
geologic interpretation (Smith et al., in
press), and analogies with successful sampling
strategies along the lower south flank of
Hawaii Island. Especially promising is the
western site, because it is likely closest
to the intrusive core of Kohala, as demarked
by gravity data, and thus is the best candidate
to sample debris from the ancestral alkalic
edifice. If initial dive(s) in the Laupahoehoe
area are successful, they will provide a
framework for a more detailed future study,
including relations with deeper parts of
the Pololu slide. A third potential pilot
dive site is along the base of the distal
Hilo Ridge. This ridge has never been studied
by diving, and compositional date for only
a few (4?) rock samples have been reported
from dredging.
(Fig. 2-7-1)
Work plan: The new dives on the north submarine flank
of Hawaii Island will closely interface with
the abundant existing subaerial data and
several in-progress studies on Hawaiian volcanoes
and with ongoing slope-stability studies
in Hawaii and elsewhere. Successful interpretation
of the stratigraphic, structural, and petrologic
complexities of the Laupahoehoe slide area,
for which questions far outnumber answers,
has critical implications for understanding
the primary depositional growth of the submarine
flanks of oceanic volcanic islands, and also
for structural evolution of Kohala and Mauna
Kea and development of large slumps elsewhere
in the Hawaiian chain and on other oceanic
islands. Thorough study of the geologically
young, but seemingly inactive Laupahoehoe
benches and basins area should permit instructive
comparisons with the new dive data on geometrically
similar slump and compressional structures
at Hilina (Kilauea volcano), Waianae (Oahu),
and South Kona (Mauna Loa).
We will use submersible visual/video data
and marine seismic profiling data to interpret
the structure of the Laupahoehoe benches,
sedimentation in its basins, the distribution
of more distal slide blocks, and their relation
to volcano spreading along a basal the detachment.
Samples will be analyzed chemically and petrographically
in order to determine compositions and eruption
depths of pillow lavas and the fragments
in volcaniclastic rocks. Analytical methods
will include major and trace elements for
bulk-rock samples by XRF, INAA, and solution-based
ICP-MS methods, glass compositions by electron-probe
(EPMA), laser-ablation ICP-MS, and ion-probe
analyses, and volatile contents by EPMA and
FTIR measurements. Radiogenic and stable
isotopic compositions of pillow- glass, glass-sand,
and whole-rock samples will be compared to
analogous data from other Hawaiian volcanoes,
especially with the detailed data emerging
for Mauna Kea from the Hawaii Scientific
Drilling Project. We will use a combination
of dating techniques, including K-Ar, and
40Ar/39Ar methods, to determine the eruption
ages of any high-K basalt samples. New piston
core northeast of Hawaii Island (P10, P11)
will also test the important stratigraphic,
paleomagnetic, and geochronologic correlations
among basalt-glass turbidites and permit
comparisons with the landslide record on
the north flank of Kohala and Haleakala volcanoes.