Data Series 307
![]() AbstractThe U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) and Toxic Substances Hydrology Programs conducted the National Mercury Pilot Study in 1998 to examine relations of mercury (Hg) in water, bed sediment and fish in streams across the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Water and bed-sediment samples were analyzed for total Hg (THg), methylmercury (MeHg), and other constituents; fish were analyzed for THg. Similar sampling was conducted at additional streams across the country in 2002 and 2004–05. This report summarizes sample collection and processing protocols, analytical methods, environmental data, and quality-assurance data for stream water, bed sediment, and fish for these national studies. To extend the geographic coverage of the data, this report also includes four regional USGS Hg studies conducted during 1998–2001 and 2004. The environmental data for these national and regional Hg studies are provided in an electronic format. |
First posted August 20, 2009 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Bauch, N.J., Chasar, L.C., Scudder, B.C., Moran, P.W., Hitt, K.J., Brigham, M.E., Lutz, M.A., and Wentz, D.A., 2009, Data on mercury in water, bed sediment, and fish from streams across the United States, 1998–2005: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 307, 33 p.
Data Collection
Site Selection
Sample Collection and Processing
Stream-Water Sample Collection
Stream-Water Sample Processing
Bed-Sediment Sample Collection
Bed-Sediment Sample Processing
Fish Sampling and Processing
Analytical Methods
Stream Water
Bed Sediment
Quality Assurance
Quality of Water and Bed-Sediment Data
Quality of Fish Data
Ancillary Data
Geographic Information
Basin Hydrologic Estimates
Mercury Source Estimates
References Cited
Appendix Data
Appendix 1. Water and sediment sample data
Appendix 2. Field-blank sample data
Appendix 3. Field-replicate sample data
Appendix 4. Fish data
Appendix 5. Ancillary data
Appendix 1. Water and sediment sample data. Mercury and methylmercury sample data for water and streambed sediment, including field parameters and additional water-quality analytes, collected during 1998–2005 at stream and river sampling sites. The Excel file can be accessed at ds307_Appendix01.xls. The .csv files can be accessed at ds307_Appendix01.notes.csv and
Appendix 2. Field-blank sample data. Feld-blank sample data for mercury and methylmercury in water, and additional water-quality analytes. The Excel file can be accessed at ds307_Appendix02.xls. The .csv files can be accessed at ds307_Appendix02.notes.csv and
Appendix 3. Field-replicate sample data. Field-replicate sample data for mercury and methylmercury in water and streambed sediment, and additional water-quality analytes. The Excel file can be accessed at ds307_Appendix03.xls. The .csv files can be accessed at ds307_Appendix03.notes.csv and
Appendix 4. Fish data. Mercury sample data, including physical characteristics and additional sample information, for fish collected during 1998–2005 at stream and river sampling sites. The Excel file can be accessed at ds307_Appendix04.xls. The .csv files can be accesssed at ds307_Appendix04.notes.csv and
Appendix 5. Ancillary data. Selected data for geographic information, basin hydrologic estimates, and mercury source estimates for basins upstream from most study sites. The Excel file can be accessed at ds307_Appendix05.xls. The .csv files can be accessed at ds307_Appendix05.notes.csv and