Data Series 380
AbstractRainfall in central Nebraska in late May and early June 2008 elevated streamflows in the central Platte River. Topographic surveys collected along geomorphic monitoring transects prior to these flows (May 2007, July 2007, and March 2008) were repeated in mid-June 2008. These surveys provide characterization of river topography that could be used (1) to infer changes in channel morphology that occurred as a result of this flow event, and (2) to aid in the determination of the effect of managed and natural flow events on habitats for endangered and threatened species in the Platte River basin. The primary purposes of this report are to summarize the methods of data collection, processing, and editing and to make the data described in the report publicly available. |
Version 1.0 Posted December 2008
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Kinzel, P.J., 2008, River channel topographic surveys collected prior to and following elevated flows in the central Platte River, Nebraska, spring 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 380, 10 p.
Topographic Survey Methods
Topographic Data Reduction and Editing
References Cited