Data Series 395
EAARL Submerged Topography–U.S. Virgin Islands 2003Amar Nayegandhi,1 John C. Brock,2 C. Wayne Wright,3 Matt Patterson,4 Xan Yates,1 and Jamie M. Bonisteel1 1Jacobs Technology Inc., St. Petersburg, FL; 2U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Reston, VA; 3U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center, St. Petersburg, FL; 4National Park Service, South Florida-Caribbean Network, Miami, FL. This DVD contains Lidar-derived submerged topography GIS datasets of a portion of the U.S. Virgin Islands. These datasets were acquired on April 21, 23, and 30, May 2, and June 14 and 17, 2003. Click on a tile number (1-44) to view the corresponding images and links to each data directory.