Data Series 397

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EAARL Coastal Topography–Northeast Barrier Islands 2007: First Surface

Amar Nayegandhi,1 John C. Brock,2 A.H. Sallenger,3 C. Wayne Wright,3 Xan Yates,1 and Jamie M. Bonisteel1

1Jacobs Technology Inc., St. Petersburg, FL; 2U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Reston, VA; 3U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center, St. Petersburg, FL.

This DVD contains Lidar-derived first surface (FS) topography GIS datasets of a portion of the northeast coastal barrier islands in New York and New Jersey. These datasets were acquired April 29-30 and May 15-16, 2007.

Click on a blue tile to view the corresponding images and links to each data directory.

Quarter-Quad Map of Northeast Barrier Islands - EastTile 40072f8bTile 40072f7cTile 40072f7bTile 40072g7dTile 40072g7aTile 40072g6dTile 40072g6aTile 40072g5dTile 40072g5cTile 40072g5bTile 40072g4cTile 40072g4bTile 40072g3cTile 40072h4aTile 40072h3dTile 40072h3aTile 40072h2dTile 40072h2cTile 40072h2bTile 40072h1cTile 40072h1bTile 41072a1aTile 41071a8dTile 41071a8aTile 41071a7dTile 41071a7c

Quarter-Quad Map of Northeast Barrier Islands - WestTile 40073d8dTile 40073d8cTile 40074d1bTile 40073e5cTile 40073e5bTile 40073e4cTile 40073e4bTile 40073e3cTile 40073e3bTile 40073e2cTile 40073f4aTile 40073f3dTile 40073f3aTile 40073f2dTile 40073f2aTile 40073f1dTile 40073f1aTile 40072f8dTile 40073f1bTile 40072f8c

Suggested Citation: Nayegandhi, Amar, Brock, J.C., Sallenger, A.H., Wright, C.W., Yates, Xan, and Bonisteel, J.M., 2008, EAARL Coastal Topography–Northeast Barrier Islands 2007: First Surface: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 397, 1 DVD.

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