Data Series 431

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ATM Coastal Topography–Florida 2001: Eastern Panhandle

Xan Yates,1 Amar Nayegandhi,1 John C. Brock,2 A.H. Sallenger,3 Jamie M. Bonisteel,1 Emily S. Klipp,1 and C. Wayne Wright3

1Jacobs Technology Inc., St. Petersburg, FL; 2U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Reston, VA; 3U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center, St. Petersburg, FL.

This DVD contains Lidar-derived first surface (FS) topography GIS datasets of the eastern Florida panhandle coastline, from Shell Island to Mashes Island. These datasets were acquired October 2, 2001.

Click on a blue tile to view the corresponding images and links to each data directory.

Click on the red tile to view the 5-meter (m) resolution mosaic and link to the corresponding directory.

Quarter-Quad Map of Eastern Florida Panhandle5-m Resolution MosaicTile 29084h3cTile 29084h3dTile 29084h4aTile 29084h4dTile 29084h5aTile 29084h5dTile 29084g5cTile 29084g5dTile 29084g6aTile 29084g6dTile 29084f6cTile 29084f7bTile 29084f7aTile 29084f7dTile 29084f8aTile 29084f8dTile 29084e8bTile 29084e8cTile 29085e1bTile 29085e1cTile 29085f1dTile 29085f2aTile 29085f2dTile 29085f3aTile 29085f3dTile 29085f3cTile 29085f4bTile 29085g4aTile 29085g4bTile 29085h3dTile 29085h4aTile 29085h4bTile 29085h4cTile 29085h5bTile 30085a5aTile 30085a5dTile 30085a5cTile 30085a6bTile 30085a6c

Suggested Citation: Yates, Xan, Nayegandhi, Amar, Brock, J.C., Sallenger, A.H., Bonisteel, J.M., Klipp, E.S., and Wright, C.W., 2009, ATM Coastal Topography–Florida 2001: Eastern Panhandle: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 431, 1 DVD.

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