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USGS - science for a changing world

Data Series 584

Digital Surfaces and Hydrogeologic Data for the Floridan Aquifer System in Florida and in Parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina

By Jason C. Bellino


Thumbnail of report A digital dataset for the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and in parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina was developed from selected reports published as part of the Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (RASA) Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in the 1980s. These reports contain maps and data depicting the extent and elevation of both time-stratigraphic and hydrogeologic units of which the aquifer system is composed, as well as data on hydrology, meteorology, and aquifer properties. The three primary reports used for this dataset compilation were USGS Professional Paper 1403-B (Miller, 1986), Professional Paper 1403-C (Bush and Johnston, 1988), and USGS Open-File Report 88-86 (Miller, 1988). Paper maps from Professional Papers 1403-B and 1403-C were scanned and georeferenced to the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27) using the Lambert Conformal Conic projection (standard parallels 33 and 45 degrees, central longitude -96 degrees, central latitude 39 degrees). Once georeferenced, tracing of pertinent line features contained in each image (for example, contours and faults) was facilitated by specialized software using algorithms that automated much of the process. Resulting digital line features were then processed using standard geographic information system (GIS) software to remove artifacts from the digitization process and to verify and update attribute tables. The digitization process for polygonal features (for example, outcrop areas and unit extents) was completed by hand using GIS software.

Raster datasets depicting structural surfaces of time-stratigraphic and hydrogeologic units were created from digitized contour polyline features. These line features were converted to equidistant point features that were used to interpolate a continuous raster surface. Geologic features that disrupt the structural surfaces, such as faults, were built into the interpolation process in order to maintain the correct relation between rocks on either side of the fault. Resulting raster datasets were extracted using polygons to confine their extents to those of the parent polyline features. Raster datasets were created independently of one another, and logical relations between datasets may not be maintained everywhere. Irregularities may exist especially in areas near edges or where the units are relatively thin. For example, Upper Floridan aquifer elevations should always be greater than Lower Floridan aquifer elevations, but in a few areas Lower Floridan aquifer elevations are greater. Because the digital datasets are intended to be pure reproductions of the paper maps from which they were developed, no attempt was made to quantify or correct these irregularities.

Open-File Report 88-86 (Miller, 1988) contains geologic data interpreted from well logs and drillers reports that were used to create the structural surface maps in Professional Paper 1403-B (Miller, 1986). A point feature class attributed with elevations and depths of geologic and hydrogeologic units was compiled from these data and compared to the interpolated structural raster surfaces to check accuracy. Average elevation differences between datasets ranged from 0 to 23 feet, with standard deviations ranging from 30 to 122 feet. Large differences (greater than 1,200 feet) between datasets were observed in some areas and are most likely explained by typographical errors in the RASA database of Miller (1988).

Because of slight irregularities in each paper map, not all shared edges in the digital dataset align with every map. An effort was made to maintain topological relations between polygons and polylines rather than absolute spatial position. For example, early Eocene outcrop boundaries should logically share edges with Paleocene outcrop boundaries. When comparing early Eocene outcrop polygons with the scanned image of the Paleocene outcrop areas, there is a slight offset between the shared edges, though the two digitized polygon datasets are topologically correct.

Version 1.0

Posted April 2011

Links to PDFs and (or) Supplemental Files:


Bush, P.W., and Johnston, R.H., 1988, Ground-water hydraulics, regional flow, and ground-water development of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and in parts of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1403-C, 80 p., 17 plates. (

Miller, J.A., 1986, Hydrogeologic framework of the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and in parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1403-B, 91 p., 33 plates. (

Miller, J.A., 1988, Geohydrologic data from the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and in parts of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-86, 680 p. (

For additional information contact:
Director, Florida Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2639 North Monroe Street - Suite A-200
Tallahassee, FL 32303

Suggested citation:

Bellino, J.C., 2011, Digital surfaces and hydrogeologic data for the Floridan aquifer system in Florida and in parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 584.

Database Files
Pub. No.Fig/Plate No.File NameDescription
alln/ads584.mdb.zipgeodatabase containing vector data from all reports and tables from OFR 88-86
ofr88_86n/aofr8886.mdb.zipdatabase containing tabular data from OFR 88-86
Raster Surfaces
Pub. No.Fig/Plate No.File NameDescription
pp1403bFigure 11mcu_i.ziptop of middle confining unit I
pp1403bFigure 13mcu_ii.ziptop of middle confining unit II
pp1403bFigure 15mcu_iii.ziptop of middle confining unit III
pp1403bFigure 17mcu_iv.ziptop of middle confining unit IV
pp1403bFigure 18mcu_v.ziptop of middle confining unit V
pp1403bFigure 19mcu_vi.ziptop of middle confining unit VI
pp1403bFigure 22mcu_vii.ziptop of middle confining unit VII
pp1403bFigure 23fdpz_surf.ziptop of Fernandina permeable zone
pp1403bFigure 24mcu_viii.ziptop of middle confining unit VIII
pp1403bFigure 26bldz_surf.ziptop of boulder zone
pp1403bPlate 3pleo_surf.ziptop of Paleocene
pp1403bPlate 4eeoc_surf.ziptop of early Eocene
pp1403bPlate 6meoc_surf.ziptop of middle Eocene
pp1403bPlate 8leoc_surf.ziptop of lower Eocene
pp1403bPlate 10olig_surf.ziptop of Oligocene
pp1403bPlate 12mioc_surf.ziptop of Miocene
pp1403bPlate 26fast_surf.ziptop of Floridan aquifer system
pp1403bPlate 29ufab_surf.zipbase of Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403bPlate 31lfat_surf.ziptop of Lower Floridan aquifer
pp1403bPlate 33fasb_surf.zipbase of Floridan aquifer system
pp1403cPlate 4ufa_predv.zipestimated predevelopment potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 5ufa_m1980.zippotentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer, May 1980
pp1403cPlate 6ufa_dif.zipnet decline between estimated predevelopment potentiometric surface and observed May 1980 potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer
Scanned Images (georeferenced)
Pub. No.Fig/Plate No.File NameDescription
pp1403bPlate 3plt03_paleocene.tif.ziptop of Paleocene
pp1403bPlate 4plt04_early_eocene.tif.ziptop of early Eocene
pp1403bPlate 6plt06_mid_eocene.tif.ziptop of middle Eocene
pp1403bPlate 8plt08_late_eocene.tif.ziptop of late Eocene
pp1403bPlate 10plt10_oligocene.tif.ziptop of Oligocene
pp1403bPlate 12plt12_miocene.tif.ziptop of Miocene
pp1403bPlate 14plt14_post_miocene.tif.zipthickness of post-Miocene
pp1403bPlate 25plt25_upper_confining_unit.tif.ziptop of upper confining unit
pp1403bPlate 26plt26_FAS_top.tif.ziptop of Floridan aquifer system
pp1403bPlate 29plt29_UFA_base.tif.zipbase of Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403bPlate 31plt31_LFA_top.tif.ziptop of Lower Floridan aquifer
pp1403bPlate 33plt33_FAS_base.tif.zipbase of Floridan aquifer system
pp1403cPlate 2plt02_transmissivity.tif.ziptransmissivity of the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 3plt03_leakage.tif.zipleakage coefficient of the upper confining unit of the Floridan aquifer system
pp1403cPlate 4plt04_ufa_predevelopment.tif.zipestimated predevelopment potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 5plt05_ufa_may1980.tif.zippotentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer, May 1980
pp1403cPlate 6plt06_potmap_ufa_dif.tif.zipnet decline between estimated predevelopment potentiometric surface and observed May 1980 potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 7plt07_rainfall.tif.zipaverage rainfall on the land overlying the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 8plt08_runoff.tif.zipaverage runoff from slected surface-water basins overlying the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 9plt09_evapotranspiration.tif.zipestimated evapotranspiration from the land overlying the Upper Floridan aqfuier
pp1403cPlate 10plt10_ufa_springs.tif.ziplocations of Upper Floridan aquifer springs and areas of Upper Floridan aquifer discharge to surface-water bodies
pp1403cPlate 11plt11_predev_recharge.tif.zipestimated predevelopment recharge to and discharge (as diffuse upward leakage) from the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 12plt12_pumpage.tif.zipestimated Floridan aquifer system pumpage for all used, by county, 1980
Pub. No.Fig/Plate No.File NameDescription
ofr8886n/aofr8886_wells_control_pts.shp.zipwells used to develop hydrogeologic framework for Floridan aquifer system study
pp1403bFigure 11fig11_mcu_i_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle confining unit I
pp1403bFigure 11fig11_mcu_i_poly.shp.zipextent of middle confining unit I
pp1403bFigure 13fig13_mcu_ii_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle confining unit II
pp1403bFigure 13fig13_mcu_ii_poly.shp.zipextent of middle confining unit II
pp1403bFigure 15fig15_mcu_iii_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle confining unit III
pp1403bFigure 15fig15_mcu_iii_poly.shp.zipextent of middle confining unit III
pp1403bFigure 17fig17_mcu_iv_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle confining unit IV
pp1403bFigure 17fig17_mcu_iv_poly.shp.zipextent of middle confining unit IV
pp1403bFigure 18fig18_mcu_v_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle confining unit V
pp1403bFigure 18fig18_mcu_v_poly.shp.zipextent of middle confining unit V
pp1403bFigure 19fig19_mcu_vi_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle confining unit VI
pp1403bFigure 19fig19_mcu_vi_poly.shp.zipextent of middle confining unit VI
pp1403bFigure 22fig22_mcu_vii_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle confining unit VIII
pp1403bFigure 22fig22_mcu_vii_poly.shp.zipextent of middle confining unit VII
pp1403bFigure 23fig23_boulderzone_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of boulder zone
pp1403bFigure 23fig23_boulderzone_poly.shp.zipextent of boulder zone
pp1403bFigure 24fig24_mcu_viii_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle confining unit VIII
pp1403bFigure 24fig24_mcu_viii_poly.shp.zipextent of middle confining unit VIII
pp1403bFigure 26fig26_fernandina_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of Fernandina permeable zone
pp1403bFigure 26fig26_fernandina_poly.shp.zipextent of Fernandina permeable zone
pp1403bPlate 1plt01_cross_sections.shp.ziplocation of cross section lines
pp1403bPlate 3plt03_pleo_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of Paleocene
pp1403bPlate 3plt03_pleo_outcrop_poly.shp.zipoutcrop area for Paleocene
pp1403bPlate 3plt03_pleo_rocktypes_poly.shp.zippredominant rock types for Paleocene
pp1403bPlate 4plt04_eeoc_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of early Eocene
pp1403bPlate 4plt04_eeoc_outcrop_poly.shp.zipoutcrop area for early Eocene
pp1403bPlate 6plt06_meoc_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of middle Eocene
pp1403bPlate 6plt06_meoc_outcrop_poly.shp.zipoutcrop area for middle Eocene
pp1403bPlate 8plt08_leoc_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of late Eocene
pp1403bPlate 8plt08_leoc_outcrop_poly.shp.zipoutcrop area for late Eocene
pp1403bPlate 10plt10_olig_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of Oligocene
pp1403bPlate 10plt10_olig_outcrop_poly.shp.zipoutcrop area for Oligocene
pp1403bPlate 12plt12_mioc_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of Miocene
pp1403bPlate 12plt12_mioc_outcrop_poly.shp.zipoutcrop area for Miocene
pp1403bPlate 14plt14_pmio_outcrops_poly.shp.zipoutcrop area for post-Miocene
pp1403bPlate 25plt25_ucu_poly.shp.zipextent of upper confining unit
pp1403bPlate 26plt26_fas_top_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of Floridan aquifer system
pp1403bPlate 26plt26_fas_top_unit_poly.shp.zipgeology for top of Floridan aquifer system
pp1403bPlate 29plt29_ufa_base_cntr.shp.zipcontours for base of Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403bPlate 31plt31_lfa_top_cntr.shp.zipcontours for top of Lower Floridan aquifer
pp1403bPlate 33plt33_fas_base_cntr.shp.zipcontours for base of Floridan aquifer system
pp1403bPlate 33plt33_fas_base_unit_poly.shp.zipgeology for the base of Floridan aquifer system
pp1403bcommonfaults_line.shp.zipfaults shown on various plates
pp1403cPlate 2plt02_transmissivity_poly.shp.zipdistribution of transmissivity in the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 3plt03_leakage_coef_poly.shp.zipdistribution of leakage coefficients in the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 4plt04_ufa_predev_cntr.shp.zipcontours for predevelopment potentiometric surface
pp1403cPlate 5plt05_ufa_may1980_cntr.shp.zipcontours for potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer, May 1980
pp1403cPlate 6plt06_potmap_ufa_dif_poly.shp.zipnet decline between estimated predevelopment potentiometric surface and observed May 1980 potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 7plt07_rainfall_poly.shp.zipaverage rainfall on the land overlying the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 8plt08_runoff_poly.shp.zipaverage runoff from selected surface-water basins overlying the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 9plt09_evapotranspiration_poly.shp.zipestimated evapotranspiration from the land overlying the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 10plt10_ufa_springs.shp.ziplocations of Upper Floridan aquifer springs
pp1403cPlate 10plt10_ufa_springs_poly.shp.zipsurface-water bodies receiving discharge from the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 11plt11_predev_recharge_poly.shp.zipestimated predevelopment recharge to and discharge (as diffuse upward leakage) from the Upper Floridan aquifer
pp1403cPlate 12plt12_pumpage_poly.shp.zipestimated Floridan aquifer system pumpage for all used, by county, 1980
pp1403ccommonufa_updip_limit.shp.zipupdip limit of the Floridan aquifer system
pp1403ccommonaquifer_test_wells.shp.zipwells used to compute transmissivity