Data Series 599
AbstractThis database is a compilation of published and nonconfidential unpublished coal data from Alaska. Although coal occurs in isolated areas throughout Alaska, this study includes data only from the Cook Inlet and North Slope areas. The data include entries from and interpretations of oil and gas well logs, coal-core geophysical logs (such as density, gamma, and resistivity), seismic shot hole lithology descriptions, measured coal sections, and isolated coal outcrops. |
First posted May 11, 2011
For additional information contact: |
Stricker, G.D., Spear, B.D., Sprowl, J.M., Dietrich, J.D., McCauley, M.I., and Kinney, S.A., 2011, Coal database for Cook Inlet and North Slope, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series 599, 11 p.
General Geology of Alaska
North Slope Coal Province
Cook Inlet Coal Province
Sources of Data
Description of Data Tables
References Cited