REVISION HISTORY Title: Alaska Geochemical Database (AGDB)--Geochemical Data for Rock, Sediment, Soil, Mineral, and Concentrate Sample Media By Matthew Granitto, Elizabeth A. Bailey, Jeanine M. Schmidt, Nora B. Shew, Bruce M. Gamble, and Keith A. Labay U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 637 ---------------------------------------------------------------- First posted October 18, 2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Revised metadata only replaced October 27, 2011 No other files were replaced at this time. The metadata files on the accompanying DVD are the older files. Please use these updated metadata files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Replacement of two files Oct. 2012 Sed_W_Si_Zr.txt Sed_W_Si_Zr_xls were replaced as an error was found. The DVD was not updated. ---------------------------------------------------------------- For clarifications and (or) questions, please contact the author: Matthew Granitto Box 25046, MS 973 Denver, CO 80225 Phone (303) 236-1412 ************************************************************* The changes to the metadata files (Oct. 2011) are as follows: ************************************************************* Metadata files AGDB_MD.txt, AGDB_MD.xml, AGDB_MD.html, and AGDB_MD.faq.html have been updated. The following changes were made to the files so that they would be more readily imported into and used in ArcGIS. TABLE NAME CHANGES To remove dashes (-) from table names, changes have been made in table names found in the metadata files at locations Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Overview_Description: Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: Globally replaced a dash (-) with an underscore (_) wherever table names previously contained the dash character. Also, the error "table Geol_Data is a table of trace element data - silver through chromium - for rock samples located west of W146.99999 degrees"...has been changed to "table Rock_W_Traces_Ag_Cr is a table of trace element data - silver through chromium - for rock samples located west of W146.99999 degrees." FIELD NAME CHANGES To remove dashes (-) and slashes (/) from field names, changes have been made in FIELD_NAMEs found in the metadata files at locations Entity_and_Attribute_Information: Overview_Description: Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: Globally replaced "/P" with "_P" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "/P". Globally replaced "-AR" with "_AR" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-AR". Globally replaced "-HF" with "_HF" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-HF". Globally replaced "-AA" with "_AA" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-AA". Globally replaced "-SF" with "_SF" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-SF". Globally replaced "-GF" with "_GF" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-GF". Globally replaced "-DC" with "_DC" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-DC". Globally replaced "-ES" with "_ES" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-ES". Globally replaced "SplWt-" with "SplWt" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "SplWt-". Globally replaced "AA-CV" with "AA_CV" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "AA-CV". Globally replaced "-CV_" with "CV_" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-CV_". Globally replaced "-MS" with "_MS" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-MS". Globally replaced "AA-TR" with "AA_TR" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "AA-TR". Globally replaced "-FORMAT" with "_FORMAT" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-FORMAT". Globally replaced "U-eq" with "Ueq" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "U-eq". Globally replaced "ES-Q" with "ES_Q" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "ES-Q". Globally replaced "C-CO3" with "CCO3" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "C-CO3". Globally replaced "C-org" with "COrg" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "C-org". Globally replaced "Fe(II)" with "Fe2" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Fe(II)". Globally replaced "H2O-_" with "H2Om_" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "H2O-_". Globally replaced "H2O+_" with "H2Ob_" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "H2O+_". Globally replaced "AA-FE" with "AA_FE" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "AA-FE". Globally replaced "Ore-RelatedMnrl" with "OreRelatedMnrl" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Ore-RelatedMnrl". Globally replaced "Rock-FormingMnrl" with "RockFormingMnrl" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Rock-FormingMnrl". Globally replaced "Acid-Insol" with "AcidInsol" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Acid-Insol". Globally replaced "Dens-B_g/cc" with "DensB_gcc" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Dens-B_g/cc". Globally replaced "Dens-P_g/cc" with "DensP_gcc" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Dens-P_g/cc". Globally replaced "H2O-assay_gal/ton" with "H2Oa_galton" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "H2O-assay_gal/ton". Globally replaced "HC-sol" with "HCsol" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "HC-sol". Globally replaced "Oil-assay_gal/ton" with "OilA_galton" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Oil-assay_gal/ton". Globally replaced "Oil-grav_g/cc" with "OilG_gcc" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Oil-grav_g/cc". Globally replaced "S-org" with "SOrg" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "S-org". Globally replaced "S-pyr" with "Spyr" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "S-pyr". Globally replaced "meq-g/" with "meqg" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "meq-g/". Globally replaced "P-X" with "P_X" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "P-X". Globally replaced "-REE" with "_REE" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-REE". Globally replaced "-IE" with "_IE" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-IE". Globally replaced "Sat-Ind" with "SatInd" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "Sat-Ind". Globally replaced "-HG" with "_HG" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "-HG". Globally replaced "uS/cm" with "uScm" wherever FIELD_NAMEs contained the characters "uS/cm".