Data Series 662
Prepared in cooperation with the Energy Resources and Groundwater Resources Programs
Abstract![]() A digital dataset of hydrogeologic data for Mesozoic through early Tertiary rocks in the Southeastern Coastal Plain was developed using data from five U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reports published between 1951 and 1996. These reports contain maps and data depicting the extent and elevation of the Southeast Coastal Plain stratigraphic and hydrogeologic units in Florida and parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. The reports are: Professional Paper 1410–B (Renken, 1996), Professional Paper 1088 (Brown and others, 1979), Professional Paper 524–G (Applin and Applin, 1967), Professional Paper 447 (Applin and Applin, 1965), and Circular 91 (Applin, 1951). The digital dataset provides hydrogeologic data for the USGS Energy Resources Program assessment of potential reservoirs for carbon sequestration and for the USGS Groundwater Resource Program assessment of saline aquifers in the southeastern United States. A Geographic Information System (ArcGIS 9.3.1) was used to construct 33 digital (raster) surfaces representing the top or base of key stratigraphic and hydrogeologic units. In addition, the Geographic Information System was used to generate 102 geo-referenced scanned maps from the five reports and a geo-database containing structural and thickness contours, faults, extent polygons, and common features. The dataset also includes point data of well construction and stratigraphic elevations and scanned images of two geologic cross sections and a nomenclature chart. Selected References: Circular 91: Applin, P.L., 1951, Preliminary report on buried pre-Mesozoic rocks in Florida and adjacent states: 28 p., accessed January 7, 2012, at Professional Paper 447: Applin, P L., and Applin, E.R., 1965, The Comanche series and associated rocks in the subsurface in central and south Florida: 84 p., 11 pls., accessed January 7, 2012, at Professional Paper 524–G: Applin, P.L., and Applin, E.R., 1967, The Gulf series in the subsurface in northern Florida and southern Georgia: 35 p., 8 pls., accessed January 7, 2012, at Professional Paper 1088: Brown, P.M., Brown, D.L, Reid, M.S., Lloyd, O.B., Jr., 1979, Evaluation of the geologic and hydrologic factors related to the waste-storage potential of Mesozoic aquifers in the southern part of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, South Carolina and Georgia: 37 p., 11 pls., accessed January 7, 2012, at Professional Paper 1410–B: Renken, R.A., 1996, Hydrogeology of the Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina: 101 p., 42 pls., accessed January 7, 2012, at ContentsAbstract Introduction Purpose and Scope Methods Dataset Description by Source Acknowledgments References |
Version 1.0 Posted February 21, 2012 Supplemental files:
For additional information contact: Director, Georgia Water Science Center |
Cannon, D.M., Bellino, J.C., and Williams, L.J., 2012, Digital surfaces and hydrogeologic data for the Mesozoic through early Tertiary rocks in the Southeastern Coastal Plain in parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 662, 13 p., available at
File name | Description |
---|---| | ESRI file geodatabase containing vector and raster data from all reports | | Microsoft Access database containing well construction and stratigraphic elevation data | | Vector features contained in main file geodatabase |
File Name | Description |
---|---| | Georeferenced .tifs images in USGS Circular 91 | | Vector features from in USGS Circular 91 | (95 Mb) | Georeferenced .tifs images from USGS Professional Paper 447 | | Vector features from USGS Professional Paper 447 | (340 Mb) | Georeferenced .tifs images from USGS Professional Paper 524g | | Vector features from USGS Professional Paper 524g | (380 Mb) | Georeferenced .tifs images from USGS Professional Paper 1088 | | Vector features from USGS Professional Paper 1088 | (400 Mb) | Georeferenced .tifs images from USGS Professional Paper 1410b | (6 Mb) | Vector features from USGS Professional Paper 1410b |
File Name | Description |
cir91_fig2_pmeso_struc.tif | Scanned image of top of pre-Mesozoic |
pp447_fig01_index_map.tif | Scanned image of study area location |
pp447_fig03_pmso_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of pre-Mesozoic |
pp447_fig04_well_loc.tif | Scanned image of well location map |
pp447_fig11_cmnc_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Comanche |
pp447_fig13_cmncmf_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of marginal clastic facies Comanche |
pp447_fig27_snlnd_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Sunniland Limestone |
pp447_fig35_frdbg_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Fredericksburg |
pp447_fig40_wshta_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Washita |
pp447_fig50_snlnd_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Sunniland Limestone |
pp447_fig51_frdbg_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Fredericksburg |
PP447_fig52_wshta_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Washita |
pp447_plt07a_trnty_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Trinity |
pp447_plt07b_etrnty_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of early Trinity |
pp447_plt07c_ltrnty_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of late Trinity |
pp447_plt07d_etrnty_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of early Trinity |
pp447_plt07e_ltrnty_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of late Trinity |
pp524g_plt01_well_loc_map.tif | Scanned image of well location map |
pp524g_plt02a_pgulf_geol.tif | Scanned image of pre-Gulf paleogeology |
pp524g_plt02b_pgulf_tp.tif | Scanned image of top pre-Gulf |
pp524g_plt03a_atksn_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Atkinson |
pp524g_plt03b_atksnlm_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of lower member Atkinson |
pp524g_plt03c_atksnlm_lith.tif | Scanned image of lithofacies of lower member Atkinson |
pp524g_plt03d_atksn_indx_wells.tif | Scanned image of well index for Atkinson |
pp524g_plt03e_atksnum_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of upper member Atkinson |
pp524g_plt03f_atksnum_lith.tif | Scanned image of lithofacies of upper member Atkinson |
pp524g_plt04a_astntylr_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Austin and Taylor age |
pp524g_plt04b_astnchss_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of chalky sandstone facies of Austin |
pp524g_plt04c_astntylr_index_wells.tif | Scanned image of well index for Austin and Taylor |
pp524g_plt04d_astn_bs.tif | Scanned image of base of Austin |
pp524g_plt04e_tylr_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Taylor |
pp524g_plt05a_lwslm_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05b_lwsum_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of upper member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05c_nvro_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Navarro |
pp524g_plt05d_lwslm_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05e_nvro_index_wells.tif | Scanned image of well index for Navarro |
pp524g_plt06a_gulf_geol.tif | Scanned image of geology of Gulf |
pp524g_plt06b_gulf_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Gulf |
pp524g_plt06c_gulf_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Gulf |
pp524g_plt06d_gulf_index_wells.tif | Scanned image of well index for Gulf |
pp524g_plt07_xsec.tif | Scanned image of stratigraphic cross sections of Gulf wells |
pp1088_fig01_loc_cross_secs.tif | Scanned image of well index map and cross section lines |
pp1088_plt01_x_section.tif | Scanned image of cross sections |
pp1088_plt02a_punth_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of pre-Unit H(?) |
pp1088_plt02b_untfh_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Units F to H(?) |
pp1088_plt02c_untae_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Units A to E |
pp1088_plt03a_unth_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Unit H |
pp1088_plt03b_unth_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness and NaCl concentration of Unit H |
pp1088_plt03c_unth_sndsh.tif | Scanned image of sand-shale distribution Unit H |
pp1088_plt04a_untg_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Unit G |
pp1088_plt04b_untg_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness and NaCl concentration of Unit G |
pp1088_plt04c_untg_sndsh.tif | Scanned image of sand-shale distribution Unit G |
pp1088_plt05a_untf_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Unit F |
pp1088_plt05b_untf_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness and NaCl concentration of Unit F |
pp1088_plt05c_untf_sndsh.tif | Scanned image of sand-shale distribution Unit F |
pp1088_plt06a_unte_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Unit E |
pp1088_plt06b_unte_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness and NaCl concentration of Unit E |
pp1088_plt06c_unte_sndsh.tif | Scanned image of sand-shale distribution Unit E |
pp1088_plt07a_untd_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Unit D |
pp1088_plt07b_untd_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness and NaCl concentration of Unit D |
pp1088_plt07c_untd_sndsh.tif | Scanned image of sand-shale distribution Unit D |
pp1088_plt08a_untc_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Unit C |
pp1088_plt08b_untc_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness and NaCl concentration of Unit C |
pp1088_plt09a_untb_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Unit B |
pp1088_plt09b_untb_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness and NaCl concentration of Unit B |
pp1088_plt09c_untb_sndsh.tif | Scanned image of sand-shale distribution Unit B |
pp1088_plt10a_unta_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Unit A |
pp1088_plt10b_unta_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness and NaCl concentration of Unit A |
pp1088_plt10c_unta_sndsh.tif | Scanned image of sand-shale distribution Unit A |
pp1088_plt11a_unta_nacl.tif | Scanned image of NaCl concentration Unit A |
pp1088_plt11b_untb_nacl.tif | Scanned image of NaCl concentration Unit B |
pp1088_plt11c_untc_nacl.tif | Scanned image of NaCl concentration Unit C |
pp1088_plt11d_untd_nacl.tif | Scanned image of NaCl concentration Unit D |
pp1088_plt11e_unte_nacl.tif | Scanned image of NaCl concentration Unit E |
pp1088_plt11f_untf_nacl.tif | Scanned image of NaCl concentration Unit F |
pp1088_plt11g_untg_nacl.tif | Scanned image of NaCl concentration Unit G |
pp1088_plt11h_unth_nacl.tif | Scanned image of NaCl concentration Unit H(?) |
pp1410b_fig05_secpaq_bs.tif | Scanned image of base of Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system |
pp1410b_plt01_well_crss_sec_loc.tif | Scanned image of well index map and cross section lines |
pp1410b_plt03_cmnc_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Comanchean |
pp1410b_plt04_gulf_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Gulfian |
pp1410b_plt05_astn_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Austinian |
pp1410b_plt06_astnwdbn_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Austinian to Woodbinian |
pp1410b_plt07_shmkr_bs.tif | Scanned image of base of Tuscaloosa marine shale marker |
pp1410b_plt08_nomenclature.tif | Scanned image of nomenclature summary |
pp1410b_plt09_tylr_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Tayloran |
pp1410b_plt10_tylr_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Tayloran |
pp1410b_plt11_nvro_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Navarroan |
pp1410b_plt12_nvro_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Navarroan |
pp1410b_plt13_mdwy_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Midwayan |
pp1410b_plt14_mdwy_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Midwayan |
pp1410b_plt15_sabn_tp.tif | Scanned image of |
pp1410b_plt16_sabn_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Sabinian |
pp1410b_plt17_clbrn_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Claibornian |
pp1410b_plt18_clbrn_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Claibornian |
pp1410b_plt23_praq_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt32_praq_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt34_praq_bs.tif | Scanned image of base of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt35_chatrcu_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Chattahoochee River confining unit |
pp1410b_plt36_cmnaq_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Chattahoochee River or McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer |
pp1410b_plt37_cmnaq_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Chattahoochee River or McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer |
pp1410b_plt38_cmnaq_bs.tif | Scanned image of base of Chattahoochee River or McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer |
pp1410b_plt39_blkcu_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of lower part of Black Warrior River confining unit |
pp1410b_plt41_blkaq_tp.tif | Scanned image of top of Black Warrior River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt42_blkaq_thk.tif | Scanned image of thickness of Black Warrior River aquifer |
File Name | Description |
cir91_fig2_pmso_tp_cntr | Contours on top of pre-Mesozoic |
cir91_fig2_pmso_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of pre-Mesozoic |
pp447_fig03_pmso_flt | Fault, top of pre-Mesozoic |
pp447_fig03_pmso_tp_cntr | Contours on top of pre-Mesozoic |
pp447_fig03_pmso_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of pre-Mesozoic |
pp447_fig50_snlnd_ext_line | Updip limit, Sunniland Limestone |
pp447_fig50_snlnd_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Sunniland Limestone |
pp447_fig50_snlnd_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Sunniland Limestone |
pp447_fig51_frdbg_ext_line | Updip limit, carbonate-evaporite facies, Fredericksburg |
pp447_fig51_frdbg_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Fredericksburg |
pp447_fig51_frdbg_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Fredericksburg |
pp447_fig52_wshta_ext_line | Updip limit, carbonate-evaporite facies, Washita |
pp447_fig52_wshta_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Washita |
pp447_fig52_wshta_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Washita |
pp524g_plt02b_cbnfac_line | Line of facies change, clastic to carbonate-evaporite |
pp524g_plt02b_cmnc_line | Line of inner margin of Comanche rocks |
pp524g_plt02b_pgulf_tp_cntr | Contours on top pre-Gulf |
pp524g_plt02b_pgulf_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top pre-Gulf |
pp524g_plt02b_prek_line | Outline of pre-Cretaceous rocks Gulf Series overlies |
pp524g_plt04d_astn_bs_cntr | Contours on base of Austin |
pp524g_plt04d_astn_bs_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on base of Austin |
pp524g_plt04d_astn_bs_flt | Fault, base of Austin |
pp524g_plt04e_tylr_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Taylor |
pp524g_plt04e_tylr_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Taylor |
pp524g_plt04e_tylr_tp_flt | Fault, top of Taylor |
pp524g_plt04e_tylr_tp_hchrs | Hachured contours on top of Taylor |
pp524g_plt05a_lwslm_ext_line | Northern limit, lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05a_lwslm_thk_cntr | Thickness contours, lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05b_lwsum_ext_line | Northern limit, upper member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05b_lwsum_thk_cntr | Thickness contours, upper member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05d_lwslm_axialsft_line | Axial shift of peninsular arch, top of lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05d_lwslm_ext_line | Northern limit, top of lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05d_lwslm_penarch_line | Peninsular arch, top of lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05d_lwslm_tp_cntr | Contours on top of lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt05d_lwslm_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of lower member Lawson Limestone |
pp524g_plt06c_gulf_axialsft_line | Axial shift of peninsular arch, top of Gulf |
pp524g_plt06c_gulf_flt | Fault, top of Gulf |
pp524g_plt06c_gulf_penarch_line | Peninsular arch, top of Gulf |
pp524g_plt06c_gulf_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Gulf |
pp524g_plt06c_gulf_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Gulf |
pp1088_fig01_cross_section_lines | Cross section lines |
pp1088_plt02a_punth_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of pre-Unit H(?) |
pp1088_plt02a_punth_tp_cntr | Contours on top of pre-Unit H(?) |
pp1088_plt03a_unth_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Unit H |
pp1088_plt03a_unth_tp_ext_line | Updip limit for top of Unit H |
pp1088_plt03a_unth_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Unit H |
pp1088_plt04a_untg_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Unit G |
pp1088_plt04a_untg_tp_ext_line | Updip limit for top of Unit G |
pp1088_plt04a_untg_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Unit G |
pp1088_plt04b_untg_nacl_cntr | Sodium chloride concentration contours (mg/L), Unit G |
pp1088_plt04b_untg_thk_cntr | Thickness contours, Unit G |
pp1088_plt05a_untf_flt | Fault, top of Unit F |
pp1088_plt05a_untf_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Unit F |
pp1088_plt05a_untf_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Unit F |
pp1088_plt05b_untf_nacl_cntr | Sodium chloride concentration contours (mg/L), Unit F |
pp1088_plt05b_untf_thk_cntr | Thickness contours, Unit F |
pp1088_plt06a_unte_flt | Fault, top of Unit E |
pp1088_plt06a_unte_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Unit E |
pp1088_plt06a_unte_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Unit E |
pp1088_plt07a_untd_flt | Fault, top of Unit D |
pp1088_plt07a_untd_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Unit D |
pp1088_plt07a_untd_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Unit D |
pp1088_plt08a_untc_flt | Fault, top of Unit C |
pp1088_plt08a_untc_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Unit C |
pp1088_plt08a_untc_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Unit C |
pp1088_plt09a_untb_flt | Fault, top of Unit B |
pp1088_plt09a_untb_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Unit B |
pp1088_plt09a_untb_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Unit B |
pp1088_plt10a_unta_abs | Unit A absent |
pp1088_plt10a_unta_flt | Fault, top of Unit A |
pp1088_plt10a_unta_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Unit A |
pp1088_plt10a_unta_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Unit A |
pp1410b_fig01_secpaq_sys_ext_line | Inner margin of Coastal Plain (Fall Line) |
pp1410b_fig01_secpaq_sys_ext_poly | Extent polygon of Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system |
pp1410b_fig05_secpaq_bs_cntr | Contours on base of Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system |
pp1410b_fig05_secpaq_bs_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on base of Southeastern Coastal Plain aquifer system |
pp1410b_plt03_cmnc_ext_line | Extent line for top of Comanchean |
pp1410b_plt03_cmnc_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Comanchean |
pp1410b_plt03_cmnc_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Comanchean |
pp1410b_plt05_astn_ext_line | Extent line for top of Austinian |
pp1410b_plt05_astn_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Austinian |
pp1410b_plt05_astn_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Austinian |
pp1410b_plt07_shmkr_bs_cntr | Contours on base of Tuscaloosa marine shale marker |
pp1410b_plt07_shmkr_bs_ext_line | Extent line for base of Tuscaloosa marine shale marker |
pp1410b_plt07_shmkr_bs_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on base of Tuscaloosa marine shale marker |
pp1410b_plt09_tylr_ext_line | Extent line for top of Tayloran |
pp1410b_plt09_tylr_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Tayloran |
pp1410b_plt09_tylr_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Tayloran |
pp1410b_plt11_nvro_ext_line | Extent line for top of Navarroan |
pp1410b_plt11_nvro_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Navarroan |
pp1410b_plt11_nvro_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Navarroan |
pp1410b_plt13_mdwy_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Midwayan |
pp1410b_plt13_mdwy_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Midwayan |
pp1410b_plt15_sabn_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Sabinian |
pp1410b_plt15_sabn_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Sabinian |
pp1410b_plt17_clbrn_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Claibornian |
pp1410b_plt17_clbrn_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Claibornian |
pp1410b_plt23_34_prlrvraq_ext_line | Downdip limit of permeable strata of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt23_prlrvraq_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt23_prlrvraq_tp_ds_ext | Landward extent of groundwater containing greater than 10,000 mg/L dissolved solids, Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt23_prlrvraq_tp_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt23_prlrvraq_tp_hchrs | Hachured contours on top of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt34_prlrvraq_bs_cntr | Contours on base of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt34_prlrvraq_bs_ds_ext | Landward extent of groundwater containing greater than 10,000 mg/L dissolved solids, base of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt34_prlrvraq_bs_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on base of Pearl River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt36_38_cmnaq_ext_line | Downdip limit of permeable strata of Chattahoochee River or McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer |
pp1410b_plt36_cmnaq_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Chattahoochee River or McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer |
pp1410b_plt36_cmnaq_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Chattahoochee River or McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer |
pp1410b_plt38_cmnaq_bs_cntr | Contours on base of Chattahoochee River or McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer |
pp1410b_plt38_cmnaq_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on base of Chattahoochee River or McNairy-Nacatoch aquifer |
pp1410b_plt41_blkaq_ds_ext | Landward extent of groundwater containing greater than 10,000 mg/L dissolved solids, top of Black Warrior River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt41_blkaq_ext_poly | Extent polygon of contours on top of Black Warrior River aquifer |
pp1410b_plt41_blkaq_tp_cntr | Contours on top of Black Warrior River aquifer |
pp1410b_faults | Faults shown on various plates |