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U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 74, Version 3.0

Long-Term Oceanographic Observations in Massachusetts Bay, 1989-2006

Digital Data Files

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For descriptions of the digital data (recommended for first-time users), including links to download, go to:
Time-series oceanographic observations
Supporting observations (meteorology and streamflow)
Sediment-trap observations

For links to download all data without explanations, go to: Download Files

Time-series oceanographic observations

The time-series observations from LT-A and LT-B, the meteorological observations from NOAA Buoy 44013, and the USGS streamflow observations, are included in this report.  For each instrument deployment (see Overview of Data Set), data at the basic sampling interval (typically 3.75 minutes) and hour-averaged and low-pass-filtered data are included in netCDF format as individual files. Concatenated time-series data (a set of individual data files obtained at a common depth at a single site for the entire observation period) for hour-averaged and low-pass-filtered data are included as a MATLAB.mat file. ADCP data are included as individual files in netCDF format.

The data files are named with a convention that includes mooring number, instrument type, data type, version, and file extension (table 7). The data format is the EPIC netCDF standard defined by the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL). NetCDF is a general, self-documenting, machine-transportable data format created and supported by UCAR ( EPIC ( is a set of standards that allow researchers from different organizations to share oceanographic data without having to translate foreign data types into the local formats.  The variable names found in this data set are in table 12. See Montgomery and others (2008, app. 4) for a complete list of the EPIC variable names.

Download Individual Time-Series Data Files (select year of interest)

LT-A 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996    
LT-A 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 12006
LT-B 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 22004    

1Observations at LT-A terminated in February 2006; the data table for 2005 includes data that extend into 2006 collected by instruments deployed in September 2005.
2Observations at LT-B terminated in April 2004; the data table for 2003 includes data that extend into 2004 collected by instruments deployed in October 2003.

The time-series data from LT-A and LT-B are part of the USGS Wood Hole Science Center Moored Time-Series Database. The files may be viewed in a chronological list and downloaded from this site (go to Coastal Massachusetts and select Long-Term Observations (MWRA)).

Concatenated Data Files

The data collected at LT-A and LT-B are stored in numerous individual NetCDF data files, at least one file for each instrument deployed. In some cases, there are multiple measurements of the same variable made at the about the same depth and time by different instruments. For the analysis and plots presented in this report, it was convenient to identify a subset of these data files that provide a time-series for each variable at each depth over the entire study period. A set of data records was selected to provide a time series of hour-averaged data at the nominal measurement depths of 4-7 m, 22 m (10 m above bottom), and 31 m (1 m above bottom) at LT-A; and at 12 m (10 m above bottom) and 21 m (1 m above bottom) at LT-B.  The data in this concatenated series are from slightly different water depths and locations. 

Concatenated Data Files in MATLAB format

Supporting Observations

Supporting observations from NOAA Buoy 44013 and USGS streamflow data are in the following files:

NOAA Buoy 44013 (NetCDF format)

USGS Streamflow data (zipped file, Excel format)

Sediment-Trap Observations

The sediment-collection rate for time-series and tube sediment traps are listed by date of deployment and location (LT-A or LT-B). Results from some deployments are missing because the instrument malfunctioned or was lost. The location and depth of the sediment-trap samples are shown graphically in the Overview of Data Set section (LT-A, LT-B). The measured sediment-collection rate is plotted in several Time-Series Plots. Photographs of the collection bottles for each time-series sediment-trap deployment are listed by deployment number.

Table of sediment-trap collection rates for time-series and tube sediment traps

Definitions of column headings for sediment-trap collection-rate table

Photographs of time-series sediment-trap sampling bottles

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