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U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 74, Version 3.0

Long-Term Oceanographic Observations in Massachusetts Bay, 1989-2006

List of Tables

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Table 1. Summary of instruments deployed at LT-A, 1989-2006, to obtain measurements at nominal depths of 5, 22, and 31 meters.
Table 2. Location and platform type for NDBC buoy 44013 in Massachusetts Bay, 1986-2006.
Table 3. Specifications of oceanographic sensors used for long-term observations in Massachusetts Bay.
Table 4. Summary of sampling schemes for instruments at sites LT-A and LT-B.
Table 5. Principal tidal constituents.
Table 6. Amplitude of PL33 low-pass filter for principal tidal constituents.
Table 7. Mooring log (Excel format).
Table 8. Explanation of data-file names.
Table 9. Data-file names for each variable at site LT-A.
Table 10. Data-file names for each variable at site LT-B.
Table 11. Depth of deepest bin of acoustic Doppler current profiler observations at site LT-A and LT-B.
Table 12. EPIC variable names used in NetCDF data files in this report.

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