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Fact Sheet 2007–3096

World Assessment of Oil and Gas Fact Sheet

Assessment of Undiscovered Petroleum Resources of the Laptev Sea Shelf Province, Russian Federation

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Fact Sheet 2007-3096
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The Laptev Sea Shelf Province was assessed for undiscovered crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids/condensates resources (collectively referred to as petroleum) as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Circum-Arctic Oil and Gas Resource Appraisal. Using a geology-based methodology, the USGS estimates the mean undiscovered, conventional petroleum resources in the province to be approximately 9,300 million barrels of oil equivalent, including approximately 3,069 million barrels of crude oil, 32,252 billion cubic feet of natural gas, and 861 million barrels of natural gas liquids.

Version 1.0

Posted November 2007

Suggested citation:

Klett, T.R., and others, 2007, Assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of the Laptev Sea Shelf Province, Russian Federation: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3096.

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