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Fact Sheet 2008–3004

An Overview of the GIS Weasel

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Fact Sheet 2008-3004
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This fact sheet provides a high-level description of the GIS Weasel, a software system designed to aid users in preparing spatial information as input to lumped and distributed parameter environmental simulation models (ESMs). The GIS Weasel provides geographic information system (GIS) tools to help create maps of geographic features relevant to the application of a user’s ESM and to generate parameters from those maps. The operation of the GIS Weasel does not require a user to be a GIS expert, only that a user has an understanding of the spatial information requirements of the model. The GIS Weasel software system provides a GIS-based graphical user interface (GUI), C programming language executables, and general utility scripts. The software will run on any computing platform where ArcInfo Workstation (version 8.1 or later) and the GRID extension are accessible. The user controls the GIS Weasel by interacting with menus, maps, and tables.

Version 1.0

Posted March 2008

Suggested citation:

Viger, R.J., 2008, An overview of the GIS Weasel: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008–3004, 2 p.

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