Fact Sheet 2009–3068
USGS Western Region Coastal and Ocean
Science is interdisciplinary, collaborative, and
integrates expertise from all USGS Disciplines,
and ten of its major Science Centers, in Alaska,
Hawai`i, California, Washington, and Oregon.
The scientific talent, laboratories, and research
vessels in the Western Region and across the
Nation, strategically position the USGS to
address broad geographic and oceanographic
research topics. USGS information products
inform resource managers and policy makers
who must balance conservation mandates with
increasing demands for resources that sustain
the Nation’s economy. This fact sheet describes but a few examples of the breadth of USGS science conducted in coastal, nearshore, and ocean environments along our Nation's West Coast and Pacific Islands.
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Kinsinger, A.E., 2009, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Western Region, Coastal and Ocean Science: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3068, 4 p.
Understanding Ecosystems and Predicting Change
Climate Variability and Change in Coastal and Ocean Environments
Energy and Minerals
Natural Hazards
Role of the Environment in Human Health
Water Resources
Data Integration and Evolving Technologies
Providing Science for State, Regional, National, and Global Issues