Revision History for FS 2011-3112 Dorene MacCoy BioData: A National Aquatic Bioassessment Database ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online November 14, 2011 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted January 12, 2012 Introduction - paragraph two was updated to read: BioData allows users to combine data sets of known quality from different projects in various locations over time. It provides a nationally aggregated database for users to leverage data from many independent projects that, until now, was not feasible at this scale. For example, from 1991 to 2011, the USGS Idaho Water Science Center collected more than 800 bioassessment samples from 63 sites for the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program and more than 450 samples from 93 sites for a cooperative USGS and State of Idaho Statewide Water Quality Network (fig. 1). Using BioData, 20 years of samples collected for both of these projects can be combined for analysis. Figure 1 caption was updated to read: BioData users are able to retrieve data from multiple projects. An example in progress is the capability to retrieve sites in Idaho from the National Water-Quality Assessment Program (gray circles) and the USGS-Idaho Statewide Cooperative Network (black circles). (Idaho rivers and streams are blue lines).