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Table 1. Differences of precipitation measurements between the OTT PLUVIO Precipitation Gage and Belfort Universal Precipitation Gage 5-780, collected during phase III supplemental data evaluation

[Abbreviations: OP, OTT PLUVIO Precipitation Gage; Belfort, Belfort Universal Precipitation Gage 5-780.]

  Precipitation events dataset False positives removed dataset

Site Number of days of lost data,
OP/ Belfort
Number of precip-itation events Mean precip-itation,
OP/ Belfort (inches)
Median precip-itation,
OP/ Belfort (inches)
Total precip-itation,
Belfort (inches)
Number of false positives removed Adjusted number of events Adjusted mean precip-itation,
OP/ Belfort (inches)
Adjusted median precip-itation,
OP/ Belfort (inches)
Adjusted total precip-itation,
Belfort (inches)
IL11 East 14/15 66 0.26/0.25 0.05/0.05 16.97/16.46 17 52 0.32/0.32 0.10/0.11 16.78/16.46
IL11 West 7/15 109 0.18/0.17 0.02/0.00 19.23/18.10 51 65 0.29/0.28 0.06/0.06 18.53/18.10
MN16 7/21 106 0.07/0.07 0.01/0.01 7.88/7.49 33 73 0.11/0.10 0.03/0.03 7.27/7.49
NV03 11/12 56 0.03/0.02 0.01/0.00 1.58/1.13 34 22 0.06/0.05 0.02/0.03 1.24/1.13
PA15 0/28 75 0.24/0.25 0.10/0.11 17.75/18.41 2 73 0.24/0.25 0.13/0.12 17.73/18.41

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