Discharge, Nitrate Load, and Residence Time of Ground Water in the Chesapeake Bay Watershedby Scott W. Phillips, Michael J. Focazio,and L. Joseph Bachman USGS Fact Sheet FS-150-99 Summary of Major Findings
Role of ground water in the Chesapeake Bay watershed
Ground-water discharge to streams provides a large amount of flow that eventually enters the Chesapeake Bay. Thus, quantifying the discharge, nitrate load, and residence time of ground water in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (fig. 1) assists in developing an understanding of the movement of nutrients from their sources to streams. Some of the nutrients that are applied to the land surface, especially nitrogen, infiltrate into the underlying ground-water system. The nitrate is transported through shallow aquifers and discharges to springs and streams, thereby increasing the nitrate load to streams. If nitrate is assumed to move with the ground water, the residence time of water, which is the average time required for ground water to flow from areas of recharge to areas of discharge, can be used to estimate the rates of chemical transport. The residence time also provides an estimate of the "lag time" between implementation of management actions to reduce nutrient loads and a distinguishable improvement in surface-water quality. Discharge of ground water to streams entering the Chesapeake Bay
Ground water enters the Chesapeake Bay in two ways: as base flow to streams and rivers that drain to the Bay, or as discharge from shallow aquifers directly to the Bay and its tidal tributaries. USGS technical efforts have focused on ground water that discharges to streams and rivers because it is considered to be the largest source of ground water and associated nitrate load to the Bay. Streamwater consists of direct runoff or overland flow, soil water, and ground water (fig. 2). Direct runoff is rain or snowmelt that flows directly over the land surface to streams. Soil water may mix with infiltrating precipitation and discharge to streams during and after storms. Ground-water discharge, or base flow, enters the streams from the saturated zone of an aquifer. Streamflow data collected at 276 sites in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (fig. 3) were analyzed using hydrograph-separation techniques (Sloto and Crouse, 1996) to estimate the amount of total streamflow that is contributed by ground water. All sites had at least 4 years of streamflow data with some sites having more than 25 years of data. Ground-water contributions to total streamflow at these sites ranged from 16 to 92 percent, with a median value of 54 percent. This means that in an average year, of the 50 billion gallons of streamflow that enter the Bay each day, nearly 27 billion gallons are from ground water. Ground-water nitrate loads delivered to streams
The amount of nitrate in ground water depends on a number of factors, including the land use, the amount of nitrogen applied to the land surface, and the presence of dissolved oxygen in the aquifer (Speiran and others, 1998). For example, inputs of nitrogen are generally higher in urban and agricultural areas than forested areas. Therefore, a higher potential exists for nitrogen to infiltrate into the underlying soil zone and aquifer. Nitrogen is present in several forms in ground water depending on the availability of dissolved oxygen, and the dissolved oxygen will be influenced by both the soil and aquifer composition. Organic material within soil or aquifer material reacts with dissolved oxygen, removing it from the water. Fine-grained soils and aquifer materials commonly contain higher amounts of organic materials than do coarser materials, and therefore less dissolved oxygen. Where dissolved oxygen is abundant, nitrate is the principal form of nitrogen in ground water because bacteria may chemically oxidize (nitrify) ammonia to nitrate. Nitrate is of concern because it dissolves in, and flows with, ground water. Where dissolved oxygen is limited, the concentrations of nitrate in ground water tend to be low because bacteria chemically reduce (denitrify) nitrate to nitrogen gas or to ammonia if sufficient organic material is present. Preliminary estimates of residence times and apparent ages of ground water
Estimation of ground-water residence time is very complex, especially in the varied geologic settings in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Ground-water residence times were estimated using several approaches. Chemical isotopic tracers provide the most direct approach for estimating the age of ground water and associated residence time. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were the primary tracers used in this study to date the ground water discharging at springs and in many of the monitoring wells sampled in previous studies. The CFC dating techniques are described in Busenberg and Plummer (1992). CFCs have entered the atmosphere since the 1940’s, and are transported to ground water as precipitation infiltrates to the water table. The CFC concentrations are used to estimate an “apparent” age of ground water, which is the time that has elapsed since precipitation entered the ground-water-flow system and has been isolated from the atmosphere. The dating method is based on the assumption that gas loss, degradation, diffusion, or dispersion do not alter the concentrations of CFCs in ground water.
Implications for Chesapeake Bay restoration and future information needs
Understanding the discharge, nitrate load, and residence time of ground water in the Chesapeake Bay watershed will help resource managers develop actions to reduce nutrient loads entering the Bay. The CBP is working to reduce nutrient loads to the Bay by developing tributary strategies and using a watershed model to predict the effectiveness of the strategies. Current versions of the watershed model do not address all aspects of ground water however, and do not account for ground-water residence times in particular. The CBP can also use ground-water information in the revision of nutrient-reduction strategies for the Bay tributaries and the watershed model to understand the “lag time” between implementation of management actions and the reduction of nutrient concentrations in rivers draining to the Bay.
The CBP may consider management actions that promote infiltration of nitrogen into the subsurface where conditions for the potential of denitrification exist. An understanding of ground-water discharge, nitrate load, and subsurface characteristics near streams can also be used to guide placement of forest buffers in riparian areas to provide maximum benefit for nutrient reductions. Some nutrient-management actions may affect the quality of ground water that is used for public supply. Resource managers need to consider situations where management actions may promote the migration of nitrogen and other chemicals into shallow aquifers where ground water is used as a drinking-water resource.
The ecological health of any stream in the watershed is affected by ground-water discharge. Ground water supplies from 16 to 92 percent of the flow to streams and a greater percentage during summer months, which is a critical time for biological communities. Land-use changes that affect the amount and quality of ground water discharging to streams must be considered to ensure healthy stream ecology and habitat.
Although the USGS has provided preliminary information to address these issues, additional information is needed to further document the distribution of ground-water nitrate loads and residence times in different HGMRs. Additionally, information is needed to document changes in residence times and nitrate loads as hydrologic conditions and sources change, to map the subsurface characteristics that will promote denitrification, and to relate ground water to stream ecology.
Ground-Water Discharge and Base-Flow Nitrate Loads of Nontidal Streams, and Their Relation to a Hydrogeomorphic Classification of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Middle Atlantic Coast, and
Preliminary Estimates of Residence Times and Apparent Ages of Ground Water in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, and Water-Quality Data From a Survey of Springs, |
Additional References Cited
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