Table of Contents
The eruption of Cerro Negro Volcano, near Leon, Nicaragua,
during November 1968.

Introduction | The Nature of Volcanoes | Principal Types of Volcanoes | Other Volcanic Structures | Types of Volcanic Eruptions | Submarine Volcanoes | Geysers, Fumaroles, and Hot Springs | Volcano Environments | Plate-Tectonics Theory | Extraterrestrial Volcanoes | Volcano Monitoring and Research | Volcanoes and People | Suggested Reading

This on-line edition contains all text from the original book in its entirety. Some figures have been modified to enhance legibility at screen resolutions.

The printed version of this publication is one of a series of general interest publications prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey to provide information about the earth sciences, natural resources, and the environment. To obtain a catalog of additional titles in the series General Interest Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, contact:

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Maintained by John Watson
Last modified 5/7/97