U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series I-2773

Geologic Map of the Hogback Mountain Quadrangle, Lewis and Clark and Meagher Counties, Montana

By Mitchell W. Reynolds

Version 1.0

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I-2773 PDF file (92 KB)
(This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508.)

Map PDF file (2.7 MB)

I-2773 Metadata file (40 KB)

Hogback_Base ZIP file (1.4 MB) Contains a georegistered raster image of the topographic base map.

ArcInfo export and Arcview shape files of each geospatial data set are included in the archived files (below).
I-2773 TGZ (tar) file (2 MB)
I-2733 ZIP file (2 MB)

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