Bathymetry points extracted from 0.01-degree resolution grid marshallsg for the map of the Federated States of Micronesia. SAMPLE RECORDS: (latitude, longitude, depth_meters) 153.00044,17.00041,-5755.6 153.01044,17.00041,-5760.3 153.02044,17.00041,-5759.6 153.03044,17.00041,-5754.6 153.04044,17.00041,-5748.7 Description of source grid marshallsg Cell Size = 0.010 Data Type: Floating Point Number of Rows = 1401 Number of Columns = 2201 BOUNDARY STATISTICS Xmin = 152.995 Minimum Value = -6617.944 Xmax = 175.005 Maximum Value = 0.000 Ymin = 2.995 Mean = -4693.243 Ymax = 17.005 Standard Deviation = 1049.956 COORDINATE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Projection GEOGRAPHIC Datum WGS84 Units DD Spheroid WGS84 Parameters: METADATA: see CONTACT: Florence Wong Coastal and Marine Geology Team U.S. Geological Survey, MS 999 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Voice: 650-329-5327 Fax: 650-329-5190 4/26/2007