/****************************************************************************** GEOLOGIC AND TECTONIC DATABASE FOR USE IN THE DEATH VALLEY GROUND-WATER MODEL compiled by Jeremiah B. Workman /****************************************************************************** BE WARNED: This database is memory intensive. If you have any doubt about your storage capacity, I would suggest unarchiving only the files you need. All contained AML files were writen in UNIX and may not function properly under other platforms. /****************************************************************************** This digital geospatial database is distributed in both ArcInfo export format and ArcView Shapefile format. After decompressing and untaring or unzipping the file, a directory called mf-2381 should have been created. In ArcView, create a new view then choose "Add Theme" from the Theme menu to add each shapefile to the view. The shapefiles will be found in the subdirectory dvrfs_shapefiles. In ArcInfo, you may import the coverages and create the appropriate directory structure by typing "&run import" with Arc running from the database directory. This will create two subdirectories: dvrfs_geology and dvrfs_basemaps. 1. DVRFS_GEOLOGY will contain all of the primary geologic database coverages. There are 8 coverages: geology polygons (dvrfs_geo), faults (dvrfs_flt), caldera boundaries (dvrfs_cald), tectonic zones as linear axes (dvrfs_tline), the eastern limit of the Walker Lane (dvrfs_wlane), geophysically located faults in the basins (dvrfs_gpflt), major lineaments (dvrfs_lin), and fault offset symbols (dvrfs_sym). Detailed descriptions of these coverages can be found in the metadata included with the database (in the /documents subdirectory). 2. DVRFS_BASEMAPS will contain additional coverages, grids, and projection files necessary for generating a graphical representation of the map. These include: the hypsography (dvrfs_hp), the boundaries (dvrfs_bd), the roads (dvrfs_rd), the Nevada Test Site boundary (nts_bd), text for the base map (dvrfs_hptxt), the three grids used to generate the hillshade on the tectonic map (dvrfs_blue, dvrfs_green, and dvrfs_red), a polygon coverage defining the map boundary (basemaparea) used for defining mapextent in ARCPLOT, a polygon coverage defining the map area (maparea), polygon coverage defining the ground-water model area (modelarea), a polygon coverage used to shade the tectonically significant structural zones (dvrfs_tzone), text labels for faults and regional structures (dvrfs_text), a coverage used to draw a map scale bar (scale250), and two projection files for the geographic projection (geo.prj) and UTM projection (utm.prj). All documentation, including metadata which describes the geologic coverages in detail and pamphlets for the maps, is included in the /documents subdirectory. Printable PDF files for all map plates may be downloaded from the internet site where this database is stored. All of the files in the tools directory are necessary for reproducing an ARC graphics file of the geologic and tectonic maps. To plot out the geologic map at 1:250,000-scale use the AML 'drawmap.aml' by typing '&run drawmap'. The tectonic map may be drawn at 1:250,000-scale by using the AML 'drawtectmap.aml'. Please let me know if you have any questions. Jeremiah B. Workman US Geological Survey Box 25046 DFC, MS-913 Denver, CO 80225 303-236-1257 jworkman@usgs.gov