Contents of the BASINS.DAT file Version 1.0 1 Sep 92 For each of the variables (except station number), a value of -99.00 indicates a missing value. There is one record (line) for each station. The file is sorted on station number (column 1-8). Columns Format Contents 1-8 I8 Station number - the 8 digit station number uniquely identifying the station. 9-17 F9.2 Slope - Main channel slope, in feet per mile, measured at points 10- and 85-percent of stream length upstream from gage. 18-26 F9.2 Length - Stream length, in miles, measured along the channel from gage to basin divide. 27-35 F9.2 Elevation - Mean basin elevation, in feet above mean sea level, measured from topographic maps by transparent grid sampling method (20 to 80 points in basin were sampled). 36-44 F9.2 Percent storage - Area of lakes, ponds, and swamps in percent of contributing drainage area, measured by the grid sampling method. 45-53 F9.2 Percent lake area - Area of lakes and ponds, in percent of contributing drainage area, measured by the grid sampling method. 54-62 F9.2 Percent forest - Forested area, in percent of contributing drainage area, measured by the grid sampling method. The resolution and scale of the underlying maps varied widely. 63-71 F9.2 Percent glacier - Area of glaciers, in percent of contributing drainage area. 72-80 F9.2 Soil inf. - Soil index, in inches, a relative measure of potential infiltration (soil water storage), from Soil Conservation Service. The soil index was determined from maps that were necessarily highly generalized and may be relatively coarse in resolution when applied to small drainage areas. 81-89 F9.2 Precip. - Mean annual precipitation, in inches, from U.S. Weather Bureau series, "Climates of States", 1959-61: grid sampling methods used if isohyetal map is available, otherwise anomaly map constructed (WSP 1580-D, 1964). 90-98 F9.2 I24,2 - Precipitation intensity; 24-hour rainfall, in inches, expected on the average of one each 2 years. (Estimated from U.S. Weather Bureau Technical Paper 40 (1961) except for western States where NOAA Atlas 2 exists). 99-107 F9.2 Jan. min. - Mean minimum January temperature, in degrees F, from U.S. Weather Bureau series, "Climates of States", 1959-61. Conversion factors: Multiply inches by 25.4 to obtain millimeters. Multiply feet by 0.3048 to obtain meters. Multiply miles by 1.609 to obtain kilometers. Multiply feet per mile by 0.1894 to obtain meters per kilometer. Temperature degrees C = (degrees F -32)/ 1.8. Format descriptions: I8 an integer field 8 columns wide. F9.2 a real (float) field 9 columns wide with 2 places to the right of the decimal point.