0.00 61.26 61.26 "No core. [See logs of OL-92-1 and -3]" 61.26 62.47 1.21 "Silty clay, faint color beds, 5-10 mm thick, in upper 30 cm, massive below, 5Y2/1." 62.47 62.64 0.17 "Clay, moderately calcareous, trace of volcanic ash, faintly bedded, 5Y7/2." 62.64 63.16 0.52 "Silty clay, massive, 5Y2/1, basal contact gradational over 10 cm." 63.16 63.97 0.81 "Silty clay, mostly massive, 5Y-5GY4/1-2." 63.97 64.09 0.12 "Silty clay, laminar bedding, 5Y4/2." 64.09 64.14 0.05 "No core." 64.14 64.24 0.10 "Silty clay, like sediment between 63.97 and 64.09 m, basal contact gradational over 6 cm interval." 64.24 65.22 0.02 "Silty clay, massive, 5Y2/1." 65.22 65.25 0.03 "Sand and silt; two beds of fine to very fine sand, each 1-3 mm thick, separated by black silt, each bed massive, sands are 5Y4/4, silt is N2." 65.25 65.64 0.39 "Silty clay, massive, 5Y2/1." 65.64 66.28 0.64 "Silty clay, very faintly color bedded in upper two thirds, some tan sand or coarse silt in the lower third, 5Y3/2." 66.28 66.74 0.46 "Silty clay (70%), discrete beds of clay and clayey silt (30%) that average about 1 cm thick, bedding faintly but clearly defined." 66.74 66.99 0.25 "Sand, fine to coarse, average medium, many grains appear coated with carbonate, poorly sorted, faintly bedded in lower half, 5Y4-6/4." 66.99 67.19 0.17 "Silty clay, faintly color bedded, beds 5-10 mm thick, 5Y4-6/2." 67.19 67.23 0.07 "Silty clay, faintly color bedded, beds 5-10 mm thick, 5Y3-4/2." 67.23 67.31 0.08 "Silty clay, some fine to very fine sand, prominent bedding, some laminar, 5Y4-6/4." 67.31 68.04 0.73 "Silty clay, some sand, between 67.40 and 68.14 m, 12 beds of very fine to medium sand, 0.3 to 3.0 cm thick, and separated by silty-clay beds having thicknesses ranging from 2 to 16 cm, appears possibly cyclical, silty clay 5Y3/2 (5GY3/1 between 67.62 and 67.78 m); 1-cm thick bed of sand at 67.72 m, 5Y5-6/4." 68.04 68.49 0.45 "Silty clay, faintly color bedded, 5GY3-4/1." 68.49 69.71 1.32 "Silty clay, possibly 5% silt beds in lower half, faint color bedding, each 0.5 to 10 cm thick, 5GY4-5/1." 69.71 69.95 0.24 "Silty clay, prominent color bedding, beds typically 0.2-1.0 cm thick, 10YR5/4, 5-10Y4- 5/2, 5GY4/1." 69.95 70.46 0.51 "Silty clay, faint color beds, 5Y3-5/2." 70.46 70.72 0.26 "Silty clay, color bedded, beds 0.5 to 1.0 cm thick, 5-10Y3-5/2." 70.72 70.92 0.20 "Silty clay, very faint beds (color), 5GY3/1; possible tephra, 0.5 mm thick, at 70.86 m." 70.92 71.82 0.90 "Silty clay and clayey silt, bedding distinct, caused by changes in color and sediment size, 5Y-5GY4-6/1." 71.82 71.92 0.10 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY2/1." 71.92 71.94 0.02 "Sand, very fine, exceptionally micaceous, 5Y4/1." 71.94 73.25 1.31 "Silty clay, massive in upper third, slightly bedded in lower two thirds, 5GY2/1 (upper), 5Y4/4 to 5GY2/1 (lower); cross-cutting vein(?) of white or gray minerals at 72.27 m, carbonate-rich layer (possibly containing tephra) at 72.98 m." 73.25 73.51 0.26 "No core." 73.51 74.36 0.85 "Siltly clay, distinct color beds, 0.1 to 1.0 cm thick, 5GY2/1 (upper half) grading down to 5Y-5GY4/1; tephra(?), 1 to 2 mm thick, at 74.27 m." 74.36 74.38 0.02 "Limestone, impure, possibly containing tephra, forms highly indurated zone, massive, numerous diatoms, 5Y6/1; core fragmented during removal from core barrel." 74.38 74.42 0.04 "No core." 74.42 74.47 0.05 "Limestone, impure, highly indurated, weakly bedded, 5Y6/1." 74.47 74.83 0.36 "Silty clay, weakly color bedded, 0.2 to 1.0 cm thick, beds more widely spaced in middle of unit, mostly 5-10Y5-6/2-4." 74.83 75.04 0.21 "Silty clay, weakly-defined color beds, average 5-10 mm thick, 5GY4-5/1." 75.04 75.22 0.18 "Silty clay, weakly defined color beds, average 0.5 to 1.0 cm thick, 5GY2-4/1." 75.22 75.55 0.33 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY2-4/1." 75.55 76.22 0.67 "Silty clay, slightly mottled, 5GY2-4/1." 76.22 76.51 0.29 "Silty clay, very faint color bedding, 5B4/1." 76.51 76.56 0.05 "No core." 76.56 85.64 9.08 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY4-5/1; 1- to 2- cm-thick beds of diatom-rich marl at 79.98, 81.46, 81.76 to 81.84 m, 84.52, and 84.56 m; normal fault between 83.31 and 83.61 m, dips about 70°, offsets 5-mm-thick sand bed more than 20 cm (it does not reappear in core, so not caused by coring pressures]." 85.64 85.75 0.11 "No core." 85.75 85.94 0.19 "Silty clay, like sediments between 82.65 and 85.64 m, basal contact gradational over 15- cm zone." 85.94 88.75 22.81 "Silty clay, weakly color bedded, beds 0.3-2.0 cm thick, 5GY3-5/1; many beds consist of a dark layer (with sharp upper contact) that grades down into a lighter layer of about-equal thickness; bioturbation(?) structures throughout, especially between 86.33 and 86.49 m; discontinuities that dip about 20° seen at 87.61 and 88.36 m." 88.75 91.76 3.01 "Silty clay, variegated (bioturbated?), tube structures up to 7 cm x 1 cm, 80% 5GY5/1, 20% 5GY3/1; possibly slump but probably core." 91.76 91.80 0.04 "No core." 91.80 93.09 1.29 "Silty clay, perhaps 1% silt or very fine sand, color beds are 1-3 cm thick, bioturbated(?), 50% 5GY4/1, 50% 5G2/5." 93.09 93.41 0.32 "Silty clay, bioturbated(?), 20% 5GY2/1, 80% 5GY3/1." 93.41 94.30 0.89 "Silty clay, disseminated grains of silt or very fine sand that have a glassy luster, extremely turbated, almost no recognizable beds, 70% 5Y2/1, 30% 5GY2/1." 94.30 94.84 0.54 "Silty clay, like above, slightly turbated, faint color bedding, mostly 5Y2/1, some slightly lighter." 94.84 94.90 0.06 "Clay and silt (90%), and very fine sand (10%), mottled, 5Y2/1." 94.90 94.95 0.05 "Silty clay, mottled, 5Y2-4/1." 94.95 95.06 0.11 "Clay and silt, like that at 94.84 to 94.90 m." 95.06 95.24 0.18 "Silty clay grading down to interbedded clay and sand, very fine to medium, bedding caused by grain-size variation, 5Y2/1." 95.24 95.52 0.28 "Sand, medium to coarse, some clay fragments (up to 10 x 15 mm), sand is granitic, well to fairly-well sorted, sub-angular to sub- rounded, dark clay matrix (5-10%), very faint bedding, coarsest sand in lower half, 5Y2/1; unit contained methane under high pressure." 95.52 96.06 0.54 "No core." 96.06 96.17 0.11 "Sand, fine to coarse, silty matrix, sand angular to sub-rounded, well sorted, granitic source, irregular subhorizontal streaks of lighter beds of silty clay, sand is massive, 5Y-GY2- 4/1." 96.17 96.42 0.25 "Sand, medium to coarse, angular to sub- angular, well sorted, granitic, 5% black organic-rich (?) matrix, massive, same size range throughout, 5Y2/1." 96.42 96.51 0.09 "Sand, medium to very coarse, angular, granitic, many quartz grains, massive, 5Y2/1, many grains N7-N8." 96.51 96.68 0.17 "Silty clay, dark, mottled, bioturbated(?), lighter ""borings"" up to 10 x 70 mm, 5Y-GY2/1." 96.68 96.84 0.16 "Silty clay, similar to above but ""borings"" smaller (up to 2 x 20 mm)." 96.84 97.84 1.00 "No core." 97.84 98.52 0.68 "Silty clay, like core between 96.68 and 96.84 m." 98.52 100.76 2.24 "Silty clay, disseminated sand grains, zones of semi-indurated sand at 98.57, 98.74 and 98.90 m, patch (2 x 10 mm) of orange (10YR5/4) sandstone(?) or fossil wood(?) at 100.01 m, very faint color banding, 0.5 to 1.5 cm thick, N1 to 5G-5GY1-3/1; basal contact gradational over 5 cm." 100.76 100.84 0.08 "Silty clay, 1 x 3 mm zones of gray (N3-5) sediment (10%) in darker sediment; core damaged during extraction." 100.84 100.89 0.05 "No core." 100.89 100.96 0.07 "Silty clay, like sediment between 98.52 and 100.76 m." 100.96 101.04 0.08 "Silty clay, color bedding moderately prominent, 5Y2-5/1." 101.04 101.07 0.03 "Clay and sand, very fine, well sorted, in prominent beds 1 to 2 mm thick, 5Y6-7/1." 101.07 101.36 0.29 "Silty clay, numerous very fine sand layers 1 to 2 mm thick, both discontinuous and continuous, uniform color bedding (3 to 15 mm thick) fairly prominent, 5GY2-4/1; sand beds appear rhythmic, commonly about 1 cm apart." 101.36 101.41 0.05 "Silt and clay, very fine, well bedded due to variations in grain size, 5Y5/2." 101.41 101.89 0.48 "Silty clay, faint color bedding (5 to 15 mm average thickness), and prominent thin sand beds (0.5 to 1.0 mm thick, spaced about 5 cm apart), silty clay is 5GY5/2, sand is 5Y7/1, colors darkens below 101.75 m." 101.89 102.37 0.48 "Silt clay, micaceous, numerous disseminated sand grains, massive, 5Y2/1." 102.37 102.65 0.28 "Silty clay, disseminated fine and medium sand grains, 3-cm-thick bed of very fine sand at 102.54 m, massive, 5Y-5GY2/1." 102.65 102.73 0.08 "Clay, about 10% silt and very fine sand, disseminated grains of fine and medium sand, very well bedded, silt 5Y2/1, sand 5Y6/1." 102.73 102.86 0.13 "Silty clay, many disseminated grains of sand faintly bedded, 5Y2-3/1." 102.86 102.90 0.04 "Silt, some clay and possibly very fine sand, well bedded due to grain size variation, 10Y5/2." 102.90 103.17 0.27 "Silty clay, discontinuous beds (2 mm thick) of very fine sand, mottled, 10Y4-6/2." 103.17 103.42 0.25 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, massive in upper and lower quarters, laminated in middle, (laminae less than 1 mm thick), light part is very fine sand, dark is clay or silt." 103.42 103.79 0.37 "Silty clay, 1- to 4-mm-thick beds of very fine sand are both continuous and discontinuous, bedding shown by sand beds and color changes in silt, 10Y6/2 to 5GY2/1, 3-cm darker zone near middle." 103.79 107.06 3.27 "No core." 107.06 107.18 0.18 "Clay and silt, some beds of very fine sand, color bedding 2 to 5 mm thick, mostly 5GY3-5/2, light beds (5Y6/4) are very fine sand." 107.18 107.22 0.04 "Clay and silt, like above but darker (10Y3/2)." 107.22 107.23 0.01 "Sand, fine to medium, 5Y7/4." 107.23 107.31 0.08 "Clay and silt, some sand, like 107.18 to 107.22 m." 107.31 107.40 0.09 "Silt and clay, a 1 cm thick bed of fine to very fine sand at 107.34 m, very faint color bedding, 10Y4/2." 107.40 109.46 0.06 "No core." 109.46 110.26 0.80 "Silty clay, 3 to 6 mm thick beds of very fine sand at 109.58, 109.86, 109.93, and 110.06 m, silty clay is nearly massive, slightly mottled, 5G3-5/1." 110.26 111.06 0.80 "Silty clay, micaceous, 0.5 to 1.0 cm thick beds of very fine sand at 110.38, 110.41, 110.52, 110.58, 110.61, 110.64, 110.77 and 111.05 m, bedding defined by sand layers, otherwise by color, silty clay is 5Y-5GY4/2-4, sand is 5GY4/1." 111.06 111.33 0.27 "Silty clay, micaceous, faint color bedding, 5Y3- 5/4." 111.33 112.37 1.04 "Silty clay, beds of silt and very fine sand at 111.54 and 111.75 m, faint color beds, 5GY3- 5/1." 112.37 112.40 0.03 "Silt and sand, very fine, as alternating beds having about equal thickness (5 mm), 5GY4/1." 112.40 112.58 0.18 "Silty clay, like that between 111.33 and 112.37 m." 112.58 112.59 0.01 "Silt and sand, very fine, 5G3/1." 112.59 112.84 0.25 "Silt and sand, very fine (upper and lower third), 5GY5/4, and silty clay (middle third), 5GY4/1, faint bedding defined by very fine sand beds and colors." 112.84 113.44 0.60 "Silt and sand, very fine, like that between 112.59 and 112.84 m." 113.44 113.79 0.35 "Silty clay, very few silt and very fine sand beds except near 113.73 m, nearly massive except where very fine sand beds are found, 5GY4/1." 113.79 113.83 0.04 "Silty clay, trace of very fine sand, nearly massive, 5GY2/1." 113.83 114.59 0.76 "Silty clay, like sediment between 113.44 and 113.79 m." 114.59 114.60 0.01 "Silt, disseminated grains of medium to coarse sand, nearly massive, 5Y4/6; numerous ostracodes." 114.60 115.24 0.64 "No core." 115.24 115.43 0.19 "Silty clay, some silt or very fine sand, faintly bedded, beds 1-5 mm, 5Y4-6/2." 115.43 116.21 0.78 "Silty clay, 1-cm-thick beds of silt or very fine sand at 115.46, 115.73, and 115.80 m, coarser beds well defined, finer beds weakly defined by color unless mottled, 5GY4-6/1; clastic dike composed of silt, between 115.98 and 116.10 m, dips about 70° from horizontal, 3 to 5 cm thick; bubbles, 2 to 4 mm diameter, of methane(?) forming on freshly-exposed surface." 116.21 116.85 0.65 "Silty clay, no sand or silt layers, faint color beds, slightly mottled 5GY5/1-2." 116.85 117.30 0.40 "Silty clay, some very fine sand, well bedded by colors and very fine sand layers that are 0.5 to 5 mm thick, in places rhythmically bedded, mostly 5GY4/1, between 117.21 and 117.24 m; disturbed zone between 117.07 and 117.12 m is the base of a clastic dike, 2 to 3 mm wide, that extends vertically up to 116.68 m." 117.30 117.51 0.21 "Silty clay, very faint color bedding in upper half, contorted bedding in lower half, 5GY4- 5/1." 117.51 117.73 0.22 "Silty clay, like that between 116.85 and 117.30 m but contains about 5% very fine sand, bedding defined by both color change and sand beds that are 1 to 5 mm thick, some beds tilted, 5GY4/1." 117.73 119.25 1.52 "Silt and clay, like sediments between 116.85 and 117.30 m; concentrations of very fine sand beds having thicknesses ranging from 5 to 11 cm at 118.03, 118.36, 118.72, and 119.06 m, silt and clay 5GY4-6/1, sand layers 5Y6/1 to N8; between 118.22 and 118.31 m, a 45° ""fault"" truncates beds but they can not be matched across fault." 119.25 119.98 0.73 "Silty clay and an estimated 30% very fine sand or silt, as discrete beds, sand beds well bedded, silty clay beds faintly color bedded, 5GY4-5/1; at 119.96 m, a 1-cm-thick bed of very fine sand, color bedded, N4 grading upward to N6." 119.98 120.21 0.23 "Silty clay and sand, very fine, as beds, like unit above put perhaps 40% very fine sand or silt, 5Y4/4 to 5GY5/1; at 120.19 m, a 1-cm bed of sand containing a few shards of glass." 120.21 120.84 0.63 "Silty clay, some (?) very fine sand, faintly bedded, 5GY4/1." 120.84 122.30 1.46 "Silty clay, like above, silty or sandy zones between 121.05 and 121.16, 121.55 and 121.65, and 122.23 and 122.24 m." 122.30 123.84 1.54 "Silty clay, scattered zones containing more silt and very fine sand, bedding shown by 0.5- mm-thick) layers of silt and very fine sand that commonly are about 1 cm apart (examples near depths of 122.57, 122.97, 123.20, 123.61, and 123.71 m), 5GY5-7/1." 123.84 125.68 1.84 "Silty clay, like unit above, though fewer very fine sand beds, massive." 125.68 126.08 0.40 "Silt, some very fine sand, 5Y5/4 grading down to 10Y4/2; very sharp basal contact." 126.08 126.57 0.49 "Silty clay, grading down to silt and sand, very fine, in lower third, 10Y6/2 to 5GY4/1." 126.57 129.67 3.10 "Silty clay, bedding faint, colors alternate between green (5GY4-6/1) and orange (5Y5/1); between 128.18 and 129.33 m, several subvertical wavy, darker colored lines (1 mm wide), and clastic dikes (2 mm wide); the dikes start abruptly at about 129.23 and 129.38 m, and thin upward." 129.67 130.76 1.09 "Silty clay, 10% beds of silt and very fine sand, bedding, caused by silt and sand layers is moderately distinct; many zones where silt or sand layers 5 to 15 mm apart, some beds due to color changes but most of unit is variegated, 5GY5/1 to 5Y5/4." 130.76 131.14 0.38 "Silty clay and sand, very fine, in beds 1 to 3 mm thick, 5 to 20 mm apart, flat, 10Y4/2." 131.14 131.17 0.03 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY5/1." 131.17 131.18 0.01 "Tephra and sand, very fine to fine, coarser in upper half, well sorted and bedded, very hard, N4; tephra are small, clear, and commonly in shape of a triangle, diamond, or rectangle." 131.18 134.26 3.08 "Silty clay, unit includes at least 14 distinct sand beds, 2 to 15 mm thick, elsewhere, faint color beds have gradational contracts, 5GY5/2, some 5Y5/2." 134.26 134.45 0.19 "Silty clay, sand layers average about 0.5 mm thick, 3 to 10 mm apart, a 5 mm layer at 134.39 m, 5GY5/2, some 5Y5/2." 134.45 134.65 0.20 "Silty clay, like above, but no sand." 134.65 135.06 0.41 "Silty clay and sand, fine, like that between 134.26 and 134.45 m." 135.06 135.10 0.04 "Silty clay, like that between 134.45 and 134.65 m." 135.10 135.20 0.10 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY5/1." 135.20 135.22 0.02 "Silt, very fine sand, faint color bedding, 5Y5/4" 135.22 136.08 0.86 "Silty clay, mostly very faint color bedding, but discrete beds of silt to very coarse sand 0.5 to 1.0 mm thick, make distinct beds, commonly as rhythmic sequences of two or three beds about 1 cm apart." 136.08 136.22 0.14 "Silty clay, mottled, darker colors make 1 to 2- mm-wide ""veins"" (no change in sediment size), 5-10Y3-4/2." 136.22 136.46 0.24 "Silty clay, cut by lighter colored clastic ""dikes"" and ""sills"", 2 to 10 mm wide and about 200 mm high, 5Y3-5/2." 136.46 136.74 0.28 "Silty clay, massive, 5Y4/4; lower contact gradational." 136.74 137.38 0.64 "Silty clay, some silt and very fine sand layers that are 1 to 2 m thick, silty clay is slightly mottled, 5GY6/1 to 5Y5/2." 137.38 137.55 0.17 "Silty clay, very little silt, mottled, 5Y4/2-4." 137.55 137.89 0.34 "Silty clay, some silt, 5GY6/1 with some 5Y5/2." 137.89 138.21 0.32 "Silty clay, like above but more distinct beds of silt and very fine sand, 5GY6/1." 138.21 138.80 0.59 "Silty clay, several silt partings 1 to 2 cm apart, 5Y5/2; lower quarter more brittle, fractured into blocks when removed from core barrel." 138.80 139.04 0.24 "No core." 139.04 139.23 0.19 "Silty clay, some silt in upper third of unit, faint bedding caused by both color changes and silt layers, 5GY6/1, some 5Y4/4." 139.23 139.64 0.41 "Silty clay, moderately distinct bedding, some beds of silt to very fine sand, 10Y4/2." 139.64 140.03 0.39 "Silty clay and clayey silt, beds and discontinuous zones of sand, 1 to 3 mm thick, make prominent beds, distance between sand bed ranges from 5 to 15 mm, 5GY3-5/1, sand beds N6-7; lower contact wavy (2 cm amplitude, 4 cm wave length)." 140.03 140.83 0.80 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY5/1." 140.83 141.46 0.63 "Silty clay, like that between 139.64 and 140.03 m, but more silt and very fine sand in upper quarter of this unit." 141.46 141.82 0.36 "Silty clay, like that between 140.03 and 140.83." 141.82 141.86 0.04 "Silty or sandy clay, disseminated fine to very fine sand, 5G4/1." 141.86 141.89 0.03 "Silty or sandy clay, like above, 5Y4/4." 141.89 142.02 0.13 "Silty or sandy clay, like that between 141.82 and 141.86." 142.09 142.57 0.48 "Silty or sandy clay, like that between 41.89 and 142.09 m, 1-mm thick beds of silt and very fine sand more common in upper quarter of this unit, subvertical ""veins"" of darker colors, 1 to 15 mm across, otherwise massive, 5G4/1, with insides of ""veins"" 5G3/1." 142.57 142.89 0.32 "Silty clay, disseminated biotite flakes, 2-mm layer of very fine sand at 142.83 m, massive, 5-10Y4/4." 142.89 143.08 0.19 "Silty clay, disseminated silt and very fine sand grains, massive except for vertical color ""veins"", 5Y4/4." 143.08 143.25 0.17 "Silty clay, with 1- to 3-mm-wide clumps of very fine sand between 143.11 and 143.25 m, massive except for vertical color ""veins"", 5Y4/4." 143.25 143.61 0.36 "Silty clay, some beds of silt and very fine sand, ""veins"" defined by colors, unit mostly 5GY5/1, ""veins"" 5Y4/3." 143.61 144.83 1.22 "Silty clay, disseminated silt and very fine sand, 5-10Y4-5/1-2; one color ""vein"" extends from 144.07 m to 143.63 m which is 5Y4/4, another extends from 144.83 m to 144.61 m which is 5GY4/1." 144.83 145.24 0.41 "Silty clay, sparse very fine sand, 5-10Y4-6/1-2; several vertical color ""veins"", a 10-cm long ""vein"" at base in cut by a 45° fault." 145.24 146.74 1.50 "Silty clay, no conspicuous silt or sand layers, mottled, 5Y-5GY5/1; three vertical to sub- horizontal color ""veins"" 1 to 2 mm wide are 5G4/4." 146.74 146.92 0.18 "Silty clay, like above but no color ""veins"", 5Y- 5GY5/1." 146.92 147.68 0.76 "Silty clay, mostly massive, 5Y3-5/4 grading down to 5Y4/6; clastic dike, 5 to 15 mm wide, extends from base to top of unit, its boundaries are very sharp, a 2-mm-thick bed of fine sand, 12 cm up from base, is offset 2 mm by dike; basal 5 cm is ostracode coquina." 147.68 147.81 0.13 "Silt and clay, silt is both disseminated and in thin beds, 5-10Y4/2." 147.81 148.84 1.03 "Silty clay, with fine to very fine sand beds and pods that are 2 to 10 mm in diameter, sand beds mostly 1 to 3 mm thick, silty clay is mostly massive, some color beds, 10Y4/2, thicker sand beds are 5Y4/2." 148.84 149.47 0.63 "Silty clay, numerous 1- to 3-mm thick beds of fine to very fine sand, massive except for sand beds, 5GY4/1." 149.47 149.55 0.08 "Silty clay, massive, some sand pods (not beds), 5G4/1." 149.55 149.87 0.32 "Silty clay, massive, a few sand pods near 149.65 m, 5GY5/1." 149.87 150.93 1.06 "Silty clay, a 3-mm-thick bed of very fine sand at 149.91 m, mostly massive, some sand pods near 150.03 and 150.48 m, upper half of unit is 5GY5/1, lower half is 5G5/1; at 150.24 m is a pebble 12 mm long." 150.93 151.88 0.95 "No core." 151.88 153.41 1.53 "Silty clay, two 2-mm granules noted, several thin silt-free zones, massive, 5G5/1." 153.41 155.25 1.84 "Silty clay, variable disseminated silt and very fine sand, massive to faintly mottled, 5GY5/1; basal contact sharp but wavy." 155.25 155.33 0.08 "Silt and sand, very fine , some clay, very hard, both color and grain-size bedding, 5Y5/2 to 5GY5/1." 155.33 155.74 0.41 "Silty clay, like that between 154.51 and 155.25 m, 5GY5/1." 155.74 157.01 1.27 "Silty clay, faint color beds, 5 to 15 mm thick, 5Y- 5GY4-5/1-4." 157.01 157.29 0.28 "Silty clay, some(?) very fine sand in upper half, grades down to fine or medium sand, faintly bedded, 5Y4-5/2." 157.29 157.35 0.06 "No core." 157.35 158.51 1.16 "Silty clay, a few silt- to-medium-sand beds, mostly massive except for coarser beds, 5GY5/1." 158.51 162.69 4.18 "No core." 162.69 162.81 0.12 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY5/1; basal contact gradational." 162.81 163.11 0.30 "Silty clay, several 3-mm-thick beds of fine to medium sand, well bedded where sand zones occur, silty clay is massive and 5GY5/1, sand is 5Y4/1; near base is a 7-cm-high rounded ""intrusion"" of sand containing discrete 1 to 2 mm pods of N6 fine sand." 163.11 163.30 0.19 "Sand, fine to very fine, very hard (beds not bent down at core edge), 5Y4-5/2-4." 163.30 163.44 0.14 "Silty clay, several 1-mm-thick beds of sand, zone of dark, very fine sand near base, 5GY5/1." 163.44 163.53 0.09 "Silty clay, disseminated sand grains, silty clay is massive, 15-mm-thick bed of dark sand is well bedded, 5Y3-4/4." 163.53 164.04 0.51 "Clay, with some beds of silt and sand, sand in beds (1 to 10 mm thick) and pods (1 to 3 mm across), massive except for sand beds, 5GY3-4/1." 164.04 164.28 0.24 "Silty clay, almost no sand, massive, 5GY4/1." 164.28 164.49 0.21 "Silty clay, many disseminated grains of fine to very fine sand and white carbonate pods, massive, 5Y-GY4/1." 164.49 164.73 0.24 "Silty clay, like above, 5Y4-5/2." 164.73 164.82 0.09 "Silty clay, like that between 164.04 and 164.28 m." 164.82 166.74 1.92 "No core." 166.74 166.89 0.15 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY5/1." 166.89 167.22 0.33 "Silty clay containing disseminated very fine sand, several white carbonate pods, several beds of medium to fine sand, silt is massive, sand is fairly well sorted silty clay is 5GY5- 6/2, sand is 10Y4/2; near middle of unit is a 40-mm-wide pod of fairly well sorted fine to medium sand." 167.22 167.26 0.04 "Silty clay, like unit above, massive, 5Y3/4." 167.26 168.63 1.37 "Silty clay, beds and pods of very fine sand in upper quarter of unit, no sand seen in remaining part of unit, essentially massive, 5GY5/1, sand is N7." 168.63 171.42 2.79 "No core." 171.42 171.64 0.22 "Silty clay, massive, 5GY4/1." 171.64 171.73 0.09 "No core." 171.73 173.68 1.95 "Silty clay, small amount of disseminated silt or very fine sand fragments having glassy luster (quartz or mica ?), massive, 5G4/1; two vertical color ""veins"", 25 and 10 cm long, are 5GY3/1." 173.68 173.82 0.14 "Silt or very fine sand, a 3-cm-thick very hard layer at base, could be a tuff or carbonate- cemented zone, 5Y5/2; sediments are from core-catcher, stored in bag." 173.82 174.16 0.34 "No core." 174.16 175.53 1.37 "Clay, with 1 to 5% silt or very fine sand, mostly massive, very faintly mottled between 174.81 and 175.28 m, faintly color bedded below 5GY5/1." 175.53 176.30 0.77 "No core." 176.30 178.03 1.73 "Clay, like core segment described above, massive, 5GY5/1." 178.03 178.74 0.71 "No core." 178.74 181.32 2.58 "Silty clay, about 2% disseminated very fine sand, massive, 5GY5/1." 181.32 181.79 0.47 "No core." 181.79 183.18 1.39 "Silty clay, like next core unit above." 183.18 184.68 1.50 "Silty clay, like unit above, massive except for 2- mm-wide vertical color veins between 184.06 and 194.20 m which are darker, 5GY5/1." 184.68 184.82 0.14 "Silty clay, containing very fine and medium sand as disseminated grains, not beds, massive, 5GY5/1." 184.82 184.84 0.02 "Silt and sand, fine, much mica, sharp upper contact, 5Y6/1." 184.84 185.94 1.10 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, some disseminated grains of coarse and very coarse sand or granules, massive, 5GY6/1." 185.94 186.57 0.63 "Clay and silt, similar to above but fewer sand grains and coarse fragments, massive, 5GY6/1." 186.57 186.66 0.09 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, like sediments between 185.84 and 185.94 m." 186.66 186.95 0.29 "Silty clay, 2-cm-thick very fine sand layer in upper part, faint color bedding lower half, 5GY5/2 grading down to 5Y6/1-2." 186.95 187.27 0.32 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, massive, 5Y6/1-2." 187.27 187.44 0.17 "Silt, some very fine to fine sand, faint color bedding, 10Y4/2." 187.44 187.70 0.26 "Silt, some beds of very fine to fine sand, otherwise massive, 5GY4/1" 187.70 187.85 0.15 "Silt and sand, very fine to fine, 0- to 3- mm bed of black sand in lower half, 5GY4/1." 187.85 187.88 0.05 "Sand, coarse, well sorted, little matrix, faint bedding caused by variations in sand size, 10Y4/2." 187.88 189.07 1.19 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, noted 10 prominent sand beds, each 2 to 5-mm-thick, scattered throughout interval, sand beds are 5G4/1 to N4, clay and silt are 5G4/1." 189.07 189.12 0.05 "Sand, medium to fine, well sorted, 5G2/1." 189.12 189.48 0.36 "Silty sand, very fine, some clay, very calcareous, slightly mottled, faint bedding in basal 6 cm, N7 at top grading down to 5GY4/1." 189.48 189.49 0.01 "Sand, very fine, very well sorted and bedded, 5Y6-8/2." 189.49 190.38 0.89 "Silty clay (80%) and sand (20%), very fine to fine, pods (not beds) of well sorted fine sand in upper third of unit, several 5-mm-thick beds of slightly coarser sand found in lower two-thirds of unit, sand is 5Y4/2, silty clay is 5GY4-5/1." 190.38 190.51 0.13 "Sand, fine to very fine, massive, 5Y4/1." 190.51 190.53 0.02 "Silty clay, some sand, massive, 5Y4/1." 190.53 190.63 0.01 "Sand, fine to medium, fair sorting, sub-angular fragments, massive, 5GY4-5/1." 190.63 191.61 0.98 "Silty clay, some very fine sand, alternating with 17 beds, 3 to 30 mm thick, of fine to very coarse sand, silty clay is massive, sand is faintly bedded, 5GY4-6/1." 191.61 192.16 0.55 "Silty clay and clayey silt, very little sand, massive, 5Y-5YR4/1 grading down to 5GY4/1." 192.16 193.05 0.89 "Silty clay, some fine sand beds, like sediments between 190.63 and 191.61 m." 193.05 193.98 0.93 "Silty clay and clayey silt, like sediments between 191.61 and 192.16 m except some thin sand layers in lower part of unit." 193.98 194.63 0.65 "Silt, some clay, about 2% very fine to medium sand, disseminated, massive, 5G4-5/1." 194.63 194.81 0.18 "Silt and clay, a few thin very fine sand beds, basal beds very calcareous, mottled, 5GY4- 5/1 grading down to 5Y6-7/1 at base; basal contact is a color change that is sharp but has irregular shape over a zone 3 cm deep." 194.81 195.49 0.68 "Silt and clay, a few 1-mm-thick beds of very fine sand, calcareous, 5Y5/1; mollusk- coquina bed at 195.14 m." 195.49 196.56 1.07 "Clay and silt, small amounts of very fine to medium sand, massive, mottled, colors define zones that change downward in the following sequence: 5Y5/1, 5GY6/1, 5Y5- 5GY5/1, 5Y6/2, and 5Y-5GY5/1." 196.56 196.64 0.08 "Silt and clay, mottled, 5GY5/1." 196.64 196.74 0.10 "Silt and sand, very fine, faint color bedding, 1 to 3 cm thick, 5Y4-6/2-4." 196.74 196.81 0.07 "Clay and silt, mottled, 5GY5/1." 196.81 197.01 0.20 "Silt, some clay, beds of very fine sand, very calcareous, mottled, 5Y4-5/2." 197.01 197.64 0.63 "Silt, some(?) clay, like unit above but includes several irregular black (N2) pods that have dimensions up to 5 mm x 10 mm." 197.64 198.37 0.73 "Clay and silt, a few beds of very fine to fine sand (1-2 mm thick), mottled, 10Y5/2 (85%) and 5GY2/1 (15%); ostracodes abundant in sandy layers." 198.37 198.64 0.27 "Clay and silt, calcareous, very few irregular dark splotches up to 2 mm wide, 10Y6/2." 198.64 198.96 0.32 "Clay and silt, like sediments between 197.64 and 198.37 m." 198.96 199.15 0.19 "Clay and silt, like unit above except for colors which are 10Y6/2 to 5Y6/4." 199.15 200.65 1.50 "Silt and clay, lighter colored areas very calcareous, numerous thin partings of very fine to medium sand, colors mostly 5-10Y4/2, zones of 10Y6/2." 200.65 201.60 0.95 "Clay and silt, about 10 fine sand beds, 1 to 4 mm thick, otherwise massive, 5GY5/1 at top, grades down to 5Y5/2." 201.60 203.10 1.50 "Silt and clay, fine to very fine, sand beds constitute less than 1%, calcareous, mottled to faint bedding, color beds average about 1 cm thick, predominantly 10Y4-5/2 and 5Y4- 5/4." 203.10 203.30 0.20 "Clay and silt, mottled, faint color bedding, one black zone near base, mostly 5Y4/4 to 10Y4/2." 203.30 203.43 0.13 "Clay and silt, some fine to very fine sand partings, 5Y5/4, some 5Y3-4/2." 203.43 203.72 0.29 "Silt and clay, like sediment between 201.60 and 203.10 m." 203.72 204.27 0.55 "Silt and clay, like above, but many sand partings, color changes to 5-10Y4/2." 204.27 206.17 1.90 "No core." 206.17 206.78 0.66 "Sand, coarse to very coarse, fairly well sorted, subangular to subround, appears to be granitic in origin, massive, 5Y5/1, grains, lighter, probably dark clay mixed with sand." 206.78 207.09 0.31 "No core." 207.09 207.53 0.44 "Sand, fine to medium, slightly calcareous, much mica(?) and quartz, massive, 5GY4/1." 207.53 207.93 0.40 "Sand, fine, some medium, intermixed silt, 1- cm-thick bed of clean fine sand at 207.58 m, cm-thick pod of clean fine sand 5 cm lower, massive except where beds of sand occur, 5GY4/1." 207.93 207.99 0.06 "Sand, very coarse (95%), some smaller grains, massive, 5GY4/1." 207.99 208.04 0.05 "Sand, medium (95%), one 3-mm long sand fragment, little matrix, massive, 5GY4/1." 208.04 208.46 0.42 "Sand, fine, like sediment between 207.53 and 207.93." 208.46 208.61 0.15 "No core." 208.61 209.86 1.25 "Silt and clay, numerous thin beds of silt or very fine sand, moderately well bedded due to sediment-size changes, 5GY5/1." 209.86 211.55 1.69 "Silty clay, rare thin beds of silt or very fine sand, massive except for thin silt beds, 5GY5/1." 211.55 211.58 0.03 "Sand, very fine, very weakly bedded, 5Y5/1." 211.58 211.61 0.03 "Silty clay, very weakly bedded, 5GY5/1." 211.61 211.91 0.30 "No core." 211.91 213.34 1.43 "Silt and clay, partings of very fine sand, massive except for sand partings, 3GY4/1." 213.34 214.77 1.43 "Silt and clay, numerous very fine sand laminae (1 to 3 mm thick) and beds, bed of black (N2) sand, massive except for sand laminae and beds, 5GY4-5/1." 214.77 214.86 0.09 "Silt to sand, very fine, massive, 5GY5/1." 214.86 215.20 0.34 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, massive, 5GY5/1." 215.20 215.47 0.27 "Clay and silt, massive, 5GY5/1." 215.47 215.78 0.31 "Silt and sand, very fine, beds of fine sand, 5GY5/1." 215.78 216.54 0.76 "Silt, some clay, about 10 very fine sand beds, massive elsewhere, 5GY5/1." 216.54 216.75 0.21 "Sand, coarse to very coarse, some clay, mottled, N2-N6 (sand) and 5Y4/1 (clay); probably cuttings, not core." 216.75 217.34 0.59 "Sand, coarse to very coarse, some medium sand, fair to good sorting, grains sub-angular to sub-round; quartz and feldspar common, 10% dark minerals, massive, N3-N7 (clay contamination causes darker colors.)" 217.34 219.73 2.39 "No core." 219.73 219.75 0.02 "Silt and sand, very fine, massive, 5GY5/1." 219.75 220.89 1.14 "Silt and clay, some very fine sand partings, massive except for sand partings, 5GY5/4." 220.89 220.90 0.01 "Sand, very fine to fine, well sorted, sub-angular to sub-round, quartz, massive, N4." 220.90 221.25 0.35 "Silt and sand, very fine, grades down into very fine to medium sand in lower half, massive, mostly 5GY5/1, but between 220.93 and 221.16 m, a subvertical color contact separates 5GY5/1 from a lesser amount of 5GY6/1 silt and sand." 221.25 221.72 0.41 "Clay and silt , very little fine sand as partings, massive, 5GY5/1" 221.72 223.08 1.36 "Clay and silt, 5% very fine sand as numerous discrete thin beds, otherwise massive, 5GY4- 5/1." 223.08 223.22 0.14 "Silt and sand, very fine, some clay beds, 5Y5/2." 223.22 223.24 0.02 "Silt and sand, very fine, like sediments between 221.72 and 223.08 m." 223.24 224.09 0.85 "Silt and clay, partings of very fine sand, 5GY5/1 changing gradually near middle of interval to 5Y6/1; basal contact gradational over 5 cm interval." 224.09 224.14 0.05 "Silt and clay, massive, 5GY5/1." 224.14 224.17 0.03 "Tephra, very fine grained, not calcareous, slightly gritty feel, mottled, N5-N7, darker color near base; major component identified as Dibekulewe ash bed." 224.17 224.46 0.29 "Silt and sand, very fine, some clay, massive, 5GY5/1." 224.46 224.61 0.15 "Silt and sand, very fine, some clay, massive, 5GY4/2." 224.61 226.37 1.76 "Silt, some clay and very fine sand, massive except for partings of very fine sand, 5Y4/2." 226.37 226.45 0.08 "Sand, fine to medium, bedding defined by changes in sand sizes, 5Y5/1." 226.45 226.50 0.05 "Sand, medium to very coarse, 5Y2/1." 226.50 226.69 0.19 "Sand, medium to very coarse, 5Y3/1." 226.69 226.88 0.19 "Sand, fine to very coarse, average near medium , 5GY4/1." 226.88 226.95 0.07 "Sand, coarse grading down to medium and fine, massive, 5GY4/1." 226.95 227.02 0.07 "Sand, fine grading down to coarse, average near medium, very faintly bedded, 5GY4/1." 227.02 227.26 0.24 "Silt to sand, fine, average very fine, 5GY5/1." 227.26 227.36 0.10 "Sand, medium, well sorted, quartzose, sub- angular to sub-round, massive, 5GY5-6/1." 227.36 227.51 0.15 "No core." 227.51 227.67 0.16 "Granules and sand, average very coarse, granules range up to 4 mm long, one granule of basalt cinder is 20 mm long, massive, 10G4/2; the most poorly sorted sediment seen down to this level in core." 227.67 227.77 0.10 "Sand, coarse to very coarse, fairly well sorted, massive, 5GY4/1." 227.77 227.82 0.05 "Silt to sand, very coarse, some clay, massive, 5G4/2." 227.82 229.82 2.00 "No core." 229.82 229.98 0.16 "Sand, medium to very coarse, scattered granules up to 8 mm long, quartzose, poorly sorted, sub-angular to sub-rounded, massive, 5G4/1." 229.98 233.03 0.05 "No core." 233.03 233.45 0.42 "Sand, medium to fine, well sorted, one 2-mm well rounded grain, finer grains angular to sub-angular, quartzose, very faint bedding, 5G5/1." 233.45 233.68 0.23 "Sand, medium, well sorted, sub-angular to sub- rounded, quartzose, massive, 5GY4/1." 233.68 233.78 0.10 "Sand, fine to very fine, 3- to 5-cm-thick beds of fine clean sand at 233.70 and and 233.74 m, otherwise massive, 5GY4/1." 233.78 233.91 0.13 "Sand, like sediment between 233.45 and 233.68 m." 233.91 234.21 0.30 "No core." 234.21 234.47 0.26 "Sand, medium, well sorted, sub-angular, quartzose, massive, 5GY4/1." 234.47 234.66 0.19 "Sand, fine, otherwise same as above." 234.66 234.81 0.15 "Silt, some very fine to medium sand, massive, 5G5/1." 234.81 235.10 0.29 "Sand, medium, massive, 5GY3/1." 235.10 235.11 0.01 "Sand, medium to fine, quartzose, massive, 5GY3/1." 235.11 235.72 0.61 "Silt to sand, fine, massive, very hard, 5G5/1." 235.72 235.75 0.03 "Sand, fine, well sorted, quartzose, wavy lower contact over thickness of 3 cm, 5GY4/1." 235.75 235.87 0.12 "Silt to sand, very fine, massive, 5GY4/1." 235.87 235.88 0.01 "Sand, fine, massive, 5GY4/1." 235.88 235.95 0.07 "Silt to sand, very fine, massive, 5GY4/1." 235.95 236.45 0.50 "No core." 236.45 236.85 0.40 "Sand, fine to medium, some very fine sand and silt, pods of coarse sand, massive with some partings, 5G5/1; lower contact gradational over 5 cm." 236.85 237.02 0.17 "Silt and sand, very fine, massive, 5G6/1; lower contact gradational over 5 cm." 237.02 237.11 0.09 "Sand, like sediment between 236.45 and 236.85 m." 237.11 237.18 0.07 "Silt and sand, very fine, massive with some partings, 5G6/1." 237.18 237.38 0.20 "Sand, medium, quartz rich, well sorted, sub- angular, massive, 5GY5/1." 237.38 237.69 0.31 "Sand, medium, some very fine sand and silt, pods of coarse sand, well sorted, massive with some partings, 5GY5/1." 237.69 238.08 0.39 "Sand, coarse, 2-cm bed of very coarse sand at 237.76 m, well sorted, sub-angular, massive, 5GY5/1; basal contact gradational over 6 cm." 238.08 238.40 0.32 "Silt, intermixed fine to very coarse sand grading down to fine to medium sand, upper part poorly sorted, lower part well sorted, massive, 5GY5/1." 238.40 238.56 0.16 "Silt to sand, mostly fine, coarser in lower half, massive, 5GY5/1." 238.56 238.67 0.11 "Sand, medium, notably free of fine matrix, massive, 5GY5/1." 238.67 238.88 0.21 "Silt to sand, fine, massive, very hard, 5GY5/1." 238.88 239.80 0.92 "No core." 239.80 240.12 0.32 "Silt, grading down to silty medium sand in basal 3 cm, massive, 5GY5/1." 240.12 240.37 0.25 "Sand, medium, 2% larger fragments of biotite, well sorted, sub-angular, massive, 5GY5/1." 240.37 240.50 0.13 "Sand, fine, otherwise like above unit." 240.50 240.78 0.28 "Silt, like that between 239.80 and 240.12 m, grades down into fine sand in basal 3 cm, massive, 5GY5/1." 240.78 240.96 0.18 "Sand, medium, well sorted, sub-angular, quartzose, massive, 5GY5/1; basal contact gradational over 4 cm." 240.96 241.23 0.27 "Silt, like sediment between 239.80 and 240.12 m." 241.23 241.42 0.19 "Sand, medium, like sediment between 240.78 and 240.96 m." 241.42 244.45 3.03 "No core." 244.45 244.70 0.25 "Sandy silt, grading down to fine to very fine sand, well sorted, sub-angular, massive 5G5/1 grading down to 5GY-10Y4/1-2." 244.70 245.05 0.35 "Sand, fine to medium , otherwise like above unit, massive, 5Y-5GY4-5/1-2; basal contact gradational over 3 cm." 245.05 245.38 0.33 "Sand, fine to very fine, grading down into fine to medium sand, includes much silt, sand well sorted, sub-angular, unit mottled in upper third, massive in lower part, 5Y5/2 to 5GY5/1 in mottled part, 5GY5/1 in massive part." 245.38 245.64 0.26 "Sand, coarse in middle third, medium in remaining thirds, well sorted, sub-angular, massive, 5GY5/1." 245.64 245.76 0.12 "Sandy silt, 1-2 mm-thick partings of very fine sand, faintly bedded, 5GY5/1, 1 cm of 5Y2/1 at base." 245.76 246.00 0.24 "Sand, medium grading down to fine and very fine, massive, 5GY6/1 grading down to 5GY4/1." 246.00 246.11 0.11 "Sand, medium to very coarse, sub-angular, moderately well sorted, massive, 5GY5/1." 246.11 246.26 0.15 "Sand, like that between 245.76 and 246.00 m." 246.26 247.32 1.06 "No core." 247.32 247.58 0.26 "Silt and sand, very fine to fine, calcareous, unit is massive, 5G5/1; three large concretions(?), up to 50 mm in long dimensions; concretion lithology on fresh surfaces is similar to enclosing sediment but very hard." 247.58 247.77 0.19 "Sandy silt, grading down to very fine to fine sand, 5-cm bed of sand near middle of unit is ""cleaner"" than rest of unit, massive, 5G4/1 to 5GY5/1 for ""cleaner"" sand." 247.77 250.37 2.60 "No core." 250.37 250.48 0.11 "Sand, fine to medium, fair sorting, massive, 5GY5/1." 250.48 250.71 0.23 "Silt and sand, fine to medium, more silty in lower part, massive to faintly bedded, 5GY5-6/1; basal contact dips over 4 cm range." 250.71 250.87 0.16 "Sand, fine to medium, well sorted, subangular, quartzose, faint horizontal bedding planes, mostly 5GY5/1, 5GY6/1 near base." 250.87 250.88 0.01 "Silt and sand, very fine, ""clean"", 5GY4/1." 250.88 251.52 0.64 "Silt and sand, fine to medium, fair sorting, massive, 5-cm bed of subangular fine to medium sand near 251.38 m is ""clean"" and well sorted, 5Y4/1 to 5GY5/1." 251.52 251.67 0.15 "Sand, medium, ""clean"", sub-angular, very well sorted, massive, 5GY4/1." 251.67 252.50 0.83 "No core." 252.50 253.17 0.67 "Sand, medium to coarse, angular to sub- angular, uniformly quartzose, well sorted, massive, N6 to 5GY6/1." 253.17 253.18 0.01 "Silt and sand, very fine, massive, 5GY4/1." 253.18 253.47 0.29 "Silt and sand, very fine to medium, faintly bedded, 5G4/1." 253.47 253.60 0.13 "Sand, very fine to medium , well sorted, 5GY3/1; gradational lower contact ." 253.60 254.00 0.40 "Sand, very fine to medium, averages fine, well sorted, some silt in matrix, quartzose, very faintly bedded in upper part, 5Y3-4/1." 254.00 255.04 1.04 "Sand, very fine to medium, averages fine, grades down to silt and sand, fine to very fine, unit massive, 5GY4-5/1." 255.04 255.17 0.13 "Sand, fine to coarse, average medium, quartzose, sub-angular, massive, 5GY4/1." 255.17 255.32 0.15 "Silt and sand, very fine to fine, massive, 5GY4/1." 255.32 255.51 0.19 "Sand, very fine to medium, average fine, quartzose, massive, 5GY4/1." 255.51 255.58 0.07 "Silt , 5% very fine to medium sand, massive, 5GY4/1." 255.58 261.95 6.37 "No core." 261.95 262.28 0.33 "Sand, fine to medium, a few fragments up to 4 mm long, clean, fairly well sorted, quartzose, sub-angular, massive, 5GY4/1." 262.28 262.30 0.02 "Sand, medium to coarse, massive, 5GY4/1." 262.30 265.98 3.68 "No core." 265.98 266.10 0.12 "Clay and silt, mixed, probably slump not core." 266.10 266.12 0.02 "Sand, fine to medium, well sorted, quartzose, fairly ""clean"", massive, 5GY5/1." 266.12 266.22 0.10 "Silt and sand, very fine, 1-cm silty clay bed at 266.19 m, otherwise massive, 5GY5/1." 266.22 266.32 0.10 "Clay and silt, 1% very fine sand, mottled, 5GY3- 5/2." 266.32 266.78 0.46 "Silt and clay, 3% very fine or fine sand as dispersed grains, diatom-rich layer at 266.43 m, faintly bedded to mottled, N2-3, some beds of 5Y3/1." 266.78 267.06 0.28 "Clay, 1 to 2% dispersed very fine to fine sand grains, massive and dense, breaks with conchoidal fracture, N2." 267.06 267.48 0.42 "Clay, 1 to 2 % dispersed very fine to fine sand grains, 4-cm zone near 268.14 m contains up to 5% dispersed grains, some silty beds, color beds average about 1 to 2 cm thick, some zones mottled, N2 to 5Y5/1." 267.48 267.66 0.18 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, averages silt, faint color beds and strongly mottled zones, 5Y3-4/2, N2 locally." 267.66 267.76 0.10 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, massive, N2." 267.76 268.24 0.48 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, averages silt, some clay-free zones, massive to very faintly bedded, 5Y4/1." 268.24 268.32 0.08 "Clay, 1 to 2% dispersed grains of fine to very fine sand grains, massive, dense, N2." 268.32 269.88 0.56 "No core." 269.88 272.38 2.50 "Clay, some silt, 1 to 3% dispersed grains of very fine to medium sand, some grains appear well rounded but most are sub-angular, mostly mottled, some faint color beds, fractures with conchoidal surface that has a ""waxy"" luster, N2 (5GY4/1 when partly dry) and 5Y4-5/2; ostracodes and diatoms visible." 272.38 272.44 0.06 "Silt and sand, very fine, cemented to rock- like hardness by carbonate, massive, 5GY4/1." 272.44 272.45 0.01 "Clay and silt, massive, 5GY4/1." 272.45 272.61 0.16 "Silt, 2% dispersed grains of very fine to medium sand, massive, 5G4/1." 272.61 275.55 2.94 "No core." 275.55 276.05 0.50 "Clay (and silt?), disseminated fine to medium sand, massive, 5GY4/1, some (near top) N5." 276.05 276.17 0.12 "Clay, possibly some silt, disseminated fine to medium sand, mottled (bioturbated?), 5GY4/1 (matrix) and 5Y5/1 (""tubes"")." 276.17 276.70 0.53 "Clay, possibly some silt, like sediments between 275.55 and 276.05 m; basal contact gradational over 20 to 30 cm." 276.70 276.88 0.18 "Clay, like above, but occasional thin zones of fine to medium sand, some as near- horizontal (but commonly discontinuous) ""beds"", and some as clastic dikes, generally massive, 5GY4-5/1." 276.88 277.66 0.78 "Clay, 2% disseminated fragments of fine-sand- sized grains of quartz(?), massive, 5GY4/1; near 276.95 m, a 2-cm wide, irregularly shaped pod of fine to medium sand, 10YR3/2." 277.66 277.80 0.14 "Clay, some silt, much is faintly bedded but some zones are massive, abundant biotite, 5G5/1 to 5GY5/1; 0.5 to 1.0 mm-thick lenticular beds and clastic dikes of very fine to fine, dark (N3) sand, beds are horizontal to sub- horizontal, dikes cut bedding, basal 4 cm has dike, up to 2 cm thick, of poorly sorted fine to very coarse sand." 277.80 278.86 1.06 "Clay, some silt, with fine to medium sand as isolated grains, mostly angular flakes of bronze-colored flat mineral (oxybiotite or glass?) up to 1 mm long, parallel to bedding planes, 1- to 3-cm-thick beds of fine sand between 278.50 and 278.70 m; massive in upper part, sand beds in lower part, 5GY4-6/1." 278.86 278.89 0.03 "Sandstone, fine to very coarse sand, possibly some tephra, very well indurated, not calcareous, poorly sorted, notable amounts of mica(?) on some bedding surfaces, sediment from granitic terrain, bedding caused by grain size or composition changes, beds 2 to 10 cm thick, N5-7 (dry)." 278.89 279.33 0.44 "Sand, medium to very coarse, poorly sorted, sub-angular to sub-round, quartzose, some clay or silt in matrix, silt bed near 279.04 m, massive to faint bedding, N5-5Y-GY5/1, silt layer is 5Y5/1." 279.33 279.66 0.33 "Clay , silt, and sand, fine, thin beds of fine to medium sand, faintly bedded , 5GY5/1." 279.66 279.71 0.05 "Sand, very fine to medium, well sorted, moderately distinct bedding, 5Y4/1." 279.71 279.72 0.01 "Clay, silt, and sand, very fine, massive, 5GY5/1." 279.72 279.80 0.08 "Sand, very fine to medium, well sorted, distinct bedding, 5Y4/1." 279.80 279.90 0.10 "Sand, medium to very coarse, sub-rounded, poorly sorted, distinct bedding, 5Y4/1." 279.90 280.25 0.35 "Sand, fine to medium, alternating with silty sand, grading down to clay and silt containing a few beds of very fine to fine sand, moderately well bedded, 5GY4-5/1." 280.25 280.27 0.02 "Silt to sand, fine, mica flakes as large as 1 mm on bedding planes, massive, 5GY6/1." 280.27 282.74 2.47 "No core." 282.74 282.81 0.07 "Sand and clay, mixed, probably cuttings not core." 282.81 283.21 0.40 "Clay and silt, 30% very fine to fine sand, beds and blocky zones of of coarse grains, 5GY4-5/1; a 6-cm-high clastic dike composed of fine to very fine sand near base." 283.21 286.94 3.73 "Clay and silt, numerous beds of very fine to fine sand, average spacing between beds 1 to 3 cm (but variable), average thickness of sand beds is between 1 and 5 mm, 10Y4-5/2 (sand grains, N3-5), grading down to 5Y4-5/1-2, basal 15 cm is 10YR4-5/2-4." 286.94 287.89 0.95 "Clayey silt, 5% very fine sand, faint color bedding, mottled in places, upper part is 10YR5/2, some beds of 10YR3/2, gradual color change downward to 10YR4/2." 287.89 288.65 0.76 "Silt and sand, very fine, several thin slightly mottled, several darker beds, upper part is 10YR4/2 , gradual color change downward to 5Y4/2-4." 288.65 289.17 0.52 "Clay and silt, some very fine sand, faint color bedding, 5Y3-5/2 to 10Y4/2." 289.17 289.58 0.41 "Clay and silt, some zones of silt and very fine sand, faint color bedding, 5Y-5GY5/2." 289.58 289.97 0.39 "Clay and silt, some silt and very fine sand, faintly bedded, 5Y5/1 to 5GY5/1." 289.97 290.95 0.98 "Clayey silt, 5 to 20% very fine to fine sand, between 290.23 and 290.31 m, some crystals up to 1 mm long, massive, 5GY4-5/1; basal 25 cm has faint laminar bedding, slightly calcareous." 290.95 291.52 0.57 "No core." 291.52 293.59 2.07 "Clay and silt, some disseminated very fine to medium sand, partings of very fine sand to medium sand are well sorted, some are very ""clean"", fair bedding due to partings but massive between partings, 5GY4-5/1; at 292.52 m is a subrounded granitic pebble 5 mm long (dropstone?)." 293.59 294.70 1.11 "No core." 294.70 295.21 0.51 "Clay, 5% silt, trace of disseminated very fine sand, beds of silt to fine sand, massive, 5GY4/1." 295.21 295.65 0.44 "Clay and silt, trace of disseminated very fine sand, very faint bedding, 5GY4/1." 295.65 295.91 0.26 "Silt and clay, some intermixed very fine sand, beds of very fine to fine sand, very faint color bedding, 5Y4/1; basal contact gradational over 1 cm." 295.91 295.95 0.04 "Sand, very fine to medium (some tephra shards?), massive, 5Y4/1." 295.95 296.00 0.05 "Tephra, impure, gradational over 3 cm, massive, 5Y6/1." 296.00 296.06 0.06 "Tephra, pure, massive, sharp contact, N7-5Y6/1; sharp basal contact; chemically similar to unnamed tuff in Borrego Badlands (S. Calif.)." 296.06 297.42 1.36 "Clay and silt, possibly some very fine sand, some pods and streaks of fine to medium ""clean"" sandy, faintly color bedded, 10YR3-4/2, grades down to massive to mottled and 5Y3-4/2-4 in basal 35 cm." 297.42 297.56 0.14 "Silt and sand, very fine, grading down to sand, fine to medium, faintly color bedded, 5YR3-5/1." 297.56 297.66 0.10 "Silt and sand, very fine, disseminated white fibrous mineral, very hard, faintly color bedded, 5YR2/1." 297.66 297.74 0.08 "Silt and sand, very fine to medium, disseminated white mineral, very hard, faintly color bedded, 5YR3/1" 297.74 297.92 0.18 "Clayey silt and sand, fine, as alternating beds of each (70% clayey silt), unit well bedded, 5YR2-3/4-5." 297.92 298.25 0.33 "Clay, silt , and sand, fine to medium, grading down to sand, fine to medium, with some clay and silt, bedding caused by sediment-size changes; average bed thickness 1 to 2 cm, 5YR3-4/1-2 grades down to 5Y4-5/1." 298.25 301.79 3.54 "Sand, medium to coarse, noted 5 zones of very coarse sand, grains sub-angular to sub- round, fairly well sorted, quartzose, very faintly bedded, N6 to 5Y5/5-6." 301.79 301.88 0.09 "Silt and sand, very fine to medium, faint bedding due to sediment-size change, 5Y4/1." 301.88 301.95 0.07 "Sand, fine to medium, well sorted, quartzose, massive, 5Y6/1." 301.95 302.01 0.06 "Silt and sand, very fine to fine, 1-1 to 3-mm- long crystals of curved, fibrous, white mineral (gypsum?), very faintly bedded, 5Y4/1." 302.01 302.94 0.93 "Clayey silt, beds (30%) of silt and fine sand, local pods and discontinuous beds (horizontal to sub-horizontal) of very fine to fine sand which are 5Y2/1, bedding caused by sediment size change, 5GY4/1 grading down to 10YR3-5/2-4." 302.94 303.30 0.36 "Sand and granules, upper third is fine to medium sand, middle third is very coarse sand and granules (centered at 303.11 m), lower third is very fine to medium sand, faintly bedded, coarser fractions very poorly sorted, mostly 5Y-10YR5-6/1-2, two 2-cm- thick zones of 5Y6/1 near base." 303.30 303.53 0.23 "Sand, fine to medium, well sorted, sub- angular, some silt (and clay?)." 303.53 303.88 0.35 "Tephra, impure(?), fragments are fine- to medium-sand size, massive, 5Y6/1 to N6." 303.88 305.04 1.16 "Tephra, fragment sizes like unit above, numerous 1-cm-thick beds of greenish impure (silt and clay) ash, well bedded to laminated, pure ash is N7 to 5Y5-6/1 (one 6- cm zone near 304.9 m is N8), greenish impure beds are 5Y4-5/1." 305.04 305.15 0.11 "Tephra, impure, faint to distinct bedding (but not laminated), 5Y5-7/1." 305.15 305.25 0.10 "Tephra, like above, massive to very poorly bedded, 5Y6-8/1." 305.25 305.37 0.12 "Tephra, like that between 305.04 and 305.15 m." 305.37 305.39 0.02 "Tephra, relatively pure, massive, 5Y6-8/1." 305.39 305.70 0.31 "Silt, clay, and sand, very fine, with numerous continuous to discontinuous beds (1 to 2 mm thick) of tephra, well bedded, 5Y5-6/1, tephra is N6-8." 305.70 305.71 0.01 "Wood(?) or Fe oxide(?), massive, hard, 5YR4-5/4-6." 305.71 305.79 0.08 "Tephra, as a jumbled mixture of yellowish to light pink (5%) lapilli(?), in a matrix of fine to medium sand, massive, average color about 5Y6/1 ." 305.79 306.99 1.20 "Tephra, as pebble- , granule- , and very coarse sand-sized fragments, rounded, one white fragment 30 mm long, most 10 mm or less, tephra are (5R8/2) and matrix is (N8), grades downward to very-fine- to medium-sand- sized fragments of same material, 1% dark minerals, massive, 5YR7/1 grading downward to 5Y7/1." 306.99 307.06 0.07 "Tephra, like upper half of overlying unit." 307.06 307.33 0.27 "Clay and silt, some very fine sand, some sand- and granule-sized grains of pink or white tephra, massive, 5Y7/1." 307.33 307.44 0.11 "Clay and silt, some very fine sand, a 12-mm- long rounded fragment of pink (5YR8/4) pumice, massive, 5GY6/1." 307.44 307.48 0.04 "Tephra, fine, with scattered pumice granules." 307.48 308.32 0.84 "Tephra, as silt to very fine sand- sized fragments, locally laminated, 5Y7/1 grading down to 5Y6/1." 308.32 308.53 0.21 "Tephra, reworked primary fallout, as sand- , granule- , and small-pebble-sized pumice fragments, rounded, in finer matrix, massive, fragments both (5Y7/1) and (5R8/2); little contamination from detritus." 308.53 309.14 0.61 "Tephra, like that above, but as fine- to medium- sand-sized fragments." 309.14 309.39 0.25 "Silt and sand, very fine, flakes of biotite to 2 mm across, some silt partings, faint bedding caused by silt layers, 10Y5/2." 309.39 309.44 0.05 "Sand, fine to medium, many dark mineral fragments, massive." 309.44 309.49 0.05 "Silt and sand, very fine, like sediments between 309.14 and 309.39 m." 309.49 310.18 0.69 "No core." 310.18 310.24 0.06 "Silt, faintly color bedded, 5GY4/1." 310.24 310.27 0.03 "Sand, medium, massive, N4; mollusks common." 310.27 310.36 0.09 "Silt, partings of very fine sand, fairly well bedded, 5G4/1." 310.36 310.55 0.19 "Sand, fine to medium, grading down to medium sand in middle, then to fine sand and silty clay at base, faintly bedded, 5Y4-6/1." 310.55 310.71 0.16 "Silty clay, silt partings in upper and lower thirds faintly bedded where silt is present, color bedded in middle, 5Y6/2." 310.71 310.74 0.03 "Sand, fine to medium, well sorted, massive, N5; a 5-mm thick fragment of wood(?) near middle which is 5YR3-4/2-6." 310.74 311.01 0.27 "Silty clay, some very fine sand, two darker fine to medium sand zones near 310.93 m, faintly color bedded, 5Y5-6/2, sands are N5." 311.01 311.18 0.17 "Tephra, thin beds of medium- to very-coarse- sand-sized tephra alternating with beds of fine- to very-fine-sand-sized tephra, some beds poorly sorted, bedding good, defined by color and grain-size change, N5-7 to 5Y6/1." 311.18 311.38 0.20 "Tephra, medium- to coarse-sand-sized grains of tephra, very faintly bedded, N6 to N7." 311.38 311.67 0.29 "Tephra, composed of silt-sized fragments, massive, mostly N7, upper 6 cm is 5Y6/1." 311.67 311.69 0.02 "Tephra, fine, N6; basal contact very sharp." 311.69 311.86 0.17 "Sand, two sequences of equal thickness, each composed of coarse to very coarse sand grading down to fine to medium sand, grains are about half silicate crystals and half tephra, well sorted, N6-8." 311.86 313.19 1.33 "Clay and silt, some very fine sand, five darker beds of fine to coarse sand, 1 to 6 cm thick, evenly distributed throughout unit, otherwise massive, 5GY5/1 in upper two thirds grading down to 5GY6/1; near 312.52 m, several pebbles noted (largest, 17 mm in long dimension); fragment of wood(?), 7 mm long, at 312.15 m." 313.19 314.45 0.26 "No core." 314.45 315.92 1.47 "Clay and silt, beds and partings of very fine to medium sand, coarse-sand-sized mica flakes common, massive to very faint bedding, 5GY5-6/1; many ostracodes at top of unit." 315.92 317.34 1.42 "Silt, partings of very fine to medium sand and larger biotite flakes, at 317.25 m a 1-cm-thick bed of fine to coarse sand, calcareous, massive, harder than unit above, 5GY5-6/1; at 317.25 m, numerous ostracode and mollusk shells noted." 317.34 317.62 0.28 "Sand, medium to coarse, many mollusk fragments (especially at 317.38 m), faintly bedded, N4-6 but 5Y4-6/1 where shells abundant." 317.62 317.66 0.04 "Clay, silt, and sand, a mixture of overlying and underlying sediments, massive, N4-5Y5/1." 317.66 317.71 0.05 "Clay and silt, some very fine to fine sand, mottled, 5Y7/2." 317.71 317.76 0.05 "Sand, silt, and clay, like unit between 317.62 to 317.66 m but more sand, N4-6; basal contact gradational over 3 cm." 317.76 317.89 0.13 "Sand, fine to medium, clean, well sorted, sub-angular, massive, upper third is 5Y4/1, middle third is 5Y2/1, and lower third is 5GY3/1, color changes do not follow bedding." 317.89 318.11 0.22 "No core." 318.11 318.28 0.17 "Sand, fine, angular, very well sorted, 90% quartz, massive, 5G3/1." 318.28 318.64 0.36 "Sand, medium to fine, angular, very well sorted, 90% quartz, massive, 5G4/1; basal contact gradational over 5 cm." 318.64 318.94 0.30 "Sand, very fine, angular, very well sorted, grades down near middle of unit to silt, massive, 5G-5GY4/1; basal contact gradational over 2 cm." 318.94 319.02 0.08 "Sand, fine, angular, moderately well sorted, quartz, unit composed of two distinct beds, mostly 5GY4/1, basal 1 cm is 5G6/1." 319.02 319.56 0.54 "Clay and silt, massive, mostly 5G4/1 but 8-cm- thick zone of 5Y3/2 near 319.30 m." 319.56 319.63 0.07 "Clay, 2 to 3-mm-thick partings of silt(?), 5YR2-3/1-2." 319.63 319.84 0.21 "Clay, massive, 10YR2/2; shrinks upon drying." 319.84 319.92 0.08 "Granules and sand, coarse, sub-angular, very poorly sorted, massive, N3." 319.92 319.96 0.04 "Sand, fine to medium, angular, well sorted, faintly bedded, beds 1 cm apart caused by 1- to 2-grain-thick layers of medium sand, 5Y3/2." 319.96 320.04 0.08 "Tephra, medium-sand-sized fragments, angular, moderately well sorted, thinly bedded, beds distinguished by grain size and color, N4." 320.04 320.15 0.11 "Sand, mostly medium, scattered grains of fine to very coarse sand and granules, micaceous, angular, poorly sorted, massive, N3." 320.15 320.74 0.59 "Sand, medium grading down to coarse, scattered coarse grains throughout, occasional scoria granules, moderately well sorted, angular, massive or very faintly bedded, N5 grading down to N3." 320.74 321.03 0.29 "No core." 321.03 321.15 0.14 "Sand, very coarse, angular to sub-angular, a few are well rounded, moderately well sorted, some near granule sizes, massive, N5." 321.15 321.19 0.04 "Sand, medium, some very fine, well sorted, sub- angular, massive, N5." 321.19 321.68 0.49 "Sand, very coarse, angular, moderately sorted, massive, N4." 321.68 322.03 0.35 "Sand, medium and well sorted in top and bottom thirds, coarse and poorly sorted coarse in middle third, well bedded, N6." 322.03 322.14 0.11 "Sand, mostly coarse but some very fine, angular, moderately well sorted, mostly quartz, massive, N6." 322.14 322.43 0.29 "Sand, fine, very well sorted, angular, massive, N6-7." 322.43 322.86 0.43 "No core."