0.00 0.94 0.94 "Artificial fill; top of this unit is ""lake-surface level"" at the drill site where cores OL92-1 and OL92-2 were recovered." 0.94 1.32 0.38 "Salts, mostly well bedded halite, trona, and burkeite; salts are result of completion of the Los Angeles Aqueduct which led to desiccation of Owens Lake in about 1921; maximum thickness of salts elsewhere on lake surface is about 2.75 m." 1.32 3.52 2.20 "Oolites, granule to coarse-sand sized, well rounded, massive to faintly bedded, 5Y6-8/1; oolites are rounded to subrounded, fine- to coarse-sand-sized grains composed apparently of calcite and aragonite; this unit is very hard where oolites are cemented together (see note 2)." 3.52 4.12 0.60 "Oolites and sand (see note 3), medium to very coarse, massive, unconsolidated, 5Y7/4; XRD of sample from 3.67 m shows (calcite Å gaylussite) > (halite Å aragonite)." 4.12 4.64 0.52 "Oolites and sand, medium to coarse, well rounded, massive, unconsolidated, 5Y7/2; basal contact very irregular; XRD of samples from 4.17 m and 4.57 m show (calcite Å gaylussite) > (halite Å aragonite)." 4.64 4.72 0.08 "Oolitic sand, fine- to medium-sand sized, and darker silt to fine sand, as contorted irregular masses, unconsolidated, 5Y5/2 (sand) to 5YR5/2 or N5 (silt)." 4.72 4.87 0.15 "Oolitic sand, very fine- to medium-sand sized, fairly well bedded, unconsolidated, 5Y4-5/2; a 3-cm bed of very-coarse-sand-sized oolites at 4.80 m; sharp basal contact." 4.87 4.90 0.03 "Silt and oolitic sand, fine to medium, massive, 5-10R2/2; gradational lower contact." 4.90 5.12 0.22 "Oolites, very-fine- to medium-sand sized, fairly well bedded, 5Y4-5/2; XRD of sample from 5.07 m shows (calcite) > (aragonite Å halite), but no gaylussite." 5.12 5.16 0.04 "Oolite sand and silicate sand, medium to very coarse, more indurated than material above and below, contrasting colors create contorted patterns, 5YR3/4, 5YR8/1, and 10Y4/2." 5.16 5.60 0.44 "Clay-sized sediment, 3% euhedral, bladed salt crystals4, randomly distributed and oriented, massive, 5Y2/1." 5.60 5.64 0.04 "Clay-sized sediment, some silt and very fine sand, salt crystals not noted, fair bedding, 10Y3/2." 5.64 5.79 0.15 "Clay-sized sediment, 3% salt crystals, like those described above, faintly mottled, 5GY2/1; basal contact gradational." 5.79 6.07 0.28 "Clay-sized sediment, like unit above but virtually no salt crystals, basal contact gradational; a few salt crystals noted at 5.96 m." 6.07 6.16 0.09 "Clay-sized sediment, mottled, 5Y3/4." 6.16 6.36 0.20 "Clay-sized sediment, mottled, 5Y3-4/2, darker at base; basal contact undulates over 3-cm range." 6.36 6.75 0.39 "Clay-sized sediment, about 1% disseminated very-fine- to fine-sand grains that have a glassy-luster, 5Y4/2." 6.75 7.16 0.41 "Clay-sized sediment, disseminated grains of sand, like unit above, 5Y2-3/2."