By John A. Barron, Thomas M. Cronin, Harry J. Dowsett, R. Farley Fleming, Thomas R. Holtz, Jr., Scott E. Ishman, Richard Z. Poore, Robert S. Thompson, and Debra A. Willard
The PRISM 8°x10° data set represents several years of investigation by PRISM (Pliocene Research, Interpretation, and Synoptic Mapping) Project members. One of the goals of PRISM is to produce time-slice reconstructions of intervals of warmer than modern climate within the Pliocene Epoch. The first of these was chosen to be at 3.0 Ma (time scale of Berggren et al., 1985) and is published in Global and Planetary Change (Dowsett et al., in press). This document contains the actual data sets and a brief explanation of how they were constructed. For paleoenvironmental interpretations and discussion of each data set, see Dowsett et al., in press. The data sets includes sea level, land ice distribution, vegetation or land cover, sea surface temperature and sea-ice cover matrices.
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