CONANT CREEK TUFF (AGE ABOUT 5.8 Ma)--Lavender rhyolite welded tuff. Tcc TEEWINOT FORMATION (AGE ABOUT 9 Ma)--White lacustrine clay, tuff, and limestone. In thrust belt includes conglomerate. Tte CAMP DAVIS FORMATION--Upper 5,000 ft chiefly red conglomerate and red claystone; underlain by white tuff, limestone, claystone, and basal gray conglomerate. Tcd COLTER FORMATION--Dull-green and gray tuff, volcanic conglomerate, and sandstone. Tc RED CONGLOMERATE ON TOP OF HOBACK AND WYOMING RANGES (MIOCENE?; MAY BE AS OLD AS EOCENE)--Locally derived clasts of Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks in a red clay and sand matrix. Tr BASALT FLOWS AND INTRUSIVE IGNEOUS ROCKS (AGE ABOUT 11 Ma). Tbf MIOCENE ROCKS Southwest Wyoming Southern Rock Springs uplift--Pale-green to tan tuffaceous sandstone and claystone of Miocene(?) age. Conglomerate of uncertain correlation locally at base. Tm Saratoga Valley and west and southwest to Colorado--White massive soft tuffaceous sand- stone and lesser amounts of white marl; lower part conglomeratic. Underlies North Park Formation in Saratoga Valley. To the west and southwest is called Browns Park Forma- tion. Tm Rawlins area--White massive soft tuffaceous sandstone. Tm Central Wyoming--White soft tuffaceous sandstone. Locally derived conglomerate in upper and lower parts of sequence; in places lower conglomeratic sequence may be of Oligocene age. In Granite Mountains K/Ar age of tuff in lower part of sandstone sequence about 17 Ma and fission-track age of lower conglomerate about 24 Ma. Tm UPPER MIOCENE ROCKS 2 Southwest Wyoming South end of Wind River Range--Siliceous, arkosic, and locally radioactive sandstone, claystone, and conglomerate. Fission-track age about 27 Ma. Recent work suggests that part of these deposits may be of Eocene age. Pliocene and Miocene (as originally defined 2) South Pass Formation. Tmu Saratoga Valley--White to greenish-gray tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone, and claystone; locally conglomeratic. North Park Formation. Tmu Central Wyoming--Arkosic sandstone, conglomerate, and siltstone; some light-colored tuf- faceous radioactive claystone and white cherty limestone. Tmu North of Sweetwater River in Granite Mountains--Light-colored tuffaceous radioactive claystone, siltstone, sandstone, and arkose. Moonstone Formation. Tmu East Wyoming--Light-colored tuffaceous claystone, sandstone, and conglomerate. Ogallala Formation in Denver Basin. Tmu LOWER MIOCENE ROCKS Northwest Wyoming (Bighorn Mountains)--Gray soft poorly bedded to massive sandstone. Tml Central Wyoming--Tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone, and white marl. Tml