WAYAN FORMATION--Variegated mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone. Kws SAGE JUNCTION FORMATION--Gray and tan siltstone and sandstone. Kss QUEALY FORMATION--Variegated mudstone and tan sandstone. Kss COKEVILLE FORMATION--Tan sandstone, claystone, limestone, bentonite, and coal. Kss THOMAS FORK FORMATION--Variegated mudstone and gray sandstone. Kss SMITHS FORMATION--Ferruginous black shale and tan to brown sandstone. Kss, Kws ASPEN SHALE--Light- to dark-gray siliceous tuffaceous shale and siltstone, thin bentonite beds, and quartzitic sandstone. Ka BEAR RIVER FORMATION--Black shale, fine-grained brown sandstone, thin limestone, and bentonite beds. Kbr MOWRY SHALE (AGE 94 TO 98 Ma)--Silvery-gray hard siliceous shale containing abundant fish scales and bentonite beds. Kmt, Knt, Kgbm, Kft, Kmr THERMOPOLIS SHALE--Black soft fissile shale; Muddy Sandstone Member at top. Kmt, Kft, Knt NEWCASTLE SANDSTONE--Gray sandstone and sandy shale containing some bentonite and coal. Kns SKULL CREEK SHALE--Black soft fissile shale. Kns