Hydrologic data at a wetland site, Millington, Shelby County, Tennessee, June 1993 through June 1994

U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 95-715

by John A. Robinson, Timothy H. Diehl and Robert W. Stogner Sr.

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Hydrologic data at a wetland site, near Millington, Shelby County, Tennessee, were collected from June 1993 through June 1994. The data were collected to support efforts by the Tennessee Department of Transportation in characterizing hydrologic properties at the site prior to wetland restoration. The study site is located along the Big Creek Drainage Canal and includes about 370 acres. Soils include somewhat poorly drained to poorly drained silt loams. Water levels were monitored in thirteen 8-inch-diameter wells. The casing in each well was slotted and screened from land surface to a depth of about 2 feet. Water-level recorders provided continuous measurement of stage during periods of wetland inundation and depth to water-table during periods of noninundation. A crest stage indicator was installed at the site and a continuous-stage recorder was installed on the Crooked Creek natural channel. Precipitation data were obtained from the Naval Air Station Memphis, Millington, Tennessee. Land surface at the wells was inundated from 0 to 56 percent of the study period. Additionally, water levels at the wells were within 1.5 feet of the land surface for 16 to 68 percent of the study period.

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