Western Mineral Resources

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 96-299
Version 1.0

Digital geologic map of the Coeur d'Alene district, Idaho and Montana

By Pamela D. Derkey, Bruce R. Johnson and Michael Carver


miniature map of the area

This report describes the contents of a digital dataset (approximately 2 MB) which consists of ARC/INFO Export format files and associated macro programs. The dataset includes a geologic map of the Coeur d'Alene district, Idaho and Montana that was digitized at a scale of 1:62,500.

The dataset also includes macro programs and complete plot files for creating paper copies of the map. A page-sized, color version of the map is included in this report as well as a description of how to obtain the dataset over the Internet.

Download Readme file (readme.txt; 48 KB)

Download Open-File Report 96-299 as a 10-page PDF that included two color page-sized plates (of96-299.pdf; 296 KB)

Download the Coeur d'Alene Geology Dataset in compressed (cda.e00.Z) Arc/Info Export format: (524 KB download file, 1 MB uncompressed)

Download Additional Datasets needed to re-create the paper map in a GIS. This file is in UNIX compressed tar format (more.tar.Z) and includes 2 coverages in Arc/Info Export format (study area lat/long box and lat/long tics). The download file is 8 KB, 12 KB uncompressed

Download Text and AML files needed to re-create the paper maps in a GIS. This file is in UNIX compressed tar format (amls.tar.Z) and includes 5 ASCII files (Arc/Info plot AMLs, key files, and explanatory text). The download file is 12 KB, 24 KB uncompressed.

Download Maps prepared from the digital dataset, in compressed (cda.hp.Z) HPGL2 format: (448 KB download file, 836 KB uncompressed HPGL2). The map scale is 1:62,500. Page size is approximately 24 by 47 inches. The map is oriented with the long axis in the x-direction for plotting. This map (cda.hp) was designed to be plotted on a HP Inkjet Plotter (model 650-C), but can be plotted on any full-color (inkjet or electrostatic) plotter which will accept HPGL2 code.

For questions about the content of this report, contact Pam Derkey

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URL: https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1996/of96-299/
Page Contact Information: Michael Diggles
Page Last Modified: January 27, 2009