Digital Mapping Techniques '97
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-269


[Articles link back to this page]
By Thomas M. Berg (Ohio State Geologist)

By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

Review of digital mapping techniques: the Illinois experience
By Robert J. Krumm, Curtis C. Abert, Daniel O. Nelson, and James C. Hester (Illinois State Geological Survey)

Semi-automated data capture for vectorizing geologic quadrangle maps in Kentucky
By Warren H. Anderson, Lance G. Morris, and Thomas N. Sparks (Kentucky Geological Survey)

Topological and thematic layering of geological map information: Improving efficiency of digital data capture and management
By David Viljoen (Geological Survey of Canada)

Use of raster imagery and vector data in support of a geologic mapping project
By Barbara J. Stiff (Illinois State Geological Survey)

Adobe Illustrator for Macintosh -- A cartographic solution at the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
By Susan L. Tingley, Robert L. Chaney, and Kris Ann Pizarro (Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology)

Digital map production at the Idaho Geological Survey
By Loudon R. Stanford and Jane S. Freed (Idaho Geological Survey)

Digital mapping techniques employed by the California Division of Mines and Geology
By David L. Wagner (California Division of Mines and Geology)

Overview of New Jersey Geological Survey digital data methods
By Ronald S. Pristas and Gregory C. Herman (New Jersey Geological Survey)

Progress report -- Digital geologic map data model
By Gary L. Raines (U.S. Geological Survey), Boyan Brodaric (Geological Survey of Canada), and Bruce R. Johnson (U.S. Geological Survey)

Mining information from published geologic maps (an extractive industry)
By David R. Collins (Kansas Geological Survey)

Information capture from previously published maps
By Jorgina A. Ross and David R. Collins (Kansas Geological Survey)

Digital mapping projects at the Florida Geological Survey
By Jonathan D. Arthur (Florida Geological Survey)

Digital geologic mapping program at the Geological Survey of Alabama
By Berry H. Tew and W. Edward Osborne (Geological Survey of Alabama)

Overview and evolution of digital geologic mapping at the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
By Paul Staub (Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries)

Digital map production at the Minnesota Geological Survey
By Richard Lively, Joyce Meints, Lynn Swanson, and Tim Wahl (Minnesota Geological Survey)

Geological mapping in Linn County, Iowa
By Jim Giglierano (Iowa Geological Survey Bureau)

Digital geologic mapping program at Virginia Division of Mineral Resources
By Elizabeth Campbell and Rick Berquist (Virginia Division of Mineral Resources)

Field data capture and manipulation using GSC Fieldlog v3.0
By Boyan Brodaric (Geological Survey of Canada)

Using the GSMCAD program with GPS for data collection in the field and as a quick and efficient way of creating Arc/Info geologic map coverages
By Van Williams (U.S. Geological Survey)

GIS and digital mapping at the South Dakota Geological Survey
By Tim Cowman (South Dakota Geological Survey)

Digital geologic map data collection using photogrammetric and raster methods
By Ronald R. Wahl (U.S. Geological Survey)

Utah Geological Survey digital mapping using an analytical photogrammetric plotter
By Grant C. Willis and Kent D. Brown (Utah Geological Survey)

Digital geologic map program of the Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources
By J. Eric Schuster, Carl F.T. Harris, Thomas Travis Young, and Anne C. Heinitz (Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources)

Appendix A. List of attendees to the "Digital Mapping Techniques '97" workshop (grouped by affiliation)

Appendix B. Workshop Website

Appendix C. List of addresses, telephone numbers, and URLs for software and hardware suppliers

Appendix D. USGS Contract Digitizing in Support of the Mineral Resource Surveys Program

This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for
conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards.
Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for
descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the
U.S. Government or State governments.

Produced in the Eastern Region, Reston, Virginia,
by John Watson and Kathie Fraser.
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Figures were scanned from original copy.

Maintained by Dave Soller
Last updated 10.06.97