A USGS Marine and Coastal Studies Skill Training Module

Section 1. Acquiring Vibracores

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The acquisition of the vibracores can be broken down into several processes discussed in more detail on the next few pages. The section descriptions are listed below:

1A. Preparation of the core catcher
A description of the manufacture of the core catcher and installation into the core barrel.

1B. Preparation of the vibracore
A description of the vibracore components and tools plus the preparation of the core barrel.

1C. Positioning the boat for deployment
A description of how to position and anchor the boat in preparation for deploying the vibracore.

1D. Deploying and retrieving the vibracore
A description of the deployment and retrieval of the vibracore plus the preparation of the retrieved core for transportation to the lab.

Section 1A.

Section 1B.

Section 1C.

Section 1D.





