U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Bedrock Geologic Map of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, Grafton County, New Hampshire [Scale 1:10,000] by William C. Burton (1), Gregory J. Walsh (2), and Thomas R. Armstrong (1) Open-File Report OF-00-045-A Map (paper map and text) OF-00-045-B Database (computer files) 2000 version 1.0 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards (or with the North American Stratigraphic Code). Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the USGS. Although this database has been used by the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to the accuracy and functioning of the database and related program material, nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith. ________________________________ (1) U.S. Geological Survey Reston, Virginia 20192 (2) U.S. Geological Survey Montpelier, Vermont 05601 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Source of Geologic Data: Original data. Geology mapped by Burton, Walsh, and Armstrong in the summer and fall of 1998 and the summer of 1999 at a scale of 1:10,000. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contents of this report: 1 - 35" tall x 65" wide colored paper geologic map, 1:10,000 (Plate 1) 1 - 32" tall x 50" wide colored paper fracture map, 1:10,000 (Plate 2) 1 - 15 page text plus figures on 8.5" by 11" paper (PDF format) 1 - database of Arc/Info files, supporting files, and metadata This report (OF-00-045) is available from: WWW: http://pubs.usgs.gov/openfile/of00-045/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description: The bedrock geology of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, Grafton County, New Hampshire was mapped from 1998 through 1999 with funding from the Toxic Substances Hydrology program at the USGS. The geologic map was compiled in 1999 and 2000 from field data collected at 1:10,000 scale. The bedrock geology was mapped using standard techniques. Locational information was provided by Rockwell PLGR+96 GPS receivers using the federal precise positioning service. The line and polygon data were compiled on a mylar and scanned at 400 dpi on an Anatech Eagle 4080T scanner. The raster files (TIF) were converted to vector files (DXF)using GTX OSR version 2.0 raster-to- vector conversion software. The vector files were imported to Arc/Info version 7.2.1. Point data were collected with GPS and hand-held 3COM Palm Pilot III PDA computers. Data from the PDAs were combined in Microsoft Access, and then imported as ASCII text files and DBASE IV (dbf) files into Arc/Info. This report supercedes Barton (1997). Barton, C.B., 1997, Bedrock geologic map of Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest and maps of fractures and geology in roadcuts along Interstate 93, Grafton County, New Hampshire: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 1-2562, scale 1:12,000. Direct questions or comments on the geology to: William C. Burton USGS National Center MS 926A Reston, VA 20192 bburton@usgs.gov OR Gregory J. Walsh USGS P.O. Box 628 Montpelier, VT 05601 gwalsh@usgs.gov Direct questions or comments on the database to: Gregory J. Walsh ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Date of latest revision: February 18, 2000 This database was created in ARC/INFO version 7.2.1 on an IBM PC running Windows NT 4.0. Digitized by Walsh. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Note on Metadata: FGDC compliant metadata for the entire report exists in several output file formats. These files were created using the Tkme and mp metadata creation tools available from: http://geology.usgs.gov/tools/metadata/ These files can be viewed by following the metadata link at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/openfile/of00-045/ Additional metadata files exist for each of the individual coverages. These metadata files were created with DOCUMENT.AML version 2.0.2 and exist as part of the Arc/Info coverage. Use the Arc: "document" command to view the metadata in Arc/Info. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Digital data are in unprojected geographic coordinates (NAD83). Digital map units are in decimal degrees. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Computer Files: The files were archived using UNIX tar and WinZip. The UNIX files were then compressed using UNIX gzip. You can use UNIX utilities to extract the data or use WinZip. Useful URLs: http://www.gzip.org http://winzip.com BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FILES: of0045.tar.gz database files in geographic coordinates (UNIX compressed) of0045.zip database files in geographic coordinates (PC compressed) readme.txt ASCII text description file (this file) of0045p1.ps.gz PostScript file of Plate 1 of 2 (UNIX compressed) of0045p1.zip PostScript file of Plate 1 of 2 (PC compressed) of0045p1.pdf Adobe Portable Document Format of Plate 1 of 2 of0045p2.ps.gz PostScript file of Plate 2 of 2 (UNIX compressed) of0045p2.zip PostScript file of Plate 2 of 2 (PC compressed) of0045p2.pdf Adobe Portable Document Format of Plate 2 of 2 of0045pm.pdf Adobe Portable Document Format of text pamphlet metadata.txt FGDC compliant metadata for entire report * * FGDC compliant metadata for the entire report exist in several output file formats. These files can be viewed by following the metadata link at: http://pubs.usgs.gov/openfile/of00-045/ Coverage specific metadata exist as part of each Arc/Info coverage. Contents of of0045.tar.gz (and of0045.zip) alcwrg.lin bounds.e00 contx.e00 faults.e00 fnt025 fnt038 fnt039 fnt040 geology.mrk hydro.e00 lines.e00 metadata.txt neat.e00 outcx.e00 point.e00 readme.txt roads.e00 strux.e00 topo.e00 wells.e00 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Description of the files: GEOLOGIC COVERAGES: In ARC/INFO Interchange (Export) Format *.e00; use the Arc: IMPORT command to restore. Polygon coverage for the contacts of geologic map units CONTX.E00 Line coverage of geologic faults FAULTS.E00 Line coverage for axial traces, isograds, and cross-section lines LINES.E00 Polygon coverage for neat line boundary NEAT.E00 Polygon coverage for outcrops OUTCX.E00 Point coverage for all structural data (original data set) POINT.E00 Point coverage for structure data shown on Plate 1 (used for cartography) STRUX.E00 BASE MAP COVERAGES: Polygon coverage of political boundary of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest BOUNDS.E00 Data from: Barton, C.B., 1997, Bedrock geologic map of Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest and maps of fractures and geology in roadcuts along Interstate 93, Grafton County, New Hampshire: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 1-2562, scale 1:12,000. Line coverage of surface water hydrography HYDRO.E00 Data modified from: Barton (1997) Some stream locations have been changed slightly from Barton (1997) as the result of remapping using GPS with the federal precise positioning service. Line coverage of roads. ROADS.E00 Data modified from: Barton (1997) and road coverages for the Mt. Kineo and Woodstock 7.5-minute quadrangles obtained from the New Hampshire GRANIT system available at: http://www.granit.sr.unh.edu/. Line coverage for hypsography. Elevations are attributed. Ten foot contour interval. TOPO.E00 Data modified from: Barton (1997) Modifications include corrections to elevation attributes. Original unpublished data from U.S. Forest Service map, 1956. Digitized by Cornell Laboratory for Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing (CLEARS), Center for the Environment, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Point coverage of groundwater wells. WELLS.E00 Data modified from: Barton (1997) Some wells have been added to the dataset from Barton (1997). The well locations were obtained by GPS. SUPPORTING FILES: readme.txt (This ASCII text file) SYMBOLSETS AND FONT FILES: MARKERSET file (copy to any directory, specify a path when using) geology.mrk LINESET file (copy to any directory, specify a path when using) alcwrg.lin FONT FILES (copy to the same workspace as the coverages) fnt025 fnt038 fnt039 fnt040 The symbolsets and font files are modified from the original versions of Fitzgibbon and Wentworth (1991): Fitzgibbon, T.T., and Wentworth, C.M., 1991, ALACARTE User Interface: AML code and demonstration maps, USGS Open-File report 91-587. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The geologic unit polygons in the CONTX coverage was filled with colors from the colornames.shd shadeset in Arc/Info. A lookup table was created in Arc/Info to fill the polygons. The lookup table contains the items CODE and SYMBOL. Here is the content of the lookup table: Record CODE SYMBOL 1 Dg 110 2 Dkg 113 3 Dp 119 4 Sp 19 5 Spp 60 6 Srb 95 7 Srcs 47 8 Srfg 93 9 Srg 96 10 Srgt 101 11 Srlg 49 12 Srq 84 13 Srr 79 14 Srrt 81 15 Srs 85 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following is a brief description of the ARC/INFO coverages. GEOLOGIC COVERAGES: CONTX coverage: Item CODE in CONTX.PAT contains the map unit designators. (Srb, Dkg, etc.) Item LBLTXT in CONTX.PAT is used for selective plotting of code labels; valid entry is 'n' or item is left blank. Item TYPE is a general category of rock type: m=metamorphic and p=plutonic Item LINTYPE in CONTX.AAT is used for plotting different line types. Valid entries are "concealed" where contacts are under water, or item is left blank. Concealed plotted as dotted line. Blank plotted as solid line. Look-up table CONTX.LUT contains the following items: CODE = map unit designator AGE_SORT = a relative number used to sort the units by age FORMATION = the formation name AGE = geologic age of the map unit MAP_UNIT = simplified description of rock type(s) (Complete description is in the accompanying text) Lithology attribute table CONTX.LITH contains the following items: CODE = map unit designator SURF_BED = surficial or bedrock unit LITHPRI = primary lithology in the map unit LITHSEC = secondary lithology in the map unit FORM = formation name ROCKCLASS = rock type AGE = geologic age of the map unit FOSSIL COLOR MINPRI = most characteristic minerals MINSEC = additional common minerals MINOTH = accessory minerals CONTUP CONTLOW FOLPRI = dominant generation of foliation in the rock FOLSEC = subordinate generation of foliation in the rock RMPM = regional prograde-metamorphic minerals RMRM = regional retrograde-metamorphic minerals DEFORMAGE = age of deformation After importing the CONTX.E00 file you will find the look-up table and the lithology attribute table in the INFO directory. If you are using ArcView you can add the tables to the project by navigating to the INFO directory, specifying the INFO file type, and selecting the desired table. If you are using Arc/Info you can access the data in the two tables using either the JOINITEM or RELATE operations and the INFO item CODE. Structural geology point coverages POINT and STRUX: Coverage POINT contains all of the structural data points and the points in the database are located within the polygons in the outcrop coverage -- the point locations are the original mapped locations. Coverages STRUX contains structural data used for cartography on Plate 1. The locations of the points in STRUX have been moved from the original locations in POINT for plotting purposes only. Any spatial analysis should use the POINT coverage data. The STRUX coverage contains annotation for dip and plunge values. The annotation is not present in the POINT coverage. The PAT files for the point coverages contain the following user-defined items: ITEM NAME STATION number of field station POSFMT position format from PLGR+96 GPS unit ZONE UTM zone from PLGR+96 GPS unit HDATUM horizontal datum from PLGR+96 GPS unit HRZERR horizontal error from PLGR+96 GPS unit ELEV elevation from PLGR+96 GPS unit VDATUM vertical datum from PLGR+96 GPS unit ELEVUNIT elevation unit from PLGR+96 GPS unit Note on HRZERR -- The database includes the horizontal accuracy of point features as measured and recorded by the PLGR+96 GPS unit. The stated accuracy of the PLGR+96 is +/- 16 meters. Note on POSFMT through ELEVUNIT -- These fields are recorded by the PLGR+96 GPS unit. In the PAT files, some points do not have entries in these fields. These points have been located without the use of GPS. The following items are described in more detail below: TYPE SUB_TYPE STRIKE units in degrees DIP units in degrees DIPDIR units in degrees REL_AGE SYMBOL SYMBOL_ANG units in degrees ROTATION SPACING units in meters WIDTH units in meters APERTURE units in meters MIN1 MIN2 MIN3 CODE relate item for dikes, same as code in CONTX.PAT and LUT TOPOFEAT NO_MSMT number of multiple measurements for some brittle features ............................................................. Here is the detailed explanation of some of the items: DIP = dip value (planar data) or plunge value (linear data) STRIKE = measured from north in right-hand rule (planar data) DIPDIR = Direction of dip (planar data) or trend (linear data) measured from north For STRIKE and DIPDIR: 0 North = 0 | East = 90 270 -----|----- 90 South = 180 | West = 270 180 SYMBOL_ANG = refers to a standard cartesian angle measured from EAST: 90 North = 90 | East = 0 180 -----|----- 0 South = 270 | West = 180 270 SYMBOL_ANG is used for symbol rotation. In ARC/INFO calculate pseudo item $angle = symbol_ang Planar symbols with symbol_ang = 0 look like this: __________ \/ Linear symbols with symbol_ang = 0 look like this: -----> SYMBOL refers to a pattern number in GEOLOGY.MRK. ROTATION refers to the rotation sense of minor folds as viewed down plunge or offset on minor faults. Valid entries are: clockwise (right-lateral) = cw counterclockwise (left-lateral) = cc REL_AGE refers to the relative age of fabrics. Valid entries are: n-1, n, n+1, n+2, etc. TYPE refers to the general type of geologic structure. Valid entries are: planar, linear, or other SUB_TYPE refers to the specific geologic structure. Valid entries used in this report arranged by TYPE: Record CASE# FREQUENCY TYPE SUB_TYPE 1 1 4 linear elongation 2 2 76 linear fold axis 3 3 14 linear glacial grooves 4 4 6 linear intersection lineation 5 5 5 linear mineral lineation 6 6 1 linear refolded fold axis 7 7 13 linear slickensides 8 8 1 other spring 9 9 79 planar axial surface 10 10 28 planar bedding 11 11 22 planar cleavage 12 12 11 planar deformed schistosity 13 13 76 planar dike 14 14 2 planar fault 15 15 22 planar foliation 16 16 4 planar graded bedding 17 17 17 planar igneous flow foliation 18 18 1579 planar joint 19 19 17 planar joint set 20 20 24 planar joint zone 21 21 76 planar layer parallel schistosity 22 22 3 planar mylonite 23 23 13 planar normal fault 24 24 4 planar overturned bedding 25 25 1 planar refolded axial surface 26 26 1 planar reverse fault 27 27 599 planar schistosity 28 28 24 planar vein ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following are also used in the POINT coverage: SPACING spacing of joints in joint sets in meters WIDTH width of joint zone or thickness of dike in meters APERTURE aperture of joint openings in meters The following are used in the POINT coverage to describe minerals on joint surfaces and in veins: MIN1 primary mineral MIN2 secondary mineral MIN3 tertiary mineral The following values are used in the report, some were modified after Kretz (1983): ank ankerite dol dolomite hem hematite lm limonite ms muscovite pyl pyrolusite qtz quartz sil sillimanite sul sulfides tur tourmaline Kretz, R., 1983, Symbols for rock-forming minerals: American Mineralogist, v. 68, nos. 1-2, p. 277-279. TOPOFEAT topographic feature parallel to geologic structure Values used in this report include: cliff stream joint face Line coverage FAULT contains the following item: TYPE = type of fault (normal, reverse, thrust, etc.) Line coverage LINES contains the following item: TYPE = type of geologic line (axial traces, folds, isograds, cross-section lines, etc.) Polygon coverage NEAT represents the neat line boundary of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest project area Polygon coverage OUTCX represents the location of bedrock outcrops within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest project area ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BASE MAP COVERAGES: Polygon coverage BOUNDS represents the political boundary of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Line and polygon coverage HYDRO represents the surface water hydrography within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Line coverage ROADS contains the following items: GRANITID = GRANIT-assigned feature number (http://www.granit.sr.unh.edu/) CLASS = GRANIT-assigned feature number (http://www.granit.sr.unh.edu/) Line coverage TOPO contains the following items: ELEV = elevation in feet above mean sea level CI = contour interval (in feet) used for plotting SYMBOL = line symbol used for plotting Point coverage WELLS contains the following items: ROCKTYPE = Lower Rangeley (lr), Upper Rangeley (ur), and Concord Granite (cg) SYMB = symbol value used for rplotting PTYPE = point type (well) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end