Table 2. Withdrawal time and depth tables (Krumbein and Pettijohn, 1938; Milner, 1962; Folk, 1974). A: temperature of suspension maintained at 20oC ; B: temperature of suspension maintained at 24oC; C: temperature maintained at 32oC. Hours: h; minutes: m; seconds: s.

A                                                                            B

PHI            WITHDRAWAL      TIME                PHI             WITHDRAWAL       TIME
CLASS      DEPTH (CM)            (20oC)               CLASS        DEPTH (CM)            (24oC)

4                  20                                20s                   4                   20                               20s
5                  10                                lm56s               5                   10                               1m45s
6                  10                               7m44s               6                   10                               6m58s
7                  10                               31m                   7                   10                               28m
8                  10                               2h3m                 8                   10                               lh51m
9                    5                               4h6m                 9                   10                              7h24m
10                  5                              16h24m              10                   5                             14h50m
11                  5                              62h15m              11                   5                             59h20m
                                                                                 12                   5                           237h20m
                                                                                 13                   5                           949h


PHI            WITHDRAWAL        TIME
CLASS       DEPTH (CM)            (32oC)

4                   20                                 20s
5                   10                                 1m30s
6                   10                                 6m
7                   10                                23m
8                   10                             1h34m
9                    5                              2h58m
10                  5                              6h11m
11                  5                            24h43m