Geologic map and digital database of the Porcupine Wash 7.5 minute quadrangle, Riverside County, California By Robert E. Powell 1 Digital preparation by Pamela M. Cossette 1 Readme, version 1.0 Open-File Report 01-30 Online version 1.0 2001 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Prepared in cooperation with National Park Service California Division of Mines and Geology A product of the Southern California Areal Mapping Project ____________________ 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Western Region Earth Surface Processes Team W904 Riverside Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201-1087 For database limitations, see following page DATABASE LIMITATIONS Content This database is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This database, identified as " Geologic map and digital database of the Porcupine Wash 7.5 minute quadrangle, Riverside County, California," has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held responsible for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. Spatial Resolution Use of this digital geologic map should not violate the spatial resolution of the data. The Porcupine Wash database was developed using digital orthophotograph quarter quadrangles (DOQQs) as a base. DOQQs have a pixel resolution of 1 m and are accurate to a scale of 1:12,000 (1 in = 1,000 ft). Any enlargement beyond 1:12,000 exceeds the spatial resolution of the geologic data and should not be used in lieu of a more detailed site-specific geologic evaluation. Similarly, the digital topographic base map is derived from the U.S. Geological Survey, 1:24,000-scale Porcupine Wash 7.5 minute quadrangle (provisional edition, 1986); any enlargement beyond 1:24,000 exceeds the spatial resolution of the topographic data. Where the geologic data is used in combination with the topographic data, the resolution of the combined output is limited by the lower resolution of the topographic data. Where this database is used in combination with other data of higher resolution, the resolution of the combined output will be limited by the lower resolution of these data. Table of contents DATABASE LIMITATIONS ................................................. ii Content ........................................................ ii Spatial Resolution ............................................. ii INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 1 WHERE TO OBTAIN THE DATABASE ......................................... 2 DATABASE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE OPEN-FILE WEBSITE .............. 3 Title .......................................................... 3 Authors ........................................................ 3 Introduction ................................................... 3 Browse graphic image ........................................... 3 Explanatory files .............................................. 3 Database files ................................................. 4 Files for viewing and plotting ................................. 4 HOW TO ACCESS THE DATABASE ........................................... 5 Extracting the database files .................................. 5 Converting the ARC/INFO interchange/export files ............... 6 DATABASE CONTENTS AND STRUCTURE ...................................... 7 HOW TO OBTAIN A PAPER PLOT OF THE GEOLOGIC MAP ....................... 9 HOW TO ACCESS PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT (.PDF) FILES .................. 10 HOW TO OBTAIN METADATA ............................................... 10 LIST OF URLs CITED ................................................... 11 U.S. Geological Survey websites ................................ 11 Software websites .............................................. 12 INTRODUCTION Open-File Report 01-30 is a digital geologic data set that maps and describes the geology of the Porcupine Wash 7.5 minute quadrangle, Riverside County, southern California. The Porcupine Wash database is one of several quadrangle databases that are in preparation for Joshua Tree National Park and vicinity. These quadrangles are a subset of digital quadrangle maps being generated for the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP). The SCAMP maps are, in turn, part of the nation-wide digital geologic map coverage being developed by the National Cooperative Geologic Map Project (NCGMP) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The Porcupine Wash data set consists of a digital geologic map database accompanied by graphics, plot, and explanatory files. The digital database was created using ARCVIEW, version 3.2, and ARC/INFO, version 7.2.1, commercial Geographical Information System (GIS) software designed by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Redlands, California ( The database includes five ARC/INFO map coverages: geology, dikes, structural data, ornamentation indicating relative movement of fault blocks, and leaders for annotated map unit symbols. It also contains a scanned 1:24,000-scale topographic base and supporting SCAMP symbolsets. PostScript and Portable Document Format files contain a geologic map generated from the database combined with map margin explanatory information created in Adobe Illustrator. Other PDF and ASCII text files contain metadata, a readme document, an explanatory pamphlet, and stand-alone versions of the map-margin Correlation of Map and Database Units (CMU) and Description of Map and Database Units (DMU). As yet, not all of the detailed information about geologic units contained in the map-margin explanation has been entered into the digital database. The Porcupine Wash quadrangle lies between 115° 45' and 115° 52' 30" west longitude and 33° 52' 30" and 33° 45' north latitude. The 7.5 minute quadrangle is subdivided in latitude and longitude by a 2.5-minute tic grid that is marked on the topographic map. For the digital coverages, only the four corner tics that represent the geographic extent of the quadrangle have been generated mathematically in ARC/INFO. Geologic map information entered into ARC/INFO has been spatially registered using the four tics that represent the geographic extent of the quadrangle. Both the geologic database and the topographic base map are represented in polyconic projection referenced to the NAD27 datum. (See metadata for more information about projection.) In mapping real-world geologic features into the database, geologic contacts, faults, and dikes are represented as lines (arcs), geologic units as polygons and regions, and site-specific structural data as points. ARC/INFO records the spatial coordinates and topology of each feature and links it to a polygon, arc, or point attribute table (.pat, .aat, and .pat, respectively) that uniquely identifies the feature. Feature-attribute tables can be related to other tables that further describe and classify the geologic features. (See metadata and explanatory pamphlet for more information about geologic content of database.) WHERE TO OBTAIN THE DATABASE The Porcupine Wash 7.5 minute quadrangle data set is available on the USGS Western Region Geologic Publications Server. The data set may be downloaded from the website or by anonymous ftp from the Publications Server: Server: Directory: /pub/open-file/of01-30. The Porcupine Wash geologic map and database can also be accessed through links to the Western Region Geologic Publication Server by any of the following paths: * This website provides links to SCAMP-related digital geologic mapping in southern California. The site lists new releases by year and title * This website provides links to USGS Western Region digital geologic maps, including Open-File. The site lists new releases series and number * This website provides links to all digital USGS Open-File Reports that contain digital map databases. The site lists the Open-File Reports by number along with the title and author(s) of the report * This website provides links to all digital USGS Open-File Report maps via their metadata files. The site lists the Open-File Reports by number along with the title of the report (see 'How to obtain metadata' below) DATABASE AS AVAILABLE ON USGS GEOPUBS SERVER On the USGS Western Region Geologic Publications Server (geopubs) website for the Porcupine Wash geologic map and digital database, information is arranged as follows: Title Geologic map and digital database of the Porcupine Wash 7.5 minute quadrangle, Riverside County, southern California Authors Robert E. Powell Pamela M. Cossette (digital cartography) Introduction Browse-graphic image Page-sized, non-navigable image of geologic map with marginal explanation (pwash_browse.jpg: ~35 KB JPEG image of geologic map with marginal explanation) Explanatory files * Readme tabulates contents of database and describes how to access them. Provided on website in ASCII text and Portable Document formats * Metadata file contains detailed technical descriptions of structure and content of digital data. Provided on website as parseable text in ASCII format, and as outline in Hypertext Markup Language format. Also available on the USGS Geologic Division Node of the National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse in these two and other formats (see 'How to obtain metadata' below). * Explanatory pamphlet describes approach used in building database, and discusses purpose, content, and geologic framework of database. Provided on website in ASCII text and Portable Document formats File name File type and description File size ====================================================================== pwash_readme.txt ASCII readme file 25 KB pwash_readme.pdf PDF readme file 116 KB pwash_pamph.txt ASCII version of explanatory pamphlet 50 KB pwash_pamph.pdf PDF version of explanatory pamphlet 163 KB pwash_met.txt ASCII metadata file 68 KB pwash_met.html HTML metadata file 88 KB Database files Database files are packaged as a tarred and gzipped file that bundles and compresses the following information: * Database files: ASCII-formatted ARC/INFO interchange/export (.e00) file for each ARC/INFO coverage, symbolset, and dictionary. (See 'Database contents and structure' below.) * ASCII text files for readme, metadata, and explanatory pamphlet File name File type and description File size ================================================================ pwash.tar.gz GZIP compressed 25.5-MB TAR 5.5 MB bundle of all database files Files for viewing and plotting * Gzip-compressed PostScript plot-file for generating paper copy of geologic map with marginal explanation * Portable Document Format file containing full-sized, navigable graphic image of geologic map with marginal explanation * Portable Document Format files containing stand-alone versions of Description of Map and Database Units (DMU) and Correlation of Map and Database Units (CMU) from map-margin explanation File name File type and description File size ========================================================================== Gzipped 244-MB PostScript plot file of map 9.5 MB with marginal explanation pwash_map.pdf PDF file containing geologic map 5.4 MB with marginal explanation pwash_cmu.pdf PDF Correlation of Map & Database Units file 54 KB pwash_dmu.pdf PDF Description of Map & Database Units file 54 KB HOW TO ACCESS THE DATABASE Extracting the database files The Porcupine Wash database files have been bundled and compressed using tar and gzip utilities. Before attempting to unzip the file after downloading, be sure that the .gz extension is present in the file name. Extraction creates the directory pwash/ that contains the database in ARC/INFO interchange (.e00) files, the topographic map in a GEOTIFF file, and the readme, metadata, and explanatory pamphlet in ASCII text files. The database interchange files include five ARC/INFO coverages and supporting symbolsets and dictionaries. Tar and uncompress utilities are included in most UNIX systems, and are available free of charge for all systems at various websites: Gnu Software: (UNIX tar and gzip) (This web page links to mirror archive sites for Gnu tar and gzip utilities) Gnu zip: (UNIX gzip) CNET Shareware: (Macintosh and Windows) (Search for 'tar' or 'gzip' for any Macintosh or Windows operating system.) WinZip: (Windows gzip) USGS Public Domain Software web page: (UNIX and Macintosh) (Provides links to Washington University at St. Louis Gnu archive for UNIX tar and gzip; and to AOL mirror site for Macintosh tar and gzip) Internet Literacy's Common Internet File Formats: (Macintosh and Windows tar and gzip) (Note: this website has not been maintained since December 1995) Converting the ARC/INFO interchange/export files The ARC interchange/export (.e00) files are converted to ARC coverages using the ARC command IMPORT. 1. Change directories to the pwash/ directory 2. At the UNIX command prompt, launch ARC/INFO by typing "arc" 3. From the ARC command line type: import