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Open-File Report 01-290

Geologic Map and Digital Database of the San Rafael Mtn. 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Santa Barbara County, California

By John G. Vedder, Richard G. Stanley, S.E. Graham, and Z.C. Valin

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (19.8 MB)Abstract

Geologic mapping of the San Rafael Primitive Area (now the San Rafael Wilderness) by Gower and others (1966) and Vedder and others (1967) did not include all of the San Rafael Mtn. quadrangle, and the part that was mapped was done in reconnaissance fashion. To help resolve some of the structural and stratigraphic ambiguities of the earlier mapping and to complete the mapping of the quadrangle, additional field work was done during short intervals in 1980 and 1981 and from 1996 to 1998. Contacts within the belt of Franciscan rocks at the southwestern corner of the quadrangle were generalized from the detailed map by Wahl (1998).

Because extensive areas were inaccessible owing to impenetrable chaparral, observations from several helicopter overflights (1965, 1980, 1981) and interpretations from aerial photographs were used as compilation aids. Consequently, some of the depicted contacts and faults are highly inferential, particularly within the Upper Cretaceous rocks throughout the middle part of the quadrangle.

First posted October 25, 2001

Readme's and Metadata


  • Database package TAR.GZ (11.3 MB)
    Database package in ARC/INFO 7.x uncompressed export format along with supporting materials in a compressed (using gzip) UNIX tar file (see the explanation pamphlet for details)

Files for viewing and plotting

  • Map PS.GZ (11.5 MB)
    Full-color geologic map of the San Rafael Mtn. quadrangle at 1:24,000 scale on the topographic base, including a detailed Correlation of Map Units diagram, and an expanded Description of Map Units, in plottable PostScript format. File compressed using gzip.

For additional information, contact:
Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road, MS 901
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3591

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Suggested citation:

Vedder, John G., Stanley, Richard G., Graham, S. E., Valin, Z. C., 2001, Geologic Map and Digital Database of the San Rafael Mtn. 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Santa Barbara County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-290, 22 pp.,

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