U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01–018
IntroductionThis year’s Planetary Geologic Mappers meeting was held at the U.S. Geological Survey Flagstaff Field Center on June 22-23, 2000, with an optional field trip on Saturday the 24th. Though the meeting started at 9 a.m. on Thursday morning, meeting attendees were notified the night before of a NASA Press Conference announcing the discovery by the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on Mars Global Surveyor of possibly very young fluid-carved gullies on pole-facing slopes at middle latitudes on Mars. Investigators who are currently funded by the Planetary Geology & Geophysics (PG&G) Planetary Geologic Mapping Program are required to present their progress at this meeting. Preliminary reviews of these presentations are forwarded to the PG&G panel meeting at the end of July. At the same time, this science meeting affords the investigators a unique opportunity to present new science to an audience of people similarly focused on geologic mapping issues. It is an excellent place to get feedback on specific concerns regarding mapping conventions, styles, or formats, such as involving digital mapping software packages. In addition, individuals who wished to present plans for future mapping, such as describing plans in a new mapping proposal, were encouraged to do so. The meeting began with presentations from Mars mappers on Thursday morning through early afternoon. Then, focus switched to Venus mappers on Thursday afternoon through Friday morning. After the map presentations, Ken Tanaka spoke about age-dating issues for geologic mapping. Ken’s talk was followed by two proposals for future regional Mappers’ meetings. The first presentation, by Tim Parker, described preliminary plans for hosting a meeting in Delta, Utah, with a ~3-day field trip to study volcanic and sedimentary stratigraphy and geomorphology in the southern Bonneville Basin. The second presentation, by Larry Crumpler, described plans to hold a Mappers’ meeting and field trip to investigate volcanological and structural features in New Mexico. On Saturday, the remaining mappers were treated to a field trip to several ground water springs in and around Flagstaff. Also present was a reporter and camera crew from Space.com, who were interested in hearing what the scientists had to say regarding the press conference announcement. Thanks to all who took part in the interviews throughout the day! Beginning this year, Ken Tanaka solicited one-page (including figures) abstracts pertaining to planetary geologic maps and mapping procedures. This volume is the compilation of abstracts submitted by the meeting attendees. |
Last modified March 16, 2012
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Parker, T., Tanaka, K.L., and Hirsch, D.D., eds., 2001, Abstracts of the Annual Planetary Geologic Mappers meeting, June 22–24, 2000, with a section on Field trip notes; geologic controls on select springs near Flagstaff, Arizona, by Bills, D.J.: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01–018, 53 p., available at https://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/of01-018/.
Geologic map of the MTM 85080 quadrangle, Planum Boreum region of Mars By K.E. Herkenhoff
Geologic and topographic mapping of the south polar region of Mars: Local stratigraphic relations and troughs of Planum Australe By E.J. Kolb and K.L. Tanaka
Geologic mapping of the Reull Vallis region of Mars By D.A. Crown and S.C. Mest
Progress in geologic mapping of the northern plains of Mars By K.L. Tanaka, M.G. Chapman, J.A. Skinner, T. Joyal, A. Wenker, and T.M. Hare
South Isidis rim: Testing geologic contact mapping using MOC data By L.S. Crumpler, K.L. Tanaka, and T.M. Hare
Geology of Bereghinya quadrangle (V-8), Venus By G.E. McGill
Geologic mapping and history of the Ovda Regio quadrangle (V-35), Venus By L.F. Bleamaster and V.L. Hansen
Rusalka Planitia quadrangle (V-25), Venus: Early results By D.A. Young and V.L. Hansen
Hestia Rupes (V-22) and Ix Chel Chasma (V-34) quadrangles By M.S. Gilmore and R.S. Saunders
Nepthys Mons quadrangle (V-54): Progress report for year 1 By N. Bridges
Geologic mapping in Ganiki Planitia (V-13), Venus By M.A. Ivanov and J.W. Head
Stratigraphy and evolution of Quetzalpetlatl Corona (V-61), Venus By M.A. Ivanov and J.W. Head
Mapping of the Hecate Chasma quadrangle (V-28), Venus By E.R. Stofan and J.E. Guest
Planetary geologic map units: Limitations and implementation By K.L. Tanaka and J.M. Dohm
A virtual collaborative web environment for Mars surface science studies By V.C. Gulick, D.G. Deardorff, G.A. Briggs, T.A. Sandstrom, and Y. Hung
Field trip notes: Geologic controls on select springs near Flagstaff, Arizona By D.J. Bills
Planetary Mappers Meeting agenda
Attendance list