U.S. Geological Survey

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 01-166
Online only
Online version 1.01


Magnesium Recycling in the United States in 1998


Deborah A. Kramer



As concern for the environment has grown in recent years, the importance of recycling has become more evident. The more materials that are recycled, the fewer natural resources will be consumed and the fewer waste products will end up in landfills, in the water, and in the air. As one of a series of reports on metals recycling, this report discusses the 1998 flow of magnesium from extraction through its uses with particular emphasis on recycling. In 1998, the recycling rate for magnesium was estimated to be 33 percent -- almost 60 percent of the magnesium that was recycled came from new scrap, primarily waste from diecasting operations. The principal source of old scrap was recycled aluminum beverage cans.

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For questions about the content of this report, contact Deborah A. Kramer

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