Figure 13.--Photographs of features in proximal turbidites (classification of Walker, 1967) in the main turbidite member of the Minturn Formation at stop 3.

[Photo of Bouma sequence]

A) Bouma sequences with massive to graded intervals separated by shaley partings. Note large shale clast beneath pick..

[Photo of granules and pebbles in graded beds]

B) Granules and small pebbles are visible in many graded intervals of Minturn Bouma sequences.

[Photo of proximal turbidite]

C) Proximal turbidite showing a thick graded interval, a prominent shale clast, and a basal contact that appears to be erosional on underlying thin beds.

[Photo of flame structures]

D) Prominent flame structures above pick are assymetric load casts, suggestive of formation during deposition. The upper part of the graded bed with flame structure has been scoured by the overlying graded bed (middle of photo).

[Photo of amalgamated graded beds]

E) Amalgamation of two graded beds (center), suggestive of 1) erosion and scouring by turbidity flows, or 2) separation of a single turbidity flow into two flows.

[Photo of Zoophycus trace fossil]

F) Zoophycus trace fossils in float (examples can be found at stop 3, but this photograph was taken west of of Cotton Lake).