Open-File Report 02-126
SummaryThe purpose of this study is
This data is used to gain some understanding of the physical and chemical processes that control those metal contents. It is hoped this study can be used to guide potential future remedial actions aimed at reducing the biologic impact of metal-enriched sediments in this area. This work was undertaken in cooperation with the Washington Department of Ecology and the Environmental Protection Agency. |
First posted March 20, 2002
Shapefiles for Spokane River geologic units, in ArcView
The National Geologic Map Database has additional data about this publication For additional information, contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF). For best results viewing and printing PDF documents, it is recommended that you download the documents to your computer and open them with Adobe Reader. PDF documents opened from your browser may not display or print as intended. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Box, Stephen E., Wallis, John C., 2002, Surficial geology along the Spokane River, Washington and its relationship to the metal content of sediments (Idaho-Washington stateline to Latah Creek confluence): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File report 02-126, 76 pp.,
Geologic background
Geochemistry of the surficial sediments
Description of map units