AVIRIS Data Calibration Information: Oquirrh and East Tintic Mountains, Utah
Version 1.0
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(This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508.)
This report contains detailed information regarding the reflectance calibration of spectroscopic imagery acquired over the Oquirrh and East Tintic Mountains, Utah, by the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) sensor on August 5, 1998. This information was used by the USGS Spectroscopy Laboratory (see http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov) to calibrate the AVIRIS imagery to unitless reflectance prior to spectral analysis. The actual data used for the calibration are provided for downloading, as well as instructions for applying the data to the AVIRIS imagery which is available from NASA JPL. Also provided is a step-by-step methodology for calibrating imaging spectrometer data to reflectance using ground targets.
The Utah AVIRIS data were analyzed as a part of the USEPA-USGS Utah Abandoned Mine Lands Imaging Spectroscopy Project (see http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/earth.studies/Utah-1/utah-1.html).
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