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Coastal & Marine Geology Program > National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards > Open File Report 03-337

An Overview of Coastal Land Loss: With Emphasis on the Southeastern United States

USGS Open File Report 03-337

by: Robert A. Morton

Figure 1. Common physical and anthropogenic causes of coastal land loss.
Primary Causes of Coastal Land Loss
Natural Processes
Agent Examples
Erosion waves and currents
Sediment Reduction climate change
stream avulsion
source depletion
Submergence land subsidence
sea-level rise
Wetland Deterioration herbivory
saltwater intrusion
Human Activities
Agent Examples
Transportation boat wakes, altered water circulation
Coastal Construction sediment deprivation (bluff retention)
coastal structures (jetties, groins, seawalls)
River Modification control and diversion (dams, levees)
Fluid Extraction water, oil, gas, sulfur
Climate Alteration global warming and ocean expansion
increased frequency and intensity of storms
Excavation dredging (canal, pipelines, drainage)
mineral extraction (sand, shell, heavy mins.)
Wetland Destruction pollutant discharge
failed reclamation

Coastal & Marine Geology Program > National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards > Open File Report 03-337

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