Open File Report 03-280 provides raw brittle structures field data collected in the vicinity of the Red River Watershed and ground-water basin (RRW) by the author primarily during autumn of 2002. The data were collected as part of a U.S. Geological Survey investigation of the geological and hydrogeological conditions in the vicinity of the southern margin of the Questa Caldera, northeastern New Mexico. The data include detailed outcrop scale measurements, observations, and descriptions of lithology and geologic structure within and around a well exposed and mineralized Tertiary caldera. Fault zone and fracture network geologic and geometric properties such as orientation, composition, mineralization and alteration, density, length, width, etc. were recorded and numerous rock samples were collected. The field data were tabulated into a computer spreadsheet program and will be used to characterize the geologic and geometric properties of fracture networks and fault zones related to episodes of tectonism, volcanism, and magmatism that occurred in the various rock units from Precambrian though Tertiary times. Characteristics of these structures will likely provide insight into the potential affects that they may have on the present-day hydrogeology of the northwestern Red River ground-water basin and watershed.