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Compilation of Data to Support Development of a Pesticide Management Plan by the Yankton Sioux Tribe, Charles Mix County, South Dakota

By Bryan D. Schaap

Open-File Report 2004-1032

This report is available as a pdf.

Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is working with the Yankton Sioux Tribe to develop a pesticide management plan to reduce potential for contamination of ground water that may result from the use of registered pesticides. The purpose of this study was to compile technical information to support development of a pesticide management plan by the Yankton Sioux Tribe for the area within the Yankton Sioux Reservation, Charles Mix County, South Dakota. Five pesticides (alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, metolachlor, and simazine) were selected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the management plan approach because they had been identified as probable or possible human carcinogens and they often had been associated with ground-water contamination in many areas and at high concentrations.

This report provides a compilation of data to support development of a pesticide management plan. Available data sets are summarized in the text of this report, and actual data sets are provided in one Compact Disk—Read-Only Memory that is included with the report.

The compact disk contains data sets pertinent to the development of a pesticide management plan. Pesticide use for the study area is described using information from state and national databases. Within South Dakota, pesticides commonly are applied to corn and soybean crops, which are the primary row crops grown in the study area. Water-quality analyses for pesticides are summarized for several surface-water sites. Pesticide concentrations in most samples were found to be below minimum reporting levels. Topographic data are presented in the form of 30-meter digital elevation model grids and delineation of drainage basins. Geohydrologic data are provided for the surficial deposits and the bedrock units. A high-resolution (30-by-30 meters) land-cover and land-use database is provided and summarized in a tabular format. More than 91 percent of the study area is used for row crops, pasture, or hay, and almost 6 percent of the study area is covered by water or wetlands. Average monthly and yearly precipitation data are summarized in a tabular format. Irrigation information associated with permitted and licensed diversion points is provided. A composite of aerial photographs of Charles Mix County is provided. This report also describes and summarizes the data sets and files, and how the data are relevant to development of a pesticide management plan.




Purpose and Scope

Description of Study Area

Data Sets

Pesticide Use

Pesticide Concentrations in Surface Water

Topographic Data

Geohydrologic Data

Land Cover and Use




Selected References

Supplemental Information


Suggested Citation:
Schaap, B.D., 2004, Compilation of data to support development of a pesticide management plan by the Yankton Sioux Tribe, Charles Mix County, South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1032, 23 p.

This report is available online in Portable Document Format (PDF). If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, it is available for free download from Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Download the Report (PDF, 1.3MB). You can also download actual Data Sets: data set1 (ZIP, 5.5MB) | data set2 (ZIP, 338MB) consists of orthophotos.

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Send questions or comments about this report to the author, B.D. Schaap (605) 352-4241 ext. 226.

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